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Everything posted by geestyleed

  1. Alive is super awesome =) We really enjoy playing it. now we want to try it with Iron Front, but we are struggeling to get the Fraction names for Russians and German units ::( Can somebody help me there, please?
  2. We had a lot of fun with that mission so far! But we had some strange problems: 1.) The pilot got shot out of a heli due to a single bullet multiple times - that is pretty strange - which lead to some casulties ;) 2.) Ditto for tanks - mate shot with a 7.62 at a our t100 and shot driver and gunner out of the vehicle 3.) You nearly get unconscious really fast (hit a wall with 2km/h down, dipped a bit harded with a heli on the ground -> down etc) 4.) Public gaming ist pretty difficult when only the admin can assign classes 5.) I can agree on multiple points above. But nevertheless great mission which will stay on our server!
  3. I am so excited - we will directly host asap ;)
  4. Thanks mate, I will try it out. But I guess I found another problem, beside the marker, which is way more servere :( We tried to play, but some kind of scripts put CSAT Soldiers (when played by Humans) also in the Prison :D This makes the bounty kinda useless - haha But so far I couldnt figure out which one it is...
  5. Hi guys, I am trying to make a TVT Escape Altis version. So far so good. But I dont want the CSAT Players to search in the haystack. So I tried to add a marker / zone to the group leader which transmitts every 240 seconds the last position of the NATO Group Leader. However, it doesnt work. Group Leader Name: p1 Marker in Red: Marker_CP1 I put down in the init.sqf [] spawn { while{not isnull p1} do {"Marker_CP1" setmarkerpos getpos P1; sleep 240.0;}; }; So it looks some kind like that: private ["_useRevive"]; private ["_volume", "_dynamicWeather", "_isJipPlayer"]; private ["_showIntro", "_showPlayerMapAndCompass", "_fog", "_playerIsImmortal", "_playersEnteredWorld"]; call compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "FAR_revive\FAR_revive_init.sqf"; [] spawn { while{not isnull p1} do {"Marker_CP1" setmarkerpos getpos P1; sleep 240.0;}; }; addHijackAction = { private ["_object", "_screenMsg", "_scriptToCall"]; _object = _this select 0; _screenMsg = _this select 1; _scriptToCall = _this select 2; if (isNull _object) exitWith {}; _object addaction [_screenMsg, _scriptToCall, [], 1.5, true, false, "", "_this distance _target <= 3"]; [etc.] The marker remains on the position where I placed it on the editor map :( Probably I am doing it totally wrong, but I hope one of you might help me! Thanks! Cheers, Gee
  6. Hi guys, after the last Battle-Eye update made our existing Wasteland mission useless, we had to switch earlier than expected to a new Version (A3 Wasteladn 0.9d). At the moment it runs without any modifications/customization. Our server should provide Player (Items/Money) and Base Save. The player thing works pretty good, but for the Base Save we encounter increasingly high number of disappearing items:( We have absolutely no idea why. Before we switched it worked out nearly flawless and only sometimes one or two "strangely" placed object disappeared, but now whole bases get eaten :confused: Many players get annoyed and we have to justify us for missing bases :( Right now I am not at home, so I cannot provide any further details like error log, but if needed I can try to get in contact with the admin... Is that a general "new" iniDB Problem? Would it make sense to reset the DB? Or is another solution suitable?:butbut: Thanks in advance guys, Cheers, gee
  7. geestyleed

    Speed Of Sound

    Ahh great. Thanks for info. =) I thought this wouldnt work =)
  8. geestyleed

    Speed Of Sound

    Great Sound mod! This got probably already mentioned, but we sometimes get a bit annoyed by the sounds when hurt/low health and the vehicle suspensions :D But the vehicle horns are awesome :D We even allowed your sound mod on our server!
  9. Haha yeah it's a modified GoT VersioN ;)) We will definitely have a look at the 0.9d and try to adapt our mission for it. Mh we have a vehicle/base object shop on the map. So far so good, but as soon as we add additional items for sale all buyable items disappear and you have an empty shop :( But it is probably a fault from our side, since I am sure that there are other .sqf data for the shops than the config.sqf showing the sellable items.
  10. Hi guys, Our team set up a slightly modified presitent Wasteland server (EU), but we wanted to give it some extra custom flavour. I beside some other changes I try to modify the mission by adding more items to the spawn list and to the shops. Although I stick to the correct entry format and class names, everything is broken :( The cars and their loot seems to spawn normal. Even the other base objects are spawning (I am not sure about the new one, but I guess they spawn). But the R3F is somehow deactivated and you cant move/load or what so ever. The Shops contents are completly empty after the changes. I made the changed in: Config.SQF ServerVARS.SQF R3F_LOG Config.SQF And added the following lines "Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F" "Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_F" "Land_Cargo_House_V1_F" "Land_i_Addon_03mid_V1_F" "Land_i_Garage_V1_F" "Land_Shed_Small_F" Config.SQF Changed in the Shops: ["Toolkit","ToolKit", 550,"item"] ]; genObjectsArray= [ ["Bunker Large", "Land_BagBunker_Large_F", 200,"object"], ["Bag Bunker", "Land_BagBunker_Small_F", 100,"object"], ["Military HQ", "Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F", 1000,"object"], ["Military Tower Small", "Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_F", 800,"object"], ["Military Container", "Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_F", 300,"object"], ["Civilian Shed", "Land_i_Addon_03mid_V1_F", 100,"object"], ["Civilian Garage", "Land_i_Garage_V1_F", 200,"object"], ["Civilian Shed Open", "Land_Shed_Small_F", 200,"object"] ]; landArray = [ ["Bunker Large", "Land_BagBunker_Large_F", 60,"object"], ["Bag Bunker", "Land_BagBunker_Small_F", 50,"object"] ["Military HQ", "Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F", 1000,"object"], ["Military Tower Small", "Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_F", 800,"object"], ["Military Container", "Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_F", 300,"object"], ["Civilian Shed", "Land_i_Addon_03mid_V1_F", 100,"object"], ["Civilian Garage", "Land_i_Garage_V1_F", 200,"object"], ["Civilian Shed Open", "Land_Shed_Small_F", 200,"object"] ]; armoredArray = [ ServerVARS.SQF "C_Boat_Civil_01_rescue_F" ]; //Object List - Random Spawns. objectList = [ "B_supplyCrate_F", "B_supplyCrate_F", "CamoNet_INDP_open_F", "CamoNet_INDP_open_F", "Land_BagBunker_Large_F", "Land_BagBunker_Large_F", "Land_BagBunker_Small_F", "Land_BagBunker_Small_F", "Land_BagBunker_Tower_F", "Land_BagBunker_Tower_F", "Land_BarGate_F", "Land_Canal_Wall_Stairs_F", "Land_Canal_WallSmall_10m_F", "Land_Canal_WallSmall_10m_F", "Land_CncBarrierMedium4_F", "Land_CncShelter_F", "Land_CncWall4_F", "Land_HBarrier_1_F", "Land_HBarrier_3_F", "Land_HBarrier_5_F", "Land_HBarrier_5_F", "Land_HBarrier_5_F", "Land_HBarrierBig_F", "Land_HBarrierBig_F", "Land_HBarrierBig_F", "Land_HBarrierBig_F", "Land_HBarrierTower_F", "Land_HBarrierWall4_F", "Land_HBarrierWall4_F", "Land_HBarrierWall6_F", "Land_HBarrierWall6_F", "Land_LampShabby_F", "Land_MetalBarrel_F", "Land_Mil_ConcreteWall_F", "Land_Mil_WallBig_4m_F", "Land_Mil_WallBig_4m_F", "Land_Mil_WallBig_4m_F", "Land_Pipes_large_F", "Land_RampConcrete_F", "Land_RampConcreteHigh_F", "Land_Sacks_goods_F", "Land_Shoot_House_Wall_F", "Land_WaterBarrel_F", "Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F", "Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F", "Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_F", "Land_Cargo_House_V1_F", "Land_Cargo_House_V1_F", "Land_i_Addon_03mid_V1_F", "Land_i_Addon_03mid_V1_F", "Land_i_Garage_V1_F", "Land_i_Garage_V1_F", "Land_Shed_Small_F", "Land_Shed_Small_F" ]; //Object List - Random Spawns R3F_LOG Config.SQF ["Heli_Attack_02_base_F", 20] ]; R3F_LOG_CFG_objets_transportables = [ ["B_supplyCrate_F", 5], ["ReammoBox_F", 3], ["Quadbike_01_base_F", 10], ["Rubber_duck_base_F", 10], ["UAV_01_base_F", 2], ["Land_BagBunker_Large_F", 10], ["Land_BagBunker_Small_F", 5], ["Land_BagBunker_Tower_F", 7], ["Land_BagFence_Long_F", 3], ["Land_BarGate_F", 3], ["Land_Canal_WallSmall_10m_F", 4], ["Land_Canal_Wall_Stairs_F", 3], ["Land_CargoBox_V1_F", 5], ["Land_CncBarrierMedium4_F", 4], ["Land_CncShelter_F", 4], ["Land_CncWall4_F", 5], ["Land_HBarrierBig_F", 5], ["Land_HBarrierTower_F", 8], ["Land_HBarrierWall4_F", 4], ["Land_HBarrierWall6_F", 5], ["Land_HBarrierWall6_F", 6], ["Land_HBarrier_1_F", 1], ["Land_HBarrier_3_F", 3], ["Land_HBarrier_5_F", 5], ["Land_LampShabby_F",3], ["Land_MetalBarrel_F", 2], ["Land_Mil_ConcreteWall_F", 5], ["Land_Mil_WallBig_4m_F", 5], ["Land_Obstacle_Ramp_F", 5], ["Land_Pipes_large_F", 5], ["Land_RampConcreteHigh_F", 6], ["Land_RampConcrete_F", 5], ["Land_Sacks_goods_F", 2], ["Land_Scaffolding_F", 3], ["Land_Shoot_House_Wall_F", 3], ["Land_Stone_8m_F", 5], ["Land_ToiletBox_F", 6], ["Land_WaterBarrel_F", 2], ["Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F", 10], ["Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_F", 8], ["Land_Cargo_House_V1_F", 15], ["Land_i_Addon_03mid_V1_F", 10], ["Land_i_Garage_V1_F", 10], ["Land_Shed_Small_F", 10] ]; /****** MOVABLE-BY-PLAYER OBJECTS / OBJETS DEPLACABLES PAR LE JOUEUR ******/ R3F_LOG_CFG_objets_deplacables = [ "ReammoBox_F", "Quadbike_01_base_F", "Rubber_duck_base_F", "UAV_01_base_F", "Land_BagBunker_Large_F", "Land_BagBunker_Small_F", "Land_BagBunker_Tower_F", "Land_BagFence_Long_F", "Land_BarGate_F", "Land_Canal_WallSmall_10m_F", "Land_Canal_Wall_Stairs_F", "Land_CncBarrierMedium4_F", "Land_CncShelter_F", "Land_CncWall4_F", "Land_HBarrierBig_F", "Land_HBarrierTower_F", "Land_HBarrierWall4_F", "Land_HBarrierWall6_F", "Land_HBarrier_1_F", "Land_HBarrier_3_F", "Land_HBarrier_5_F", "Land_LampDecor_F", "Land_LampShabby_F", "Land_MetalBarrel_F", "Land_Mil_ConcreteWall_F", "Land_Mil_WallBig_4m_F", "Land_Pipes_large_F", "Land_RampConcreteHigh_F", "Land_RampConcrete_F", "Land_Sacks_goods_F", "Land_Scaffolding_F", "Land_Shoot_House_Wall_F", "Land_Stone_8m_F", "Land_ToiletBox_F", "Land_WaterBarrel_F", "Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F", "Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_F", "Land_Cargo_House_V1_F", "Land_i_Addon_03mid_V1_F", "Land_i_Garage_V1_F", "Land_Shed_Small_F" ]; Please help me guys ;) I am kinda lost right now. I wanted to add much more loot, but when I even fail but adding 5 things, it doesnt make sense to continue:( Best Regards, Gee
  11. Soooo we got it fixed - R3F works and the Items are spawning, but the shop is still broken. All menus are empty:(
  12. I think I fixed that error, but since we made so many different versions, we dont know if we already tried it with that error fixed. But we will try it this afternoon with the following settings: Full SQF Incoming - The forums seems to mess up the format but according to note++ all the object etc are tabbed once Wasteland Config.SQF ServerVARS.SQF R3F Config.SQF
  13. I will inform my mate to send me the rpt file. For the config.sqf - that is just a excerpt. After the [ ist some more info Edit: I hope that is everything what is needed: "############################# WastelandHGG2 #############################" "WASTELAND SERVER - Initializing Server" Attempt to override final function - accessoriesarray Error in expression <Land_ToiletBox_F", "Land_WaterBarrel_F" "Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F" "Land_Cargo_Patrol> Error position: <"Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F" "Land_Cargo_Patrol> Error Missing ] File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\addons\R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\R3F_LOG\config.sqf, line 187 Error in expression <Land_ToiletBox_F", "Land_WaterBarrel_F" "Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F" "Land_Cargo_Patrol> Error position: <"Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F" "Land_Cargo_Patrol> Error Missing ] File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\addons\R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\R3F_LOG\config.sqf, line 187 Warning Message: Script A3Wasteland_settings\serverRules.sqf not found Warning Message: Script antihack\fastVarPayload.sqf not found "ANTI-HACK 0.8.0: Started."
  14. geestyleed

    User mission requests!

    Are there any coop missions or domination etc. around where you play TAK Army vs. TAK Ins?
  15. Hi guys, I am trying to create a objective marker which is created after the first task is completed, but in Arma 3 I always get an error. This is how the Trigger looks like: [....]; _Marker2 = createMarker ["Marker2", [1800,5.5,5500]]; "Marker2" setmarkertype "objective"; "Marker2" setMarkerDir -41.4701; "Marker2" setMarkerColor "Red"; "Marker2" setMarkerShape "ICON"; "Marker2" setMarkerSize [1, 1]; There is a Error that Arma 3 doesnt find the icon objective...If I work with a Ellipse...Arma 3 has problem with the colour? BTW. _Marker2 = createMarker ["Marker2", [1800,5.5,5500]] <- Which one is X, Y, Z Axis? Do I add there the meters on the map? What am I doing wrong? :( Thanks guys! -gee
  16. Thanks! This works. Now the only remaining problem is that red is not a valid colour :D
  17. Sounds like a great mission. I am not sure if it is implemented (and if so I am sorry), but have you thought about the R3F Logsitic Script and Fortification spawns for base building?
  18. Hi guys, a friend of mine has Arma2CO with Steam. But suddenly CO didnt want to start anymore - for no reason. - Arma 2 launches normal and Arma 2 CO Beta but only without mods - He completly reinstalled Steam on a new partition with Arma but this didnt help - He tried Arma 2 launcher etc but it didnt help. - But dayz launches without problems He checked the cache, deleted the profiles, cleaned the registry and so on. He is using Win 7 64bit. But there is really no error - where we could refer. He is completly going nuts rights now, because we cannot detect the problem Has anybody an idea what it could be? Best regards, Gee P.S.: Does the Steam key work with the Arma2 retaiL?
  19. Hi everyone, I have been lurking here around for quite a while now. But now I thought it would be a good time to sign up. I hope you like some supply on new coop missions :p Bounded in Chain Part I (06/25/2012) 1st Mission: Operation Sommersturm *Updated* http://www.abload.de/img/rescuekvf3o.jpg (199 kB) Story line: CO-04: The germans and russians are having a exacerbating war in Polnad. A german defence point is just some hundred meter south of Baranov. Two days ago the russians took Hauptmann Schmock and Oberst Bock as hostages after they got into an amush in near Baranov. They are kept highly protected in Castle Baranov. You are their only hope to get them out there alive! This afternoon the russians are planning a demonstrative execution to show their power and they want to force the Germans to retreat from the area around Baranov. Additional Information: - No Respawn - Some fair Savepoints and random save possible (and recommended) - Decide yourself what is the best way! - Some ambient design and sounds - You can choose between two STG44 Soldier, a Medic or a Sniper. No other support. - So far no Briefing or something, but Information on the map as well as due to messages on the screen (I hope you forgive me for that :P) - you wont get lost - Rambo way wont work - haha - Playtime should be around 45-60 Minutes. - Mission information in english language. German version will follow in some days. Known Issues: - Sometimes the Oberst is dead, but that no big deal (should be fixed now) - Russian FLAK in the inner castle yard sees everything and this can be annoying (but challenging) - all characters should be humans or deactivate the AI - because the AI is overchallenged with CQB or navigating in Castle Baranov. You can download the mission here (06/07/2012) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2nd Mission: Fallen Hunter http://www.abload.de/img/fallenhunter0gcy5.jpg (179 kB) Story line: CO-02: While heading back from a bomb run on a russian supply convoy, your plane compass was hit by a shrapnel and you lost your orientation. Your plane ended up being shot down in the middle of the swamps...in the middle of the russian territory. Luckily you and your gunner are alright, but that does not apply to the Stuka. Your landing wasnt the most quiet one with the result that some recon troops are on the way to the crash site, but thankfully there is..... Additional Information: - No Respawn - Some fair Savepoints and random save possible (and recommended) - Some ambient design and sounds - No Briefing or something, but Information on the map as well as due to messages on the screen - Two human players needed - Play smart! - Playtime should be around 60+ Minutes. - Mission information in english language. German version will follow in some days. Known Issues: - none that I am aware of. You can download the mission here (06/09/2012) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3rd Mission: Bound in chains we won't die Part I http://www.abload.de/img/unbentb67bb.jpg (271 kB) Story line: CO-07 You are part of a supply convoy trying to reach a disabled Panther Tank. But on the way to your destination you were ambushed by heavy armory and soldiers. Your complete convoy was destoryed, but you and six other men survived and were captured. You know - the russians are not the most friendly and you have to get out of their captivity to avoid certain death. However you are heavily guarded ... a elopement is risky - a risk you have to take... * Additional Information: - No Respawn - Short Intro - Some fair Savepoints and random save possible (and recommended) - Some ambient design and sounds - Quite open design - Playable with CO-02 (more covert ops) or more players for extra fighting and explosions =) - I would advice only to play with humans and deactive empty (AI) Slots. Known Issues: - Somehow the intro doesnt work which makes the beginning of the mission in bit like a jump in cold water - I tested the mission in MP and I hope everything runs fine - if not I would be happy if you will tell me. You can download the mission here (06/25/2012) I am open for constructive critism - please dont be too harsh =) Greetings, Gee
  20. So guys, I have finised my work on the first part of the Bound in Chain mission. I am planning to release the mission in three parts. The other releases will follow more quickly!
  21. I will give it a try - for now I made the captive scene as a intro and the mission starts on the run - so I bypassed the problem and I could add some extra Dialogs etc haah :D
  22. Hi guys, I am planning a mission in which your squad is held as captives after they got into an ambush. Now I would like to make the Captives getting into a Russian truck with russian soldiers. On the normal way it doesnt work (I dont get the option to enter, only to attack) How can I make this worK? Thanks in advance, Gee
  23. Finally I could finish the Fallen Hunter mission. I hope everything works - happy gaming =)
  24. Haha yeah these are tricky =) Try the roof or stay crouched - they wont hit you (just a little hint :P) I would advice to make a manual savepoint when you think you are ready to enter the castle - than I will not get that frustrating :) Fallen Hunter got some last optimization...testing and release is set up for tomorrow