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Everything posted by clydefrog

  1. I was about to edit my post and say "I guess doStop will do it?". Thanks.
  2. What is the workaround for this? I'd like to know how I am now supposed to have a editor-placed group spread out and positioned in buildings etc. that won't move into formation. I want them to be in a group but not be in formation. Anybody know?
  3. clydefrog

    Copy Behaviour of Script

    Hi, do you have any suggestions of how to do this? I've got the problem with trying to spawn a parachute on a supply box when it gets detached from the rope, but it is spawning 4 parachutes. I've tried checking if one is attached already and stopping it creating a new one/deleting the new one if there is but it doesn't work. What would be the best way to do this?
  4. Hello Silola, are you going to be doing an update that allows access to all of the objects in CUP terrains?
  5. It says there are 3rd party terrains, I'd like to know which ones they are. It doesn't state it anywhere. Edit: Nevermind I misread it, it just includes stuff that is used by 3rd party terrains and not the terrains themselves.
  6. The new Arma 3 update has broken Xcam/inidbi, I just get spammed with millions of script errors and can't load any projects. When I click on the tabs (veh, obj etc.) nothing shows up. example: 17:43:22 Error in expression <"ARRAY"] call iniDB_read;_f = 0; if(str(inidb_errno) == "true") then { if((_mode> 17:43:22 Error position: <inidb_errno) == "true") then { if((_mode> 17:43:22 Error Undefined variable in expression: inidb_errno 17:43:22 Error in expression <toupper(_type)) do { case "ARRAY": { if(_data == "") then { _data = []; } else {> 17:43:22 Error position: <_data == "") then { _data = []; } else {> 17:43:22 Error Undefined variable in expression: _data 17:43:22 Error in expression <_result = call compile _result; _ret = _result select 0; if(count _result > 1) > 17:43:22 Error position: <_result select 0; if(count _result > 1) > 17:43:22 Error Undefined variable in expression: _result 17:43:22 Error in expression < _data = format["%1", _data]; }; }; }; _data; }; iniDB_read = { private["_file> 17:43:22 Error position: <_data; }; iniDB_read = { private["_file> 17:43:22 Error Undefined variable in expression: _data 17:43:22 Error in expression <pe] call iniDB_Datarizer; inidb_errno = _ret; _data; }; iniDB_write = { privat> 17:43:22 Error position: <_ret; _data; }; iniDB_write = { privat> 17:43:22 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ret 17:43:22 Error in expression <"ARRAY"] call iniDB_read;_f = 0; if(str(inidb_errno) == "true") then { if((_mode> 17:43:22 Error position: <inidb_errno) == "true") then { if((_mode> 17:43:22 Error Undefined variable in expression: inidb_errno 17:43:22 Error in expression <toupper(_type)) do { case "ARRAY": { if(_data == "") then { _data = []; } else {> 17:43:22 Error position: <_data == "") then { _data = []; } else {> 17:43:22 Error Undefined variable in expression: _data 17:43:22 Error in expression < _data = format["%1", _data]; }; }; }; _data; }; iniDB_read = { private["_file> 17:43:22 Error position: <_data; }; iniDB_read = { private["_file> 17:43:22 Error Undefined variable in expression: _data 17:43:22 Error in expression <_result = call compile _result; _ret = _result select 0; if(count _result > 1) > 17:43:22 Error position: <_result select 0; if(count _result > 1) > 17:43:22 Error Undefined variable in expression: _result 17:43:22 Error in expression <"ARRAY"] call iniDB_read;_f = 0; if(str(inidb_errno) == "true") then { if((_mode> 17:43:22 Error position: <inidb_errno) == "true") then { if((_mode> 17:43:22 Error Undefined variable in expression: inidb_errno
  7. Just tested. Civilians seem to be fixed but my Opfor guys (massi's african conflict mod) still have no interaction menus. If I use CSAT they're fine so it must be a problem with the units that mod is based on.
  8. This problem is not restricted to one unit class. I've got a mission where it only works (and even sometimes when you click it, it won't show up) for Blufor units. On civilians and opfor there is nothing (no interaction and no self-interaction).
  9. I'm having pretty much the exact same problem with a mission I've made (post on last page) except it seems to work ok for Blufor but nobody else. Anyways since a few people are reporting this and saying it was fine before the CBA update I think it's quite safe to say it's not the missions causing the problem. However I did test another mission I'd made and that did seem to work.
  10. Update on this: I put a test mission on the dedicated server with the same modules as the mission with the problem, but with only some blufor and opfor units placed and absolutely nothing else, and opfor got the self interaction menus. So it must be something in the mission causing it. I have absolutely no idea what could cause such an issue though so don't know where to start. I'm going to convert another TvT mission from AGM to ACE3 and see what happens, maybe it will help me narrow down the cause if it works. Update 2: Another TvT mission converted to ACE3 works fine and AAF guys get the menu, so I think it has to be a mission issue on the other one.
  11. Hi, I'm trying to use createVehicle inside a building on an object blocking a doorway, to simulate placing a breaching charge. My problem is when the explosion that createVehicle is spawning occurs, it happens outside the building. Is there any way around this? Thanks.
  12. Hi, does anybody know of a way to place a weapon that can't be interacted with? I would like to be able to spawn an AT launcher or something that will be the obect for an IED, but I don't want the person who finds it to be able to pick the weapon up. Is this possible?
  13. Thanks for the suggestions. setDamage 1 works, I didn't know that would do anything on weapons. enableSimulationGlobal false might work if you spawn a weaponholder through a script but enableSimulation false doesn't work on an editor placed weapon, I still have the inventory option on it.
  14. Ok I did some more testing and when I put the marker over a town it's fine. When I put one just covering the ghost hotel on Altis the units are cached when I reach the centre of the marker. I can't understand that at all, any ideas?
  15. Yeah, very weird. I kept noticing all the enemies disappearing from around me when I got to the middle of a building (which is also the middle of the zone) then coming back when I moved away from it. When I put the debug on that confirmed they were being cached when I got near the centre and restored when I moved away from it.
  16. New problem since the last patch: House patrols spawn at the correct distance but once you get to the centre of the marker they cache, and then restore once you move away from the centre, then cache when you move back to it etc. etc.
  17. I agree with the branding and that there is no need for it. Also how is it classed as a total game modification? It doesn't introduce any new content does it? Not even new textures for existing units. I don't see how it is any more of a total game modification than something like DAC is in what new content it introduces to the game. It doesn't fundamentally change how the game works, no offence as it is a good mod but it is basically a glorified AI spawning and patrol script. By the way while I'm here I might as well ask, is there ever going to be the option to have an array of classnames that defines what can be spawned rather than having to blacklist everything you don't want? In my opinion Alive desperately needs this and it is a part of virtually every other AI spawning script.
  18. How is the unit blacklisting working for you guys recently? I have just been trying to use it and have followed the instructions on the wiki, but it is still spawning in units and vehicles I have blacklisted. Here is my init.sqf: if (isServer) then { ["MISSION INIT - Waiting"] call ALIVE_fnc_dump; waitUntil {!isNil "ALiVE_STATIC_DATA_LOADED"}; ["MISSION INIT - Continue"] call ALIVE_fnc_dump; call compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "script\staticData.sqf"); ["MISSION INIT - Static data override loaded"] call ALIVE_fnc_dump; }; and the staticData.sqf (I'm using the faction SUD_USSR from the East versus West mod): // CQB Unit Blacklist ALiVE_MIL_CQB_UNITBLACKLIST = ["SUD_USSR_Soldier_AA","SUD_USSR_Soldier_Pilot","SUD_USSR_Soldier_Crew"]; // Mil Placement unit blacklist ALiVE_PLACEMENT_UNITBLACKLIST = ["SUD_USSR_Soldier_AA","SUD_USSR_Soldier_Pilot","SUD_USSR_Soldier_Crew"]; // Mil Placement vehicle blacklist ALiVE_PLACEMENT_VEHICLEBLACKLIST = ["SUD_ZSU"]; // Mil Placement group blacklist ALiVE_PLACEMENT_GROUPBLACKLIST = ["SU_InfTeam_AA","SU_TankPlatoon_AA"]; Can anybody see why this isn't working or is it a problem with ALiVE and not with what I'm doing? Thanks
  19. clydefrog

    AI Spawn Script Pack

    When I set the simplecache as follows: nul = [[2],[],100,true,true] execVM "LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_simpleCache.sqf"; so that it should work for all playable units, the units spawn instantly when you are not within the spawn distance and do not despawn. it only works if I leave the player settings as default: nul = [[2],[player],100,true,false] execVM "LV\LV_functions\LV_fnc_simpleCache.sqf"; Any ideas?
  20. I'm getting the "undefined variable in expression" error on line 19 of my script which is the following code: switch (_unitrole) do { Here is part of the script: _unit = _this select 0; _unitrole = _this select 1; waitUntil {!isNull player}; switch (_unitrole) do { case "BluRifleman": { // remove everything from player except uniform removeAllWeapons _unit; removeUniform _unit; removeVest _unit; removeBackpackGlobal _unit; removeGoggles _unit; removeHeadgear _unit; }; }; How do I properly define _unitrole in this case?
  21. https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=arma%203%20uniform%20disappears
  22. That's exactly how it's called in the player init. Anyways somehow this issue resolved itself. I didn't change anything but the error just stopped coming up. And yeah Jshock I had a few different versions as I heard using add/removeUniform could be a bit dodgy and cause uniforms to disappear, in the end I got rid of any code to add or remove uniforms.
  23. There isn't another script, this is a script that is executed in a players init.
  24. clydefrog

    another JIP addaction issue !

    That actually does work, at least it does in the editor. I put the code as: [[cargoBox1,["<t color='#DBA901'>Place Charge</t>","charge.sqf",[], 0, false, false, "", "_this distance _target < 4"]],"addAction",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; Thanks a lot for that, I'll replace all my other add/remove actions with this and try it on a dedicated server shortly to see if it gets rid of the duplicating issue, and let you know what happens. ---------- Post added at 15:27 ---------- Previous post was at 13:49 ---------- Works perfect on a dedicated server, no more duplicate actions tested with 2 users and lots of reconnecting. Thanks again.
  25. clydefrog

    another JIP addaction issue !

    Because my post is "directly related to this discussion" and it's one I've posted in before, I thought it's not worth starting a new thread for it when I can post in this one. Thanks for that I'll give it a try, can you still use the addAction conditions etc. though if you do it that way? How would I have it so I was using cargobox1 and the charge.sqf script, and then the extra parameters e.g. [], 0, false, false, "", "_this distance _target < 4" and also changing the colour of the text? edit: I get an error when trying to pass more arguments, and it says it must be 0, 1 or 2. It actually says even 3 arguments is too many, so how am I supposed to specify the object for the action to be added to, the action text and the script to be run?