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Everything posted by clydefrog

  1. clydefrog

    another JIP addaction issue !

    Well as I said earlier in this thread I got the JIP actions to work again by using the description.ext method. Anyways I've just started working on some editing again recently and I am having a problem with these actions duplicating after a lot of reconnecting on a dedicated server. I have a "place charge" action on an object, when it is used the action is removed and a "disarm charge" action is placed on the object. When the "disarm charge" action is used I add the "place charge" action again. I use these actions and reconnect after using each one to check it all works for JIP players, this all works fine until about the 4th time I reconnect and then the actions start to duplicate e.g. I will start to get 2 "place charge" actions on the object. Without seeing all of the code does anybody have any idea what might be causing this to happen? Thanks Edit: Actually here is some (the main bits) of the code so you can see what is going on:
  2. clydefrog

    Arma 3 As an E-Sport

    Arma 3 could never be an "e-sport" just for one main reason, it is abysmal at handling lag and the desync which makes it useless for fair competitive play.
  3. Are people really still surprised when BIS don't improve or fix things? They are incompetent and can't do much right at all as you have seen with the amount of stuff that's been done wrong with Arma 3.
  4. Did they fix snakes opening doors yet? No, I think that would be pretty easy to fix especially since snakes add nothing to the game and most people wouldn't care about them being removed completely especially to fix such a ridiculous issue. Snakes that go around disappearing through walls and opening doors do not improve the game in any way whatsoever.
  5. Just seen it myself too http://imageshack.com/a/img819/6020/01di.jpg (924 kB)
  6. Yes, I do. Because if they cared about fixing it it would have been done before it was even released in the dev branch. Also I've seen similar things in other places in Arma 2 and 3. The guy who did that building and added it to the map would've gone around the whole thing looking at it, he would've definitely noticed a tree going through a wall or grass under the concrete etc. yet nothing was done about it.
  7. It's not "bugs", it's just pure carelessness and something they think people won't care about so they can't be bothered fixing it (that is unless they do something about it some time soon).
  8. So what the hell is up with the view in these planes, why is it that like in the Buzzard the pilot seems to be pretty much lying down especially in the To199 and looks like he wouldn't be able to reach the instrument panels under the HUD even if he stretched for them. I think it looks really bad and is really wrong, is nobody else bothered by that? It looks completely screwed up to me.
  9. The quality is not that great, I have seen better looking mods for example these for Arma 2: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16253 go and look at those helicopters in game and check out the models and detail, they put BI's efforts to shame. And by the way some of the Arma 3 vehicle are absolutely awful for detail and quality, look at the "hellcat" helicopters, they look like low res versions like what you'd get in one of their mods you've not paid for (e.g. BAF). It's really poor quality. As for the new planes I can't believe we waited so long for them and that's what we get, they don't look very good (I personally think the A146 looks awful) and have stupid names to go along with it.
  10. clydefrog

    another JIP addaction issue !

    This worked for me, cheers. My actions finally work for JIP player again doing it this way but up until one of those patches before the final release it worked fine doing it by just initiating them from init.sqf. Anyways from now on I will do it through description.ext, I have the functions folder containing the functions.hpp and a separate file for each functions code. e.g. functions.hpp class CF { class CF_Functions { file = "functions"; class addactionMP {}; class removeActionMP {}; }; }; fn_addactionMP.sqf (in the functions folder) private["_object","_screenMsg","_scriptToCall"]; _object = _this select 0; _screenMsg = _this select 1; _scriptToCall = _this select 2; if(isNull _object) exitWith {}; _object addaction [("<t color=""#DBA901"">" + (_screenMsg) + "</t>"),_scriptToCall]; fn_removeactionMP.sqf (in the functions folder) private["_object","_actName"]; _object = _this select 0; _actName = _this select 1; if(isNull _object) exitWith {}; _object removeAction _actName; and then finally to call the function from wherever: [[object,"action text","action.sqf"],"CF_fnc_addactionMP",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;
  11. I don't know if it's been mentioned as I haven't read the full thread, but don't forgot about BI making the perhaps rather silly move of telling people that they may introduce some type of system whereby people get money from making mods, which will lead people to holding their mods back until this system is in place and they can get some cash.
  12. The isPersistant JIP parameter of BIS_fnc_MP has stopped working for me (stable version not dev). I have actions added using this function in 2 missions and no longer can JIP players see these actions when before you could disconnect or switch teams/roles in the lobby, come back in and still see them. Can anybody else confirm this?
  13. clydefrog

    AMD Mantle Support possible?

    A PS4 can't hold 60fps on BF4 64 man servers either, it drops below. And they don't use the equivalent of PC Ultra settings either, there is pretty much no anti-aliasing from the looks of it and generally worse image quality.
  14. clydefrog

    another JIP addaction issue !

    The persistent param does seem broken for me at least, as I had some JIP addactions that worked perfectly in 2 separate missions then there was a patch that broke them, they no longer worked for JIP players after it and I was never able to fix it.
  15. clydefrog

    Need a Script ASAP

    I'm looking for a way to delay how long the targets stay down for after being hit without using a script. Either that or a way to have them stay down after being hit but then having an action to reset them also without using a script. Is this possible?
  16. clydefrog

    =BTC= Revive

    Huh? This is version 0.96 off your website. The latest version right?
  17. I know this has been spoken about before but I can't find the Arma 3 thread about it so I can't reply to that. I've just been bringing an old mission up to date that uses a script to turn lights off in an area (made by kylania I think), but the street lamps no longer turn off so the classnames must have changed. Here is the script: // off: 0 = [0.95] execVM "lights.sqf"; // on: 0 = [0] execVM "lights.sqf"; _types = ["Lamps_Base_F", "PowerLines_base_F"]; _onoff = _this select 0; for [{_i=0},{_i < (count _types)},{_i=_i+1}] do { // powercoverage is a marker I placed. _lamps = getMarkerPos "powerCoverage" nearObjects [_types select _i, 500]; sleep 1; {_x setDamage _onoff} forEach _lamps; }; I have found one of them for the wooden pole street lamps but after trying that many other different types of lights remained on. How can I amend this script to turn off every type of light in the area? Also is there an easy way of finding out the classname of map objects? ---------- Post added at 14:56 ---------- Previous post was at 14:30 ---------- Nevermind thanks to this thread (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?168808-99-working-lights-out-script-via-trigger-needs-your-help) I have found somebody with the exact same problem using the same script as me and a solution. However I would still like to know how you can find the classnames for certain objects on the map.
  18. clydefrog

    =BTC= Revive

    Yeah, I have made the respawn location inside a house surrounded by large hescos, it is impossible to see or get into. and hopefully I have this set up properly now to not give spectating options: BTC_r_new_system = 0; //WIP - set 1 to activate it BTC_r_wait_for_revive = 0;//If BTC_r_new_system set to 1 you can choose if you want or not a revive time available after death (Similar to wounding system in ACE) BTC_r_action = 0;//[NOT IMPLEMENTED] - 0 if you don't want the healing animation (ACE style), 1 if you want the animations (You can't stop the animation) BTC_r_med_fa = 2;//0 for only first aid kit, 1 if you don't have a medikit you need a first aid kit, 2 only medikit BTC_r_cpr_time = 60; BTC_r_trans_ratio = 100; BTC_revive_time_min = 5; BTC_revive_time_max = 180; BTC_who_can_revive = ["B_medic_F","O_medic_F"]; BTC_loop_check = 0; BTC_disable_respawn = 0; BTC_respawn_gear = 1; BTC_active_lifes = 1; BTC_lifes = 5; BTC_spectating = 0;//0 = disable; 1 = units group; 2 = side units; 3 = all units BTC_spectating_view = [1,0];//To force a view set the first number of the array to 1. The second one is the view mode: 0 = first person; 1 = behind the back; 2 = High; 3 = free BTC_s_mode_view = ["First person","Behind the back","High","Free"]; BTC_black_screen = 0;//Black screen + button while unconscious or action wheel and clear view BTC_action_respawn = 1;//if black screen is set to 0 you can choose if you want to use the action wheel or the button. Keep in mind that if you don't use the button, the injured player can use all the action, frag too.... BTC_camera_unc = 0; BTC_camera_unc_type = ["Behind the back","High","Free"]; BTC_respawn_time = 120; BTC_active_mobile = 1;//Active mobile respawn (You have to put in map the vehicle and give it a name. Then you have to add one object per side to move to the mobile (BTC_base_flag_west,BTC_base_flag_east) - (1 = yes, 0 = no)) BTC_mobile_respawn = 1;//Active the mobile respawn fnc (1 = yes, 0 = no) BTC_mobile_respawn_time = 30;//Secs delay for mobile vehicle to respawn BTC_need_first_aid = 0;//You need a first aid kit to revive (1 = yes, 0 = no) BTC_pvp = 1; //(disable the revive option for the enemy) BTC_injured_marker = 1; BTC_3d_can_see = ["Man"]; BTC_3d_distance = 30; BTC_3d_icon_size = 0.5; BTC_3d_icon_color = [1,0,0,1]; BTC_dlg_on_respawn = 1;//1 = Mobile only - 2 Leader group and mobile - 3 = Units group and mobile - 4 = All side units and mobile BTC_objects_actions_west = [bTC_base_flag_west]; BTC_objects_actions_east = []; BTC_objects_actions_guer = []; BTC_objects_actions_civ = [];
  19. clydefrog

    =BTC= Revive

    the respawn_east marker is in the playable area but it still says they have gone outside it when they wait to respawn (as it starts taking health off which means the revive system keeps being retriggered everytime the health reaches 0), is that because they are being set 6000m in the sky? And no it's not a trigger, it's a script that sets a playable radius from a a gamelogic acting as the center point.
  20. clydefrog

    =BTC= Revive

    I can't do that as the BLUFOR side's base isn't in the area, the area is just to stop OPFOR from leaving it. BLUFOR must respawn either at their base or a mobile HQ which will both be outside the OPFOR playable area. So what I have tried now is editing this part: BTC_player_respawn = { BTC_respawn_cond = true; if (BTC_active_lifes == 1) then {BTC_lifes = BTC_lifes - 1;}; if (BTC_active_lifes == 1 && BTC_lifes == 0) exitWith BTC_out_of_lifes; if (BTC_active_lifes != 1 || BTC_lifes != 0) then { deTach player; player setVariable ["BTC_need_revive",0,true]; closeDialog 0; if (BTC_black_screen == 0) then {titleText ["", "BLACK OUT"];}; sleep 0.2; titleText ["", "BLACK FADED"]; if (vehicle player != player) then {unAssignVehicle player;player action ["eject", vehicle player];}; player setPos getMarkerPos BTC_respawn_marker; sleep 1; closeDialog 0; player setDamage 0; player switchMove "amovpercmstpslowwrfldnon"; player switchMove ""; if (BTC_respawn_time > 0) then { player enableSimulation false; [b]player attachTo [bTC_r_base_spawn,[0,0,6000]];[/b] to this BTC_player_respawn = { BTC_respawn_cond = true; if (BTC_active_lifes == 1) then {BTC_lifes = BTC_lifes - 1;}; if (BTC_active_lifes == 1 && BTC_lifes == 0) exitWith BTC_out_of_lifes; if (BTC_active_lifes != 1 || BTC_lifes != 0) then { deTach player; player setVariable ["BTC_need_revive",0,true]; closeDialog 0; if (BTC_black_screen == 0) then {titleText ["", "BLACK OUT"];}; sleep 0.2; titleText ["", "BLACK FADED"]; if (vehicle player != player) then {unAssignVehicle player;player action ["eject", vehicle player];}; player setPos getMarkerPos BTC_respawn_marker; sleep 1; closeDialog 0; player setDamage 0; player switchMove "amovpercmstpslowwrfldnon"; player switchMove ""; if (BTC_respawn_time > 0) then { player enableSimulation false; [b]player attachTo [respawnpos,[0,0,0]];[/b] (only the last line has been changed) respawnpos being an object in a safe area inside the playable area where I want units to be placed while they wait to respawn. I've just tried this and it seems to work ok, is it alright doing it like that? Also Giallustio while you are here is there a way to completely disable the spectate screen with the view menu? I thought I had set the settings to do this but it still comes up.
  21. clydefrog

    =BTC= Revive

    Could you please tell me which part of the script moves the player away while they wait to respawn. I am using a script that damages players when they leave an area, so when the BTC revive script moves them it triggers the script. I need to change the location to somewhere within the playable area. Thanks. I need to move the player to the following position: 3126,5974,0 So in the old script I had to edit this bit to set that position where they wait to respawn: BTC_player_respawn = { BTC_respawn_cond = true; if (BTC_active_lifes == 1) then {BTC_lifes = BTC_lifes - 1;}; if (BTC_active_lifes == 1 && BTC_lifes == 0) exitWith BTC_out_of_lifes; deTach player; player setVariable ["BTC_need_revive",0,true]; if (BTC_black_screen == 0) then {titleText ["", "BLACK OUT"];}; sleep 0.2; if (BTC_black_screen == 0) then {titleText ["", "BLACK FADED"];}; if (vehicle player != player) then {unAssignVehicle player;player action ["eject", vehicle player];}; player setPos getMarkerPos BTC_respawn_marker; sleep 1; player setDamage 0; player switchMove "amovpercmstpslowwrfldnon"; player switchMove ""; if (BTC_respawn_time > 0) then { player enableSimulation false; player setpos [3126,5974,0]; player setVelocity [0,0,0]; sleep 1; private ["_n"]; for [{_n = BTC_respawn_time}, {_n != 0}, {_n = _n - 1}] do { private ["_msg"]; player enableSimulation false; player setpos [3126,5974,0]; player setVelocity [0,0,0]; titleText [format ["Respawn in %1",_n], "BLACK FADED"]; sleep 1; (I knew where this was in the old one but that part is quite different in the new version, I'd stick with the older version but I'm not sure it will still work correctly)
  22. So has anybody else had this problem since then? I have just been bringing two older missions up to date and the problem still exists where an action won't show to JIP players.
  23. clydefrog

    new stuff for aaf - nice bis love it ^^

    Could Greece really afford it either?
  24. clydefrog

    new stuff for aaf - nice bis love it ^^

    It is rather ridiculous isn't it, but a lot of things about the content of the game is (shared vehicle weapons on all sides, shared vehicles on all sides etc.). But copy and paste/port is unfortunately the story of arma 3 so far and the worst thing about the game. I think BI think that setting it in the future gives them a license to do whatever they want and they don't have to give a logical explanation for it because it's the future and you don't know what will happen. If they made it modern, near future or in the past they couldn't get away with what they have done and would be ridiculed for it as it's meant to be a so-called "realistic" game.