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Everything posted by clydefrog

  1. copy #include "VAS\menu.hpp" class CfgFunctions { #include "VAS\cfgfunctions.hpp" }; to your description.ext extract the VAS folder and stringtable.xml inside the scripts folder to your mission directorys main folder e.g. C:\Users\name\Documents\Arma 3\missions\mymission.Stratis place an ammo box and put this addAction["<t color='#ff1111'>Virtual Ammobox</t>", "VAS\open.sqf"]; in the init field done.
  2. Yeah you're better off using the signpost, it's flat whereas the whiteboard is slanted and probably a lot more complicated to attach a texture to.
  3. They didn't fix this yet did they. I created a marker through a script at the start of the mission, when I reconnect it is gone. I need to use Mikies JIP marker technique to have it be there for JIP players. Here's the code used for the marker: _marker = createMarker ["vip_pos", _newPos]; "vip_pos" setMarkerShape "ellipse"; "vip_pos" setMarkerBrush "solid"; "vip_pos" setMarkerSize [30, 30]; "vip_pos" setMarkeralpha 0.5; "vip_pos" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; "vip_pos" setMarkerPos _newPos;
  4. CrazyAirborne I just tried out the timer hint on my dedicated server after disconnecting and reconnecting a few times too to join in progress, and i started a timer on my phone when the mission started (map screen) as well to check it against, it works great. Just remember if you have any hints coming up during your mission that people need to read they will barely see them because the of the timer hint updating constantly. So maybe put stuff like that into sidechat or something instead.
  5. Cheers mindstorm, I take it the extra stuff in the first part with the END_TIME is mainly just for the timer hint script to work?
  6. put the elapsed time >= 900 in the condition of a trigger then you can put whatever you like as the onAct (ending, hint etc.) ---------- Post added at 13:50 ---------- Previous post was at 13:40 ---------- I actually just PM'd mindstorm about this and I think for MP you need to have it so only the server runs this and publicVariables it, so it should be [] spawn { if (isServer) then { START_TIME = diag_tickTime; while {true} do { ELAPSED_TIME = diag_tickTime - START_TIME; publicVariable "ELAPSED_TIME"; sleep 1; }; }; }; I'll give confirmation when i get it.
  7. Well for keeping track of the time accurately I'd recommend this that was given to me by mindstorm on here: [] spawn { START_TIME = diag_tickTime; while {true} do { ELAPSED_TIME = diag_tickTime - START_TIME; sleep 1; }; }; Put that in your init.sqf and then when you want to use the time to end the mission or give a hint of how long is left you would put in the condition e.g. ELAPSED_TIME = 900 then in the onAct: hint "10 minutes remaining" That would let you know when there is 10 minutes left of the 25, it seems the normal time variable can be quite inaccurate and drift alot between clients and the server, this way is meant to be more reliable. I wouldn't know how to make it show a constant timer though. One other thing to note with this is the timer starts as soon as you get to the map screen, not after you click continue.
  8. Thanks Tonic, just want to ask are those 2 items in the restricted item array in there for a reason? Should they be left in there? //Items to remove from VAS vas_r_items = ["optic_MRCO","muzzle_snds_M"];
  9. clydefrog

    Hide unnecessary error messages

    I edited my post, it gives the same errors running it from the debug console. I'm also using the stable build, not the dev build which I assume you're using. Also Moricky I'd like to know what you think of these messages being forced for people who just want to play the game and are not editors, e.g. people who might just go and download a mission from here or armaholic to play with some friends. You might say if the mission maker had written his scripts better they wouldn't have to deal with it but there is nothing the regular players can do about that, they will just be put off from playing due to all these big black boxes full of code coming up that they don't understand a word of. Mission makers should use it, but all normal players care about is if the mission works, and if it does despite some variables being undefined that don't actually break anything as far as those players can tell, that's all that matters to them.
  10. clydefrog

    Hide unnecessary error messages

    Just put a trigger down with activation : Radio Alpha condition: this onAct: [] call BIS_fnc_animViewer and then 0-0-radio alpha Also pressing escape while in the editor then clicking Animations, the messages also come up when entering the animation viewer that way. I'm using the stable version by the way.
  11. clydefrog

    Hide unnecessary error messages

    I'm fine with this new undefined variable error reporting to an extent (it shouldn't be forced as some people who have no interest in scripts and editing just want to play the game and they shouldn't have to put up with it), but I think if BIS are going to force this for the reason of people improving their scripts, they should set an example by not having undefined variables in their own code. example: http://imageshack.us/a/img23/9405/hdbl.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img10/7191/7fag.jpg
  12. clydefrog

    dead groups trigger help

    ({alive _x} count units ambush1 < 1) && ({alive _x} count units ambush1a < 1) && ({alive _x} count units ambush2 < 1) && ({alive _x} count units ambush2a < 1) There might be a shorter way of doing it but this should work.
  13. Sure I'll pack it up for you and pm you a link. By the way, any idea why I was unable to load any missions up on the dedicated server with the DEV branch? ---------- Post added at 18:41 ---------- Previous post was at 18:19 ---------- Ok the PM's sent with some instructions of what to do to test the problem.
  14. Ok thanks a lot, I'll download the dev branch and see what happens then try that as well. ---------- Post added at 16:30 ---------- Previous post was at 16:04 ---------- Ok I'm having a strange problem with dev branch, when I click on a mission to load it on the dedicated server, the screen just flashes to the map of stratis loading screen then back to the mission selection. I'll go back to the normal one for now just to test your second thing as I can't load anything on the server with dev branch. ---------- Post added at 16:53 ---------- Previous post was at 16:30 ---------- Here are the rpt logs from running those 2 scripts in the stable branch: On Mission start: in the server rpt: 2013/08/05, 16:40:44 "Adding action" 2013/08/05, 16:40:44 ["testvar1",true,"testvar2"] in the normal rpt: "Adding action" ["testvar1",true,"testvar2"] and after JIP in the server rpt: nothing else added in the normal rpt: "Adding action" ["testvar1",true,"testvar2"] Here's a link to the mission file I used to test it http://www.mediafire.com/?grxqvwgbn3c6vwm
  15. showAction1 is a global variable that is set true and publicVariable'd before the action is added, and is used as a condition to show the action, once the action is used that variable is set false to hide the action. So becasue it's publicVariabled it should make it show for JIP too right? no, it only showed the line I quoted, here is the line with the line before and after it Speaker Male01_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes "MP call que:[[1,[37a550c0# 164036: dp_transformer_f.p3d REMOTE,"Place Charge","sabotage.sqf","showAction1"],"CF_addactionMP",true,true,false]]" String STR_A3_at_mine_cluster_0 not found and I'm not trying to irritate you, I'm trying to answer everything you ask and appreciate the help a lot. ---------- Post added at 15:49 ---------- Previous post was at 15:34 ---------- So does the lack of that line mean something is going wrong somewhere? By the way if it helps, when I used this function in another mission it was altered and used the standard addaction (I didn't use the show/hide action variable, I just removed the action after it had been used), but the function also doesn't work in that mission for JIP now either (actions are not added for them).
  16. Ok this is from the server rpt after starting the mission: 2013/08/05, 15:07:22 "Called CF_addactionMP with vars: [23bef040# 166252: dp_transformer_f.p3d,"Place Charge","sabotage.sqf","showAction1"]." 2013/08/05, 15:07:22 "Adding action to object: 23bef040# 166252: dp_transformer_f.p3d." 2013/08/05, 15:07:22 "Action added to object." this is from the normal rpt: "Called CF_addactionMP with vars: [46d5b040# 164041: dp_transformer_f.p3d REMOTE,"Place Charge","sabotage.sqf","showAction1"]." "Adding action to object: 46d5b040# 164041: dp_transformer_f.p3d REMOTE." "Action added to object." I'll post after JIP in a min ---------- Post added at 15:16 ---------- Previous post was at 15:10 ---------- After JIP all I see extra in the rpts related to the action is this line: "MP call que:[[1,[37a550c0# 164036: dp_transformer_f.p3d REMOTE,"Place Charge","sabotage.sqf","showAction1"],"CF_addactionMP",true,true,false]]"
  17. Yeah I shouldn't have to use that. The action is run on all clients because any player who is there from the start and doesn't jip sees the action. Yeah, if(isNull _object) exitWith {}; does not show up in the rpt either. Thanks for the suggestions but really I don't see why I should need to do anything special to get this to work again, again it worked fine until that update last week. There must be a simple way of giving the function more time to initialise if that's what it is, still if that's the problem why does it run it on all clients but not for JIP? I see currently it is given 2 seconds from the function being created to it being called, and in the other script/mission using it it's more like 7 seconds between it being created and being called, surely that is enough time? How about putting my functions into one script with a sleep of say 5 seconds at the end of it, that is called from the init.sqf at the start of it. Should that make sure they are all initialised before anything else is done?
  18. I just checked my .rpts and there is no reference to that function name anywhere. So how do you do this thing with BIS_fnc_execVM? Do you run the script for all machines and JIP e.g. [[[],"functions.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; in the init.sqf? Still I don't understand why this worked a couple of weeks ago but now since that update last week it doesn't unless something in the update has changed it.
  19. The function is run at the beginning of the script (which is called from the init.sqf at the start) on all machines and is given time to initialise before the function is called with BIS_fnc_MP Here's my function: CF_addactionMP = { private["_object","_screenMsg","_scriptToCall","_showActionVar"]; _object = _this select 0; _screenMsg = _this select 1; _scriptToCall = _this select 2; _showActionVar = _this select 3; if(isNull _object) exitWith {}; _object addaction [("<t color=""#58FA58"">" + (_screenMsg) + "</t>"),_scriptToCall,[],1,false,true,"",_showActionVar]; }; and here is the code later in the script to use it [[transformer,"Place Charge","sabotage.sqf","showAction1"],"CF_addactionMP",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; and also as I said, this function worked fine for JIP before the update last week.
  20. Tested on a private dedicated server with one other person on helping me test. They joined after the start and didn't get the action, then we tried again by restarting the mission and him going back to the lobby after the start and also disconnecting, he didn't get the action. Then I lauched my own dedicated server and tried a mission we ran a few weeks ago that it worked fine on, I disconnected and reconnected and didn't get an action that previously was there for JIP players.
  21. Nobody? This is a fairly big problem that will affect a lot of peoples missions, and since I've had it happen in 2 missions that I know it worked properly in before the update last week, I don't think this is a problem only I am having. Has anybody else here experienced the problem or have any mission they have made that they can check for it on?
  22. I just had something weird happen and I was wondering if anybody here could explain why this could happen. I was running a script on an object to blow it up: sleep 1; // timer while {true} do { hintsilent format ["Time Until Detonation :%1", [((_timeleft)/60)+.01,"HH:MM"] call bis_fnc_timetostring]; if (_timeleft < 1) exitWith{}; _timeleft = _timeleft -1; sleep 1; }; // create bomb and destroy object "R_80mm_HE" createvehicle getpos _object; {_x setdamage 1} foreach crew _object + [_object]; sleep 2; // set global variable for the object being destroyed destroyed = true; publicVariable "destroyed"; sleep 5; // global hint to let all players know what has happened _sideHint ="<t color='#58FA58' size='1.2' shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' align='center'>The power has been cut to the Marina.</t><br/><br/><t color='#58FA58' size='1.2' shadow='1' shadowColor='#000000' align='center'>All lights in the area are now out.</t>"; _GlobalHint = _sideHint; GlobalHint = _GlobalHint; publicVariable "GlobalHint"; hint parseText GlobalHint; Now, in the editor I have a trigger that checks for the "destroyed" variable in its condition (condition: destroyed), and in the onAct it runs a script to damage the lights in an area (onAct: 0 = [0.95] execVM "lights.sqf";): // off: 0 = [0.95] execVM "lights.sqf"; // on: 0 = [0] execVM "lights.sqf"; _types = ["Lamps_Base_F", "PowerLines_base_F"]; _onoff = _this select 0; for [{_i=0},{_i < (count _types)},{_i=_i+1}] do { // powercoverage is a marker I placed. _lamps = getMarkerPos "powerCoverage" nearObjects [_types select _i, 500]; sleep 1; {_x setDamage _onoff} forEach _lamps; }; What happened was, when I was hosting the dedicated server and my friend ran the action, only he saw the lights go off and got the message about it happening, but I didn't. When I ran the action we both saw the lights go off and got the message. Then we tried it on the dedicated server he was hosting, on that server when either of us ran the action we both saw the lights go out and got the message so it worked properly, some other things also worked that didn't work properly when I was hosting. This doesn't make any sense to me at all how this can happen, does anybody here have an explanation for that type of strange behaviour? :confused_o:
  23. That's quite a lot of views without a reply, I guess nobody else here can understand why this happened either?
  24. clydefrog

    =BTC= Revive

    Does this script re-add any code in the mobile respawn vehicles init when it respawns, or has anybody here tried adding that to it?