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Everything posted by clydefrog

  1. Well, this BIS_fnc_MP really doesn't work for me, this is how I'm using it and it will only show the action for the server and not clients even though it's being told to execute on all clients. Here's just the relevant parts of the script: // Create addAction function CF_addactionMP = { private["_actName","_object","_screenMsg","_scriptToCall"]; _actName = _this select 0; _object = _this select 1; _screenMsg = _this select 2; _scriptToCall = _this select 3; if(isNull _object) exitWith {}; _actName = _object addaction [_screenMsg,_scriptToCall]; }; if (isServer) then { // Create cargo box and attach it to the vehicle (Settings are for c_offroad class only) _cargobox1 = createVehicle ["B_supplyCrate_F", getPos _veh1, [], 0, "NONE"]; sleep 2; _cargobox1 attachTo [_veh1, [0,-2.0,-0.65]]; _cargobox1 setDir 90; // Add action to vehicle [[action1,_cargobox1,"Unload Cargo","scripts\carintel1.sqf"],"CF_addactionMP",_cargobox1,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; }; Is there anything wrong with this or does this function just not work properly?
  2. and how is that as easy to use when you have to create functions for it?
  3. Why is it that Arma can't have something itself which is as easy to use as CBA's Global Execute function? https://dev-heaven.net/docs/cba/files/network/fnc_globalExecute-sqf.html Thanks for the answer Radioman btw.
  4. Can I just ask, when I make a function to be used by BIS_fnc_MP where am I supposed to put it? Currently it's inside the isServer if statement of my script and the function is to add an action for all players. It is set up to execute the code on all clients but it is still only showing the action for the server. Is this because I need to move the function it is calling outside of the isServer?
  5. clydefrog

    FHQ TaskTracker

    Tbf Alwarren, you and your friend Varanon have a bit of a different definition of Join In Progress than others on here. For example Shukos Taskmaster is a true JIP compatible script, it doesn't matter whether AI is enabled or not, if you join a game part way through or reconnect or respawn, all the tasks still show as their true state for everybody etc. This is I'm guessing what most people regard as being JIP compatible. Anyways I look forward to the update if he is doing it, as said before I would really like to use this system for my missions, it's great.
  6. As the title says I'm trying to give a spawned group a group name when I call the script, so I can then reference that group in other triggers to check if it has been wiped out e.g. {alive _x} count units groupname == 0 I know I could just give the group and units global names in the script but the idea of the script is I can spawn it multiple times and give the spawned group a different name each time. Here is a basic script for a spawned group: _spawnPos = markerPos (_this select 0); // Spawning location (marker position) _grpname = _this select 1; // group name: Name the group yourself through script call if (isServer) then { _grpname = createGroup east; // create group _unit1 = _grpname createUnit ["O_Soldier_SL_F", [_spawnPos select 0,_spawnPos select 1,1], [], 26, "NONE"]; sleep 0.2; _unit2 = _grpname createUnit ["O_Soldier_AR_F", [_spawnPos select 0,_spawnPos select 1,2], [], 26, "NONE"]; sleep 0.2; _unit3 = _grpname createUnit ["O_Soldier_lite_F", [_spawnPos select 0,_spawnPos select 1,3], [], 26, "NONE"]; sleep 0.2 _unit4 = _grpname createUnit ["O_medic_F", [_spawnPos select 0,_spawnPos select 1,4], [], 26, "NONE"]; sleep 0.2; }; Now when I call the script I want to be able to set the group name like in the following example (which doesn't work so far): for a group named QRF1 nul = ["QRF1spawn",QRF1] execVM "QRF_infgroup.sqf"; Could anybody here please explain to me how I go about doing this? Thanks
  7. Yeah it's good but unfortunately doesn't work with Arma 3 launchers. If I use it on a SMAW AT rifleman on Arma 2 I get rapid fire infinite rounds which makes it easy to destroy things. Also I think it's important to use the respawn eventhandler to re-add allowdamage false, as without doing that if you die or respawn you will lose it. And it is possible to die even with allowdamage false on especially if you are hit by a big explosion.
  8. works and is nice and simple, thanks a lot (let's hope they don't remove this command too :P ) p.s. what is call compile format actually doing/what does it mean?
  9. Enable teleport and I always use the following line in mine and another players unit (generally an AT man with SMAW so they have an HE weapon) so they can't be killed and have unlimited ammo this allowdamage false; this addEventHandler ["respawn", {_this allowdamage false}]; this addeventhandler ["fired", {(_this select 0) setvehicleammo 1}];
  10. Well since I won't be able to use setVehicleInit very soon since it's being removed, anybody know any simple alternatives to do the same thing?
  11. I've heard a few times that eventhandlers are resource intensive just as setVehicleInit can be, is this true?
  12. Thanks for the explanation. When I tried just adding the action straight to the vehicle name (e.g. myvehicle addAction etc...) the action was only added for the server. So I used the SetVehicleInit so it would add it for all clients as well. Another thing I am using it for is to be able to set the group name when the script is run.
  13. was? So is it fixed now and when did that happen? Is it only fixed in the dev build? ---------- Post added at 23:46 ---------- Previous post was at 23:27 ---------- Also, how are you supposed to use bis_fnc_mp to actually set the init of a spawned vehicle etc ?
  14. Didn't work for me and I know I'm not the only one, some people on here who have a lot of scripting knowledge can't get it working properly either.
  15. Well like I said hopefully there will be a replacement for it that is as easy to use. What I am using it for personally is to add actions to things spawned through a server side script, so the action is shown for all clients. Using setVehicleInit was the simplest way to get it working and the other ways I had tried had failed.
  16. They've removed those commands? I hope that's only in the dev build and they're not going to take it out of the proper one too, unless there's a simple replacement.
  17. Mines placed in the editor are avoided by vehicles. I want to be able to create a task where you need to disarm some mines before any civilian vehicles come and set them off, but the vehicles just see them and drive around them, is there any way to stop this?
  18. The mines are placed from the objects menu though, not as a minefield module so that isn't possible.
  19. Anymore input? It would be good to know what people are using and what works well....
  20. They are already set to careless.
  21. Well if you want to be like that, yeah, it says BASED on insurgency, it doesn't say it IS insurgency. Read. and a script for intel and caches combined with this would just be a mission basically, it would just be another version of insurgency, that's all insurgency is, capturing squares, intel markers and caches. So in effect by asking him to do that you are just asking him to make insurgency.
  22. Well from the looks of it by discussing BIS_fnc_mp on the forums.
  23. This is only a script, not a mission. I don't know he might reply and say he'll try it but I'd say it's up to you to as a mission designer to make objectives from it or to go alongside it. It's only one element of a mission you could build using it, not a mission itself.
  24. It's normal that it leaves the crew behind, to delete both use: {deleteVehicle _x} forEach crew vehiclename; deleteVehicle vehiclename;
  25. Shuko made Taskmaster 2, and unfortunately has said he won't be making an Arma 3 version as he has no interest in the game.