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Posts posted by PapaReap

  1. @major_shepard,

    First off, I want to tip my hat to you for your continued devotion to this project, your excellent work and the help you provide to the community, this is wonderful.

    My group and I have been using a3s for about as long as it has been around. After I first set it up on our rented server, the only maintenance I've had is just build/sync for the past years, kudos to you :rthumb:


    It's been a while since I've actually looked back to this forum topic, I decided to start from post 1 and read through the 85 pages now and catch up (I've forgotten how much a3s has evolved).


    My interest was the possibility of hosting the repo files to a cloud drive, such as Google Drive. 

    I'm playing with the idea of dropping my rented server and going to a local dedicated rig for hosting game play at my house (separate from my gaming rig, but on same network).

    I would then setup the ftp server on this machine. The only issue I would have by doing this would be, my internet speed to upload sync'd repo to our members (mod set upwards 40gb) would be sub-par and not really a option I would take.


    This leads me to this question,

    The only real suggestion that I could find concerning google drive is here.


    On 3/19/2017 at 4:47 PM, major_shepard said:


    Currently you can use ArmA3Sync with Google Drive witch use HTTP hosting along with partial file transfer support (for ArmA3Sync zsync/http protocol).


    I you want to add the access of any P2P remote service into ArmA3Sync, feel free to do it, here are the sources svn://www.sonsofexiled.fr/repository/ArmA3Sync/releases


    Is this a reality of using google drive to host the source of the download/sync, and if so how exactly would one accomplish this vrs the way I do it now,

    ftp on rented dedicated server using fileZilla (same server hosting modset)?


    If this is a possibility I would gladly accept any guidance on this matter, if not possible, I understand too.


    Once again, thank you very much for your work with a3s.


    • Like 1

  2. One of our members was having these same problems (memory read/write crash), actually, his game wouldn't even launch to the menu.


    His problem seemed to be related to full screen.

    We fixed his problem by having him launch the game in windowed mode, then switching after in game to full screen windowed.

  3. 13 hours ago, killzone_kid said:

    Have you tried to rearrange GUI elements in layouts to suit your resolution?



    Yes I have, several different ways actually. From my earlier post you can see that here I have moved all hud options onto my center monitor (saved and restarted).

    However, as you can see in this photo that the hint dialog appears to the far right monitor. This is a bug I believe, because as the picture shows, my layout it is located center monitor.

    There are also other items that appear to the far right monitor that I hadn't mentioned as they are from other mods used (primarily task force radio).

    While obviously the game can still be played, this removal of the aspect ratio option has taken this game a few steps backwards imo.


    Other than the hud while gaming, the whole GUI is not friendly whatsoever.

    Simple things like picking mission parameters, the options are to the very far left of left monitor, while the selections are to the very far right monitor.

    I have to highlight each line just to be able to see what selection goes with what option (my eyes can't track very far across 5' of screen).


    In my group alone, we have at least 5 members that use either surround or eyefinity setups. All of them are complaining of several problems that never existed prior to this last update.

    One of them even has given up on his triple monitor setup and is only playing with a single display.


    Just seems like there could be some kind of exception for multi-display settings. If we can figure out how to game with multi-displays, we should be able to set the right aspect ratio to game with.


    On 12/2/2016 at 11:55 AM, PapaReap said:
    After adjusting and saving a custom hud to return my hud to center monitor, there appears to be a bug what won't allow hints and radio boxes display where set from custom hud setting.


    This is 2.5' from center of game play, most hints will never be seen. Again, taking eyes way away from important game play.






  4. Yeah, I hadn't even discussed what a pain it is going to and from eyefinity display.

    I like to use Arma in fullscreen window mode (easier in editor to switch to other monitors for editing, copy, paste, etc...).

    Prior to removing aspect ratio adjustment, I would choose my aspect ratio, switch to whichever display I wanted, restart game and good to go.


    CaptTyler425 don't know if any of this will work for you to get by, but this is now what I have to do to get any kind of playablity.

    Not sure about nvida surround vrs amd eyefinity similarities, but it seems to be affecting both of us in one way or another.


    Steps if I want to run the game in eyefinity.

    1) Options / Video / Display - switch to fullscreen, 1680x1050 (16:10).

    2) Exit game.

    3) Enable eyefinity display.

    4) Restart Arma.

    5) Options / Video / Display - switch to fullscreen window, 5292x1050 (restart required).

    6) Restart Arma again.

    7) Play game.


    Steps to disable eyefinity.

    1) Options / Video / Display - switch to fullscreen, 1680x1050 (16:10).

    2) Exit game.

    3) Disable eyefinity display.

    4) Restart Arma.

    5) I then fumble my way to (only because I have the tabs memorized) Options / Video / Display - choose 1680x1050 (16:10) resolution to fix screen font.

    6) Choose Fullscreen Window

    7) Exit and restart Arma again.


    Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy Arma. I have over 10k hours in Arma 3 alone between playing and in the editor.


    Prior to this last change I would give the "user experience" a 10.

    Now, I would have to give that same rating a 4.


    Below are just a few more screens of the messed up ui


    Unreadable menus






    Missing menus




    • Like 1

  5. I'm not sure they're taking into account what triple head users are dealing with after this aspect ratio change.

    I use 3 monitor eyefinity for the added peripheral vision during game play.

    However, with around 5' of horizontal screen area it is quite cumbersome to have to look all the way across 3 screens to see and click on screen options.

    Before this aspect removal all options were allowed to be on the center screen.


    I would hope the dev's will look at this matter and come up with a possible solution and allow the return of aspect ratio adjustments. 

    If only 10% are unable to adjust their screen ratio properly, perhaps allow for the other 90% to have other options to adjust their ratios.

    If even through other settings, we should be able to enjoy our game play as we have in the past.


    Below are screen shots of triple head game play. If this is what you intended triple monitor game play to be, then I believe this is a big step backwards.

    I only hope this was a oversite and there will be a fix coming soon.


    The photos below are taken over 3 monitors at 5292x 1050, viewing distance is roughly 20". With these recent adjustments, I might just get a case of whiplash :wacko:  
















    After adjusting and saving a custom hud to return my hud to center monitor, there appears to be a bug what won't allow hints and radio boxes display where set from custom hud setting.

    This is 2.5' from center of game play, most hints will never be seen. Again, taking eyes way away from important game play.






    Having the chat box to the far left monitor is no good, side monitors are for peripheral vision and taking eyes off center monitor is way too distracting and removes eyes from game play.

    Again, chat box is 2.5' to the left. Not good to remove eyes this far from action to see type.


    • Like 2

  6. Yeah, I coded the ACE damage part as people requested a change from the everywhere-injured thing with setDamage. I made it so setHit is locally executed and it does in fact work, however not with ACE medical. It would be great if ACE medical had some functions I could use.

    And yeah I think the damage command not working is still a thing, but I wonder if getHit works...I haven't tested it.


    Anyway, a direct question; How can I apply ACE damage artificially? A push in the right direction would go a long way, I already opened up ace_medical and went through several functions files but I must've overlooked it.


    Kind regards,



    Not sure if this is what you're looking for but here is what I use to set damage to individual body parts with ace for whatever reasons the mission might need.

    Bodypart = "HitRightLeg", "HitLeftLeg", "HitRightArm", "HitLeftArm", "HitBody", "HitHead"; 
    Damage = 0 - 1; 
    player setHitPointDamage [bodypart, Damage]; 
    Example: player1 setHitPointDamage ["HitRightLeg", 0.4]; 

  7. Also unrelated, is there a way through scripts to set a player's wounds back to healed? There's been times where through some bug or problem that a player got injured, and setting their damage to 0 and waking them up works if they're not in pain, but if they're in pain and/or bleeding, there's no way to get them back up for more than a moment through the debug console or scripts.

    Thanks in advance!

    Soulis6, you could try this if you have debug and know players name (man1) or whatever, should make them 100% good to go, you could tweak the numbers if you wanted to leave some damage.

    playerName setVariable ["ace_medical_bloodVolume", 100, true];

    playerName setVariable ["ace_medical_pain", 0, true];

    playerName setVariable ["ACE_isUnconscious", false, true];

  8. First, thank you for your script :)

    Now to my question.

    In your sample mission for example,

    If I play with one ai player enabled, say, player "s2", play as player "s1" myself, then disable "s3" and "s4", everything appears to work in game fine.

    However, the arma3.rpt file will fill up with errors from the disabled ai that are not being used and just keep repeating over and over, making a rather large error log.

    I would like to use this revive script with 8-24 player missions with ai disabled. At times only a few random slots will be filled by human players and the remaining slots will be disabled.

    I'm concerned about the performance with the server having to deal will all these errors. Is there a way to prevent this error from happening?

    Here is a short 15 second or so rpt log below

    NORRN_player_units = [s1,s2,s3,s4];

    _max_respawns = (param>

    Error position: <s3,s4];

    _max_respawns = (param>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: s3

    File G:\Users\PapaJohn\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\PapaReap\mpmissions\Revive_4_ArmA3_v061.Stratis\revive_init.sqf, line 46

    Error in expression <er_units = NORRN_player_units +['%1']", _x]} forEach _unitsArray;

    if (isServer &>

    Error position: <_x]} forEach _unitsArray;

    if (isServer &>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: _x

    File G:\Users\PapaJohn\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\PapaReap\mpmissions\Revive_4_ArmA3_v061.Stratis\revive_sqf\init_related_scripts.sqf, line 14

    Error in expression <er_units = NORRN_player_units +['%1']", _x]} forEach _unitsArray;

    if (isServer &>

    Error position: <_x]} forEach _unitsArray;

    if (isServer &>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: _x

    File G:\Users\PapaJohn\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\PapaReap\mpmissions\Revive_4_ArmA3_v061.Stratis\revive_sqf\init_related_scripts.sqf, line 14

    c:\w\c_branch\poseidon\futura_stable\lib\ui\uimap.cpp DisplayGetReady::Destroy:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing!

    Fresnel k must be >0, given n=2.51,k=0

    Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x38d8e080

    Error in expression <any>

    Error position: <any>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: any

    Error in expression <any>

    Error position: <any>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: any

    Error in expression <any>

    Error position: <any>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: any

    Error in expression <any>

    Error position: <any>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: any

    Error in expression <if (!isNull any) then {_revive_units = _revive_units>

    Error position: <any) then {_revive_units = _revive_units>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: any

    Error in expression <if (!isNull any) then {_revive_units = _revive_units>

    Error position: <any) then {_revive_units = _revive_units>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: any

    Error in expression <if (!isNull any) then {_revive_units = _revive_units>

    Error position: <any) then {_revive_units = _revive_units>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: any

    Error in expression <if (!isNull any) then {_revive_units = _revive_units>

    Error position: <any) then {_revive_units = _revive_units>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: any

    Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x3893a080

    Ref to nonnetwork object Agent 0x38944080

    Cannot create non-ai vehicle HeliHEmpty,

    Error in expression <if(!isNull any) then {_units = _units + [any]}>

    Error position: <any) then {_units = _units + [any]}>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: any

    Error in expression <if(!isNull any) then {_units = _units + [any]}>

    Error position: <any) then {_units = _units + [any]}>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: any

    Error in expression <if(!isNull any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error position: <any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: any

    Error in expression <if(!isNull any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error position: <any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: any

    Error in expression <if(!isNull any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error position: <any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: any

    Error in expression <if(!isNull any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error position: <any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: any

    Error in expression <if(!isNull any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error position: <any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: any

    Error in expression <if(!isNull any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error position: <any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: any

    Error in expression <if(!isNull any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error position: <any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: any

    Error in expression <if(!isNull any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error position: <any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: any

    Error in expression <if(!isNull any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error position: <any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: any

    Error in expression <if(!isNull any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error position: <any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: any

    Error in expression <if(!isNull any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error position: <any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: any

    Error in expression <if(!isNull any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error position: <any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: any

    control[DebugConsole]: Unexpected control type [15]

    control[DebugConsole]: Unexpected control type [15]

    control[Feedback]: Unexpected control type [9]

    control[Feedback]: Unexpected control type [9]

    control[MessageBox]: Unexpected control type [15]

    control[MessageBox]: Unexpected control type [15]

    Error in expression <if(!isNull any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error position: <any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: any

    Error in expression <if(!isNull any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error position: <any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: any

    Error in expression <if(!isNull any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error position: <any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: any

    Error in expression <if(!isNull any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error position: <any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: any

    Error in expression <if(!isNull any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error position: <any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: any

    Error in expression <if(!isNull any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error position: <any && any in _units) then {}else {_unit>

    Error Undefined variable in expression: any

    Saving undefined enum value -2147483648 / 6, context /SlowVehicles/VisibleFar/Vehicles/Item0.activationType

    Saving undefined enum value -2147483648 / 6, context /SlowVehicles/VisibleFar/Vehicles/Item1.activationType

    Saving undefined enum value -2147483648 / 6, context /SlowVehicles/VisibleFar/Vehicles/Item2.activationType

    Any help would be greatly appreciated

  9. @ Iceman77 regarding post #90

    A) I'm using same side uniforms and gear, haven't tried mixing other sides gear. A partner and myself have tested this on both player hosted and dedicated server by jibing, respawning, reviving and can say that it has not had a glitch with 24 different loadouts. Also I'm calling the loadout using the player name switch you offered up in post #51.

    B) I can confirm that going naked after a player jib did indeed exist with same side gear (hence the reason I was searching for a fix). Your method, I am using the same basic class of soldier for the loadouts I want, but the loadouts are far different than stock, so the are the uniforms, although still same faction, and they definitely are getting the loadouts I want, down to every last item.

    Will continue to test and if something comes up I will let you know. Again thank you for your work.

  10. Having a issue with Ammo Crates disappearing after Ejecting

    We load them into the chopper fine , then when we drop them whilst in flight they just disappear , they work fine if the heli is stationary but not in flight.

    Anyone else have that issue ?

    Yes same thing, although at times it will even disappear while dropping it stationary.

    I even attached a updating marker to the ammo box and after release I will sometimes see it leave the chopper, then it just vanishes... along with the marker.

  11. SLP use to have the capability to name a spawned group, but with all the recent changes it doesn't work anymore. It can be implemented again, I just have not had the time to look into the new commands that BIS has put out.

    Thank you for your response, I understand about the changes. Maybe when things die down a bit on the changes side, if you have time you could point me in the right direction.
