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Everything posted by d00kiejones

  1. d00kiejones

    co10 Escape

    Transferring ownership breaks waypoints and such. So it seems it would be a matter of having the units spawn on the HCs instead of transferring them. I could be reading wrong, I am not an experienced programmer, but it seems that you are using one script to decide what and where, and another to spawn and, another to control the units. If that is correct running the spawning scripts on the HC would produce the results I am looking for, right? Something like changing the if (!isServer) exitWith {}; to if (hasInterface || isServer) exitWith {}; The question is which scripts actually spawn the units?
  2. d00kiejones

    co10 Escape

    So the lines from initPlayerServer.sqf if(name _player == "HC") then { ["HC present. Offloading AI."] spawn a3e_fnc_debugmsg; A3E_HC_ID = owner _player; if(A3E_HC_ID==0) exitwith { ["Getting HC ID failed!"] spawn a3e_fnc_debugmsg; }; } else { //[format["%1 joined the Game!",name _player]] spawn a3e_fnc_debugmsg; do nothing? I was trying to use werthles headless kit at first, just saw that piece of code last night when I was digging. With WHK it ***SEEMS*** like the AI caching / spawning system was freaking out a bit and constantly spawning and deleting units as they are moved to the HC. Was only ever able to get about 50 units spread across 2 HCs and it would keep 100 or so on the server with server FPS 10-20. Just using your HC system, at least I thought it worked, produced no change in server FPS. *EDIT* Changing the initserver.sqf lines to if(name _player == "HC" || name _player == "HC2") then { ["HC present. Offloading AI."] spawn a3e_fnc_debugmsg; A3E_HC_ID = owner _player; if(A3E_HC_ID==0) exitwith { ["Getting HC ID failed!"] spawn a3e_fnc_debugmsg; }; } else { //[format["%1 joined the Game!",name _player]] spawn a3e_fnc_debugmsg; Stops the server from waiting for the headless clients, if they are named HC and HC2, for prison creation and extraction. *EDIT* I ran through some debug cycles and it seems that military traffic is going BONKERS. It will create 20-50 vehicles, from debug messages, then immediately delete 10-40 units, again from debug. It does this with and without headless clients and WHK. 16:51:23 "14:28 Debug: Vehicle 'drn_MilitaryTraffic_Entity_555' created! Total vehicles = 5" 16:51:23 "14:28 Debug: Vehicle 'drn_MilitaryTraffic_Entity_556' created! Total vehicles = 4" 16:51:23 "14:28 Debug: Vehicle deleted! Total vehicles = 3" 16:51:23 "14:28 Debug: Vehicle deleted! Total vehicles = 1" 16:51:23 "14:28 Debug: Vehicle 'drn_MilitaryTraffic_Entity_557' created! Total vehicles = 3" 16:51:25 "14:31 Debug: Group 'O Delta 4-1' garbage collected." 16:51:25 "14:31 Debug: Group 'O Bravo 4-3' garbage collected." 16:51:26 "14:31 Debug: Vehicle 'drn_MilitaryTraffic_Entity_558' created! Total vehicles = 4" 16:51:26 "14:31 Debug: Vehicle deleted! Total vehicles = 3" 16:51:27 "14:32 Debug: Vehicle deleted! Total vehicles = 1" 16:51:27 "14:32 Debug: Vehicle 'drn_MilitaryTraffic_Entity_559' created! Total vehicles = 6" 16:51:27 "14:33 Debug: Vehicle deleted! Total vehicles = 5" 16:51:27 "14:33 Debug: Vehicle 'drn_MilitaryTraffic_Entity_560' created! Total vehicles = 3" 16:51:27 "14:33 Debug: Group '<NULL-group>' garbage collected." 16:51:27 "14:33 Debug: Vehicle deleted! Total vehicles = 3" 16:51:27 "14:33 Debug: Vehicle deleted! Total vehicles = 1" 16:51:29 "14:34 Debug: Vehicle 'drn_MilitaryTraffic_Entity_561' created! Total vehicles = 4" 16:51:29 "14:34 Debug: Vehicle deleted! Total vehicles = 3" 16:51:29 "14:35 Debug: Vehicle deleted! Total vehicles = 1" 16:51:29 "14:35 Debug: Group 'C Bravo 2-1' garbage collected." 16:51:29 "14:35 Debug: Group 'C Alpha 3-1' garbage collected." 16:51:30 "14:36 Debug: Vehicle 'drn_MilitaryTraffic_Entity_562' created! Total vehicles = 3" 16:51:31 "14:37 Debug: Group 'O Delta 4-3' garbage collected." 16:51:31 "14:37 Debug: Group 'O Bravo 4-3' garbage collected." 16:51:31 "14:37 Debug: Group 'C Alpha 3-3' garbage collected." 16:51:32 "14:38 Debug: Vehicle 'drn_MilitaryTraffic_Entity_563' created! Total vehicles = 4" 16:51:34 "14:40 Debug: Group 'R Alpha 4-3' garbage collected." 16:51:35 "14:40 Debug: Vehicle 'drn_MilitaryTraffic_Entity_564' created! Total vehicles = 3" 16:51:35 "14:40 Debug: Vehicle 'drn_MilitaryTraffic_Entity_565' created! Total vehicles = 4" 16:51:35 "14:40 Debug: Vehicle deleted! Total vehicles = 3" 16:51:36 "14:41 Debug: Vehicle deleted! Total vehicles = 1" 16:51:36 "14:41 Debug: Vehicle 'drn_MilitaryTraffic_Entity_566' created! Total vehicles = 5"
  3. d00kiejones

    co10 Escape

    That I had not checked yet. Would you be kind enough to explain how the HC is handled when detected by the mission? Are you creating the AI on the server and moving them or creating them on the HC?
  4. d00kiejones

    co10 Escape

    @neoarmageddon @scruffy Any chance one of you guys could point me in the right direction on a couple issues? I added headless clients to the mission in an attempt to help out server performance, it works GREAT except the extraction choppers seem to be waiting for the headless clients to get into the chopper. Depending on how you decide who should be in the chopper I am thinking a if (!hasinterface) would fix that, what file contains the relevant code? I have been looking for about an hour and just can't seem to find it. Any help would be great. EDIT: You know it figures I find where you have added in for headless clients after I beat my head into the wall for 3 days trying to do it myself.
  5. So to me this seems like it should already be a thing in ALL games. Grass rendering distance is a constant break to immersion, in any game. I hate to see a hill in the distance that is green, only to get to it and have pink flowers pop in. So my suggestion is a post process effect that adds noise that is the same color as the grass when the grass is to far away to render. Instead of sinking the units into the ground you just cover them up a little. This would most likely require some small changes to units and the grass its self. The grass would need a color flags attached to it with the % above 5 that is each color, Like 80% green 20% pink. The units would need something to tell the effect how much of the body to cover depending on stance. Something like the lower legs covered while standing, chest down covered while Kneeling etc. Now I do NOT have the technical expertise to be able to say that this would or would not work, nor can I say what sort of performance impact it would have. To me, it is a good idea that should at least be thought through by those that do have the knowledge to determine whether or not it is feasible. Please ignore any grammar and spelling errors, I am typing this on my phone and we all know about autocorrect.
  6. d00kiejones

    Potential fix for players sinking at distance "feature"

    I am talking about the sinking into the ground as a way of approximating camouflage and grass that is not rendered at distance. It is a known issue(feature) from the OFP days.
  7. I fixed this issue for my own use by disabling damage when caching and waiting 2 seconds before enabling damage after uncaching. Here is a link to the .pbo if you want it. https://www.dropbox.com/s/8u1w6prxlecj32r/zbe_cache_addon_version.pbo?dl=0
  8. d00kiejones

    Cant see or select rolles in Multiplayer (EDEN EDITOR)

    I am having this issue on my server right now. It did not happen until I installed CUP. I have missions with and without CUP assets that will not show player slots. I think I might try your idea of running steam on the server.
  9. d00kiejones

    co10 Escape

    Putting up official steam workshop versions of the mission would be good, it will make it much easier for those who just want to play to be able to do so. Those of us wanting to host our servers or make our own port would be better served by this thread or a discord channel. This is IMHO of course.
  10. d00kiejones

    co10 Escape

    I am getting these errors spammed as well, I am not using -Autoinit and the mission runs fine, a bit of server performance issues with war torn mode but that gives the experience I am looking for. The only non unit/vehicle/weapon changes I have made are adding nre ear plugs and tad view distance script. I am also using ZBE cache as a server mod.
  11. d00kiejones

    co10 Escape

    I run into this sometimes, just #reassign (twice sometimes) to be able to edit the parameters.
  12. d00kiejones

    co10 Escape

    Hello! Absolutely Love these missions, thanks for the hard work. What are the chances of getting a 20 player version? EDIT* Nevermind I made one myself, Thanks to Scruffy and his helpful tutorial and tools.
  13. I have been hosting Escape from Tanoa, the Steam workshop one, on my dedi for a week or so now and I have NEVER been able to find a boat. There are a TON of boats and water scooters that had a ~35% probability of presence, pretty much 2 at every dock if not more. When previewing directly from the editor the boats were there after adjusting the probability of presence to ~80%, however once the mission is on the dedi there are no boats. Playing from the editor and teleporting around the map I was able to find a boat, I took the boat to look for more as a test and noticed that when I left the trigger zone for the boats, the triggers hide and disabled simulation on the boats if you were not inside the trigger area, the boat would just disappear with me in it and I would have to restart. OK so I figured this was simple and deleted the triggers that hide the boats. Yeah not so simple as now I cannot get the boats the spawn at all even at 100% probability. There are planes as well that have ~35% probability of presence that also NEVER spawn. The helicopters that I have placed with a ~10% PoP will spawn correctly regardless of the changes I have made. My initial thought was that the cleanup script was deleting the boats and planes due to distance from player. But, to me, it should have also deleted the helicopters I placed. If anyone has ANY thoughts on where to begin troubleshooting I would love to hear them. https://www.dropbox.com/s/naa5u1x3h127mub/Escape.Tanoa.7z?dl=0 is the mission as it stands fully editable. NOTE: Default parameters may have too much AI for a quad core to host and play, lower enemy group size and disable war torn mode if performance is an issue. And yes I know the tele script is a hack job (and how to fix), I was just trying to test while hosting on the Dedi.
  14. Using the Unoffical Tanoa port by phantom from the workshop. The CO-20 version. I will have to give the official version a try.
  15. d00kiejones

    Scripting help needed.

    Ok this seems to be working as intended. Thank you.
  16. nul = [getPos _position, _faction, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_T_F" >> "Armored" >> "O_T_SPGPlatoon_Scorcher")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; Works just fine for me, units are spawned and life is good. The trouble comes in here. _template = _this select 0; _faction = side _template; _armored2 = "(configfile >> ""CfgGroups"" >> ""East"" >> ""OPF_T_F"" >> ""Armored"" >> "; _armored21 = _armored2 + selectRandom Armored1; hint _armored21; nul = [[_position], _faction, [_armored21]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; The hint gives me (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_T_F" >> "Armored" >> "O_T_SPGPlatoon_Scorcher") or whatever random predefined group ends up selected. However no units spawn and no script errors are given.. Any help would be much appreciated. To answer the things I know will be asked and said I have prepared the following list. 1. The end goal is an easy to setup framework for wave defense missions. 2. I have looked at the scripts that are available, all of them I have tried are not fully functional after the Road to APEX/APEX updates. Besides this is a good learning experience for me. 3. That is not all the code I have, it is just the relevant bits. Full code below. if (isServer || isDedicated) then { _array = execVM "unit_array.sqf"; // This is a list of predefined groups cut into types. it contains the array Armored1 waitUntil {isNull _array}; //No No space private ["_template","_point","_origin","_totalWaves","_threat","_faction","_doSpawn","_position","_curWave","_Wave"]; //input _template = _this select 0; _point = _this select 1; _origin = _this select 2; _totalWaves = _this select 3; //defines _threat = 0; _faction = side _template; _position = _origin call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _curWave = 0; _Wave = _template; _totalWaves = _totalWaves - 1; _armored2 = "(configfile >> ""CfgGroups"" >> ""East"" >> ""OPF_T_F"" >> ""Armored"" >> "; //hint _armored2; _armored21 = _armored2 + selectRandom Armored1; hint _armored21; nul = [[_position], _faction, [_armored21]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; //spawn units //while {_curwave <= _totalWaves && {alive _x} count units _wave <= 1} do { // _position = _origin call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; // _Wave1 = [getPos _position, _faction, 1] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; // _Wave1 addWaypoint [position player, 50]; // _curWave = _curwave + 1; // hint str _curwave; // sleep 10; }; //Handle ending //while {_curwave >= _totalWaves && {alive _x} count units _wave == 0} do { // endmission "END1"; // }; //};
  17. d00kiejones

    Scripting help needed.

    Thank you for the help, I have not been able to get back to my computer for a few days. What you are looking at it the result of hours of trying different things to get this script working, the naming makes sense to me. I started out counting groups not units which is why I used _template as the first wave, I know I could have done it differently but that's what I did. I want the double quotes around EAST because that is what it calls for, manually typing without the quotes would not spawn units when passing a config but it does with a string. I have no Idea why but I am hoping that adding the double quotes will help.
  18. d00kiejones

    Scripting help needed.

    if (isServer || isDedicated) then { call unitArray; //No No space private ["_template","_point","_origin","_totalWaves","_threat","_faction","_doSpawn","_position","_curWave","_Wave"]; //input _template = _this select 0; _point = _this select 1; _origin = _this select 2; _totalWaves = _this select 3; //defines _threat = 0; _side = str side _template; _position = _origin call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _curWave = 0; _Wave = _template; _totalWaves = _totalWaves - 1; _armored2 = (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> _side >> "OPF_T_F" >> "Armored" >> selectRandom Armored1); hint _side; _spawnVeh = [getPos _position, _side, _armored2] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; //hint str _spawnveh; //spawn units //while {_curwave <= _totalWaves && {alive _x} count units _wave <= 1} do { // _position = _origin call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; // _Wave1 = [getPos _position, _faction, 1] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; // _Wave1 addWaypoint [position player, 50]; // _curWave = _curwave + 1; // hint str _curwave; // sleep 10; }; //Handle ending //while {_curwave >= _totalWaves && {alive _x} count units _wave == 0} do { // endmission "END1"; // }; //}; _template is a unit to get the side and faction.
  19. d00kiejones

    Scripting help needed.

    Now that I have had time to look at it again I am stuck here on data types. _side = side _template; _armored2 = (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> _side >> "OPF_T_F" >> "Armored" >> selectRandom Armored1); Gives me Error Type Side, expected String While _side = str side _template; _armored2 = (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> _side >> "OPF_T_F" >> "Armored" >> selectRandom Armored1); Gives me Error type String, expected Side With this setup I do however get units spawned. I think I can see the error but I have no idea how to correct it. Regardless of the data type used I do not get double quotes around EAST. I would very much appreciate any help anyone could give me on this.
  20. d00kiejones

    Scripting help needed.

    Sorry I thought I posted that already. Armored1 = [ "O_T_SPGPlatoon_Scorcher", "O_T_SPGSection_Scorcher", "O_T_TankPlatoon", "O_T_TankPlatoon_AA", "O_T_TankSection" ]; I did not get Hallyg's reply until after I had replied to you. If I change Armored1 to _Armored1 will my script still see it as a valid variable? Local global confusion. I really do not know a lot about programming, I am just good at google.
  21. d00kiejones

    Scripting help needed.

    Between you u/HallyG I was able to get it going. Thanks for the help.
  22. d00kiejones

    Scripting help needed.

    HAHA you and grumpy both pointing to the same thing. That has it working now as _armored2 = (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> _faction >> "OPF_T_F" >> "Armored" >> selectRandom Armored1); Now I just need to make the rest of it.[ Thanks for the help!
  23. d00kiejones

    Scripting help needed.

    I'm picking up what your putting down. _position is, currently, using named gamelogic. Which is easy enough to have as a restriction. What I need from this part of the script is for it to populate the CfgGroups section of BIS_fnc_spawngroup. This is currently not working because I am passing an array in the space for a config. Any idea how I would do this without assigning a variable to each entry from CfgGroups individually?
  24. d00kiejones

    Scripting help needed.

    _position is an object defined as _position = _origin call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _origin is _origin = _this select 2; which is an array of named markers/triggers/gamelogics. I do see where I screwed up now not using getPos _position So what I get from _spawnVeh = [getPos _position, _faction, _armored21] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; hint str _spawnveh; is a group name in hint O Alpha 2-3 but nothing spawns.
  25. d00kiejones

    Scripting help needed.

    _position is a randomly selected from a group of named markers/gamelogic/trigger/unit that are passed as an array via _this select 2 as _origin. This part of the script works as intended when using the simple version _Wave1 = [getPos _position, _faction, 1] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _faction is named as it is because it is intended hold the faction (USMC, CSAT etc.) I am simply using it as a place holder until that part of the code is written. The idea is that you would place a unit of the side and faction you wish to fight against as a template. You don't want regular CSAT (OPF_F) units on Tanoa, you want CSAT pacific (OPF_T_F). The system to store the config also has not been built yet but it would be similar to what you have. More like _CFG = "(configfile >> ""CfgGroups"" >> + _side + ">> " + _faction + " >> " + _GrpType " >> "; What I have so far is posted at the top.