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Everything posted by Jastreb

  1. Thank you very much Suma. Ive been thinking to CIT this one, but I had a feeling it will be noticed and fixed before I post it on CIT. We dont really want any attention, as servers are private, so we dont need BE. Will do with Beta 96016 and higher for geo-location ( I think thats how its called? ). Not sure if that matters for us, cause server is hosted by our friend in CH ( Swiss ), and we play from Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia, but anyway he should run recent ( stable ) beta. So I assume Beta 97028 is the fix? Edit: Just tried it with 97028 and it works again. Cheers.
  2. Jastreb

    Czech Army fireteam (or equivilent) structure?

    http://www.zastava-arms.rs/cms/assets/galleries/78/bgp.jpg True that. 40mm BGP. Not sure for Czech Army as it is now, but I think they do not use Nato type military organization. If it was as it were, then 60 - 120 men company, split into 2 platoons, then 4 squads, and every squad has 2 fire teams. Most of them are basic riflemans. Thats how I recall it. Maybe not exact Nato names for units though. Thats how basic infantry rolls that I know. AKs for everyone! @ Paladin - where the hell did you get that info, from movies? Edit: Or I am completely wrong about Nato style organization http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/45/Czech_Forces.png
  3. Jastreb

    U.S. Ambassador to Lybia Killed

    Deaths are always sad news, no matter where, who or what for was killed. @ Vilas - I bet 99% people here, dont want to know what you know, so better forget it. If you know what Im trying to say...
  4. Jastreb

    Not able to host a game

    Beta is the problem, I have same issues with private hosted servers.
  5. Jastreb

    WarFX : Blastcore

    ^ Quoted for truth. If you use verifySIgnatures=2; ( and I do hope you do ), then you should just add Blastcores server-key to your serverroot/keys folder, and clients will be able to use it. Dont run this on server.
  6. I did, trust me. Also tried 10000 ping and its not working. Step 1 filters Step 2 results Step 3 - restart the game and remove beta
  7. Then how do you explain that I cant find my server with latest beta on clients, and I can find it no problems, without using beta patch? Gamespy limit? Not. Try it yourself. Open Arma2(CO) with latest beta and go to server browser. Open up filter and type SFRJ ( server name field ). Then stare at empty screen for a moment. Restart the game without beta, and do the same thing again. See? I used beta from day one I got this game, and this last change made me drop it. Revert this change BIS, please, or give us the option to go around it - turn it off.
  8. Dont use custom mission.sqm you will scewup your mission. Xeno uses markers, and triggers, which must be there or some scripts wont work, and your mission will be useless. Use Elitness, depbo the mission, then switch to mission folder, select mission.sqm, right click on it, and choose Open/Examine. If that dont show you nothing it means mission.sqm is binarized. YOu will need to Unrap it if so. Right click to it again, and you should see Derapify, so click that and in the right box you will see complete mission.sqm. Click in that window, press CRTL+A to select all, and then Copy it. Open Notepad++ ( or other advanced text editor ) and paste all in new empty file. Save it as mission.sqm and make sure not to choose as text file, but use as all files preset. Once you do that replace in your mission folder and overwrite original mission.sqm Open editor and load you mission. Once again do not touch markers and triggers if you dont know what they are for!
  9. I am unable to find certain servers in server browser anymore if I use this one and beta patch before this one. Dont know what you people did but its not ok. To be able to find those server I must remove beta. Mostly these servers are privately hosted on home lines, and have ping shown as 2500 in server browser, but thats just visual and incorrect. Please fix this.
  10. Jastreb

    Balkan war mod w.i.p

    Not sure whos working on J22 Orao but this might help you. Has very close by pics in that thread. http://www.mycity-military.com/Avioni/J-22-Orao.html If you need anything else just search topics on that site theres almost anything you could think of. Pozz
  11. Had a crash again, not sure if related to: - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?138369-ARMA-2-OA-beta-build-95660-(1-62-MP-build)&p=2202603&viewfull=1#post2202603 - https://dev-heaven.net/issues/40295 Crash data to follow on new CIT ticket. Edit: https://dev-heaven.net/issues/40384
  12. Whatever it is, its crashing upon attempt to join MP game. Yes I said attempt. Click join and straight to desktop. Crash data to follow. Edit: https://dev-heaven.net/issues/40295
  13. Works for me in WF BE 2.071 viewDistance=3000; terrainGrid=50; I have this in arma2oa.cfg but there is some kind of limit which can be turned on in mission parameters. Don't know which one overrides which but max view distance you can choose when on the server cant be lager than 3000m.
  14. I can. Have very same problem but since IM playing with latest beta ALL THE TIME, Im kinda used to it. Looks ugly though but keeps me on alert all the time. Walk in the zone, and jumping all the time spotting non existing enemies ( twitching bushes and trees ). PS you havent voted on your own ticket.
  15. No change at all. Average FPS is 37 on E8 benchmark on vanilla and this beta. Sometimes cutoffs, which look like stuttering. LOD changes and higher HDD I/O? Don't know but it looks like it. Got HDD btw no SSDs.
  16. Are you sure you configured it properly? should be -ip= format of whatever your wan IP is. Also make sure you dont have another server instance running on same port. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma2:_Startup_Parameters http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Startup_Parameters_Config_File Note that .par file should have been configured as explained in post 86060
  17. You probably have errors in mission scripting. Try some standard mission. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext
  18. Right, well, you cant run CO cause arma2 is in different folder. Thing you can do is to create symlink or copy arma2/addons to your OA folder and then you can run Combined Operations.
  19. Jastreb

    Hardware Specs

    I5 2300 @2,8-3,1Ghz quad, 16gb ram, 2x1tb HDD, 100Mbit line. Hosted in data center.
  20. So does your server run? What problem do you actually have?
  21. First youre missing some things in arma2oa.cfg thats why its complaining but its not critical. I have these and it works perfectly, so use what you need for yourself language="English"; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=1; Resolution_W=800; Resolution_H=600; Resolution_Bpp=32; Windowed=0; viewDistance=3000; terrainGrid=25; MaxMsgSend=32; MaxSizeGuaranteed=1024; MaxSizeNonguaranteed=256; MinBandwidth=76800000; MaxBandwidth=1048576000; MinErrorToSend=0.001; MinErrorToSendNear=0.0099999998; MaxCustomFileSize=0; Next is your launch line. Why are you not using start script provided with server its much easier that way. Next is CBA. Which version do you use? If you use latest builds then you will need ( for CO ) cba, cba_a2, and cba_oa. If not then its ok. But using latest version of ace and old cba, Im not sure how that will work. Just thinking out loud here. Make sure you have all keys from addons in your serverroot/keys folder, and only ones you want to allow on your server. And oh boy you made a complete mess with those directories. I cant frankly see whats where from that output, Ill let Deadfast look into that one. And I forgot to add...do not use jayarmalib on the server unless you need it for some reason. It wont work on linux, its not needed for acre to run on server.
  22. Just remove or comment out Class Missions part and then when you connect it will take you to mission selection screen. Log in as admin edit parameters ( if any ) for chosen mission and you're done. You know it would be much easier if you just post in code tags your config files so we can see what might be wrong. Sometimes small typo can stop complete server from functioning completely.
  23. Good job BIS! Now lets get down to this one > https://dev-heaven.net/issues/32917 vote pls.
  24. Jastreb

    Server Installation (Linux)

    Server.cfg is file where you main server configuration is stored, so failing to set anything there will make your server inoperational. Arma2OA.cfg or basic.cfg is a file where various networking tweaks are stored or additional configs for fine tuning your server. Refer to link for more information. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?127422-Server-Dedicated-Server-%28and-Multi-Player%29-Documentation