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Everything posted by chrisb

  1. Edit: O.k. looks like the problem already had a ticket, exists here: ID; 0006685 link: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=6685 Vote this up please. Links changed.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1vazCFJFZI Mods can close this thread if need be..
  2. New update: Fixed, we can walk again... nice.:D
  3. chrisb

    New Update?

    Great we’re walking again.. That’s the only thing I’ve seen at the mo, but had to tell someone..;).
  4. chrisb

    I just came by these the other day

    Interesting to see those pictures, thanks for putting them on..:)
  5. chrisb

    North Korea General

    Yes, I think thats just about right..:D
  6. chrisb

    North Korea General

    Remember Slim Pickens (playing someone called King IIRR) riding the bomb in Dr Strangelove. Think that, then think this guy, doing the same on a missile, about sums it up.. Idiot with an arsenal...
  7. chrisb

    Margaret Thatcher dies

    I started work in mid 1975 (apprentice), started my own business up early 1981, around 15mnths after she became PM. When her own party threw her out in 1990 I was employing around 40 people (was only a small business back then, but had slowly grown over that decade). It’s a period I can relate too very well, she did things wrong a number of times, but she did far more right. It felt like you could move forward and you did, if you wanted too. Alright I have found it good since, well luckily more times than its been bad, but when I heard she had died, which really was no surprise, considering how ill she had been of late, it was sad in a nostalgic way for me. Of course I’m sad for her family, she is/was a mother and grandmother, so you have to be very sad for those left behind. But for myself, as said, I felt more nostalgically sad for that era, I had to get a business going, hard slog, that’s for sure. But she had to get a country going, you did alright Maggie I tilt my hat to you, well if I owned one I would. Churchill then Thatcher forget the rest… Thatcher certainly in my lifetime, well so far, can’t see anyone to get us out of this mess we’re in now. Also I remember many conversations with my mum back in the 80’s, she always said Churchill was the best PM she had had in her lifetime, so it’s a pretty good duo I reckon.. RIP, Maggie..
  8. Its great diving around the USS Khe Sanh in Utes waters, shame there's no signs of fish life anywhere, bubbles though..;) I was using this arrangement (YT I think is where it came from), leave what you see in, the rest take out, just these two folders. Seemed to work o.k. I didn’t really use it. Not sure if its advisable to use it with kju's here.. Addons in ‘Arma 2’ http://imageshack.us/a/img545/3127/desktop2013040919581830.png Addons in ‘expansions’ http://imageshack.us/a/img832/1049/desktop2013040919534088.png
  9. chrisb

    Beta isn't actually that far away

    Hope to enjoy ‘Altis’, peek maybe soon, who knows.. Smaller islands are nice, ‘Proving Grounds’ great for sneaky night combat with that undulating ground. Maybe could have done with being slightly larger with a couple more farms.. Still, not that much to loose its ‘Little’ status.;).
  10. Thanks for that tip, great idea, made a .bat file and put the load details into that. Just a thought, if I wanted to point to an exterior HDD (for more AI & A2 terrains), would I add that info in the .bat file into that load line ? There would only be two folders as the terrains are pre-sorted.. @Kju: Thank you very much for this ‘kju’, its your usual fantastic work. Really looking forward to following your progress and supporting this project..:) Regards the water, I was using another similar setup I got somewhere, anyway the A3 water was/is used for the A2 islands (underwater swimming etc), will have a look, see where I put it..
  11. Upto 0.53.103798 & its still there..
  12. I don't think they look too bad http://imageshack.us/f/267/arma320130408112132395.png/, you can alter a lot with colour, gamma, brightness etc, plus all the in-game settings. Also the ratio, my picture is 16:10, I sometimes prefer 5:4, don't like 16:9 much even though my monitor is a 16:9, but has a 5:4 switch. 16:9 to me, makes the people look too thin scrawny, 16:10 is better for me, but for immersion I really like 5:4 just pulls the screen in, weird I know, but thats life..
  13. O.k. looks like the problem already had a ticket, exists here: ID; 0006685 link: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=6685 Vote this up please. Links changed..
  14. Edit: O.k. looks like the problem already had a ticket, exists here: ID; 0006685 link: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=6685 Vote this up please. Links changed..
  15. Too late he put it on, hope that warning wasn't for a good link !
  16. chrisb

    AI Improvement

    I have put the pics into YT slideshows to make it easier to view. Now I have also added details under the videos, you should read that, this type of enhanced ai requires certain mods and mission making format.. But to answer your question, yes, ai mods can completely change the game, when used correctly and with good mission design. The best ai you will find anywhere in any game, free thinking ai, obviously they are not perfect in every way, but they are as close as you will get, imo. Very realistic immersive gaming, on another level, again imo..;)
  17. chrisb

    AI Improvement

    A small selection of pictures taking during test scenarios. Maybe reasons why some of these mods need to be looked at by BIS. All are ai apart from me taking the pictures during the tests, they are all acting in intelligent ways, doing what some believe impossible in this series, but they do act/react this way in the missions we play. Look through, its all building use related including engaging from those positions.. I don’t mind having modded ai, that isn’t a problem to me, but the the mod maker who made this possible or should I say the makers, as this is a cross effect of mixing pbo’s, are now gone from this community, I haven't seen them pop up anywhere else, so I assume they may have left the series behind, how are we to get this back.:( Don’t forget these mods were made a number of years ago, but, never bettered... Edit: First lot done.. Final lot done.. For me to say this works fine out of the box, is a little misleading, the ai we use are for missions we make. One mod in particular we use as a base format, this is GL4, now a problem with GL4 is that it may not work correctly in missions not made using that base format. Therefore BIS campaigns and other user made missions might not work as they should when using GL4. Any user missions made with the format will work fine, but as said, it would be wrong for me to say this is a ‘for all’ ai, its really for mission makers/players using that particular format.. Its enhanced ai, really..
  18. I would not get the 7750, would try for the 650Ti if you have the money, use this as a little guide to cards, always worked for our group..:)
  19. Always been a little funny this series and boats. It has improved, but it will always be a case of being in the right spot for things to work. Boat to boat, great idea, never needed to use that myself up until now, but would be great now the sea plays a much larger part in the game..:)
  20. chrisb

    AI Improvement

    The mix of ai I use and how they are mixed is certainly not broken or a fps/performance burden. The standard bearers for ai behaviour and tactics are GL4 & SLX. Zeus and TPWC ai/los is also a good choice, if you want better ai. AI behaviour has not come on much since arma was released, standard BIS ai that is. In looks and movement yes, but behaviour, no. But a good mix of modded ai, is a completely different game, very satisfying, certainly for modern warfare tactics. AI an FPS burden, yes if you want large missions of over say +250ai, then maybe. Broken! no, good mission design using, it has to be said, a GL4 format is essential, for me anyway, testing is a must do and continue to do.. Smaller more compact missions should give better ai performance all around. Large scale warfare and your not going to notice ai behaviour that much anyway, not working with ai that intimately. In smaller missions with coop etc, then you notice, a lot, so you work to change that.. Arma was taken and given a new direction with PR and many other groups either larger/smaller, using they’re own slant on the game, slant being provided by mod/addons, some in-house some from the wider community. This is a good thing on the whole, our group did the same, with our smaller mission type, design and format it is not standard arma by any means. Its an ai enhanced format, because we feel the ai is the most important element. But that’s the beauty of this series, it gives us that possibility, but when you want a new slant on the game you have to test exhaustively for it to suit the type of game-play you want/need. But how you want to play the game is down to you or the group your part of, its an open area, you know you’ve hit the right format when your more or less completely satisfied with your game, which I am, with Arma and Arma2 that is/was. But of course its all subjective, however you play and how far your satisfied, with your game. But if certain instances are shown to work, then they no longer are subjective, they are there to be seen, how you yourself interpret that or indeed want to interpret that may be subjective. If its tested and shown to work, then that’s a different thing. I was so disappointed with A3 where ai is concerned, more so because I know the main mods or parts of mods needed to get really good ai behaviour will not get ported over from A2, many of the makers have moved on it seems. That’s why its so disappointing to me, there seems to be no great future for ai in the series, if the ones in the Alpha are to go by, maybe they’ll improve, wait and see. But great game-play will always be there for our group, just means returning to play using our set method in Arma 2. In one sence its helped, A3 coming along, fewer game tweaks mod/addons etc, will be made for A2, so less testing and tweaking is needed. Play more test and tweak less, A2 wise. Arma 3, well we will see, may not live upto its older brother in modded ai terms.. But could be a fun factor game anyway, plus somewhere to sightsee.:D
  21. chrisb

    AI Improvement

    You would have to substitute ASR ai with GL4 & Zeus to get really good ai, taking proper cover and using great tactics..
  22. Now if you were playing a Brit in that fire-fight the car would be American… O.k., o.k. its just an observation..:o;).
  23. chrisb

    Suppression Effect missing in ARMA3

    It still amazes me that people are still arguing over this. Player one would like the feature..:D Player two doesn’t want the feature..:mad: As said before, put in something equivalent to an On/Off switch. And lets be honest, certain contributors are getting less coherent with each post that passes…:803:. Its funny really, many don’t want to see the effects of suppression in-game, but I can see the effects of anger/rage on screen here, just by reading some of the posts.. Ah you shout, still doesn’t have a real screen effect, your right it doesn't, it actually has a physical effect, I can't read whilst falling around laughing..:icon_lol:.