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Everything posted by DeathF0X

  1. Gonna check this, any other mods used, singleplayer|editor|MP ?
  2. DeathF0X

    [FOX] Mosque Prayer

    1.0.2 + Loop function + JBAD support
  3. DeathF0X

    [FOX] Mosque Prayer

    Update 1.0.1 * Changed Zeus categorie * Minor changes + added Zeus option to create a Mosque radio (now you can add on the fly "prayer" stations) Source Code is now on Github: https://github.com/Skullfox/fox_mosque_prayer
  4. How it works: It search for all defined helipads and create pairs, startpad and endpad.You can place even helipads in the editor or use the map helipads. Then it create a random helicopter and give the order to move to the paired helipad and rest for a random time, about 8min then it will return to the first helipad and rest again. If the helicopter is damaged(30%) it will be deleted and a new one will start from the first helipad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsWI-RYcd_s Visit the wiki for using AiA maps. Code: https://bitbucket.org/Skullfox/ambient-helicopters/src/b7bac0ace5c6004d3034ad992732447ef3bbfa5a?at=master Wiki: https://bitbucket.org/Skullfox/ambient-helicopters/wiki/Home Download demo: https://bitbucket.org/Skullfox/ambient-helicopters/downloads
  5. DeathF0X

    [FOX] Mosque Prayer

    @IlI Tay IlI Its using the JBAD buildings, check below. LYTHIUM Put this into the init.sqf: fox_mosque_prayer_customBuildings = ["Land_jbad_mosque_big_minaret_2", "Land_Jbad_A_Minaret"];
  6. Heyho my friends, ive started recently scripting arma again and got some nice ideas, here is my newest one, an ambient Mosque Prayer addon. How it works: it will scan the map for Land_A_Mosque_big_minaret_2_EP1 and Land_A_Minaret_EP1 buildings and add a "loudspeaker" to it. On every sunrise and sundown it will play am ambient sound, working even if u do "timeskip" or "setdate". Dev build: Todo: Ares/Archilles support Array for custom buildings More ambient sounds, 8 currently more testing, specialy MP code cleanup WIP videos: Takistan: Zagrabad: Takistan Mountains:
  7. DeathF0X

    [WIP] UGL Grappling hook

    Added settings to set the rope length, will add ace³ support later.
  8. Fixed a bug which prevented sharing the loudspeakers to clients in MP.
  9. Added dev build section above.
  10. Test build should be available soon, in the meantime enjoy some praying...
  11. @GEORGE FLOROS GR currently working only on the addon version. The addon will work with any map btw. Ares/Archilles support, module will have 300s CD to prevent too many prayers at the same time.
  12. Updated the 1 post with infos and video examples for mission makers.
  13. Release on Steam https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1373303221
  14. Soon on Steam Workshop @halveridian
  15. Hello, ive took a 1 year break from arma and started to update my mods again, how can i disable the autoheal from AI soldiers, even handcuffed ones heal themselves.
  16. //-Fuel-\\ Hello my friends, heres a small addon that i created some time ago. DevSite What it does ? It increases the fuel consumption for all vehicles based on class Car_F. Requirements: CBA Features: Easy configuration via variables ✔ More passengers, more fuel consumption ✔ Check for road, change values for consumption ✖ (will be in next major release) You can change the consumption via setVariable fox_fuel_settings_rate // default consumption 0.00010 fox_fuel_settings_loadMultiplier // crew multiplier 0.00005; fox_fuel_settings_tooFastRate // malus for driving too fast 0.00015 fox_fuel_settings_tooSlowRate // malus for driving to slow 0.00005 Change back to default use: vehicle setVariable ["fox_fuel_settings_XXX", getNumber (configFile >> "fox_fuel_settings" >> "XXX"), TRUE]; Debug: FOX_FUEL_DEV = TRUE Download: @fox_fuel_release_1_0.zip Permission for reuplaod: All except SteamWorkshop
  17. update, ive rewritten the whole script i only need to test it on my server. Whats new: build ala cfgFunctions No while loops used Dev mode for mission builder No plane support. and YES it will support customized helipads, explanation: The script will search for all hpads on the map, but now you can define the pads owner side. Place a gamelogic on the helipad,init: [this,1] call fox_ambient_heli_fnc_setHelipadSide; This will change the pads ownership(for the nearest pad, 10m) to blufor, default all pads owned by side id 3 aka civilian. Now only a blufor heli will start here, fly to the landing pad and returns, endless, on every landing the fuel is set to full. Optional: If a heli gets shot down, it will send an emergency message in the globalchat like: "This is a emergency broadcast, were going down, our position is 019055" ... When im home i will post some screens.
  18. DeathF0X

    Fuel consumption

    You cant abort it, the loop is "while alive vehicle" and for consumption "isengineon vehicle". It makes no sense to abort this script, you can change the values to 0 for the specific vehicle.
  19. DeathF0X

    Fuel consumption

    Script version: Download For global settings modify line 27-30 _rate = _vehicle getVariable ["fox_fuel_settings_rate", 0.00010 ]; _loadMultiplier = _vehicle getVariable ["fox_fuel_settings_loadMultiplier", 0.00005 ]; _tooFastRate =_vehicle getVariable ["fox_fuel_settings_tooFastRate", 0.00015 ]; _tooSlowRate = _vehicle getVariable ["fox_fuel_settings_tooSlowRate", 0.00005 ]; How to use: vehicle execVM "fn_fuel.sqf";
  20. DeathF0X

    Fuel consumption

    Yeah my old refuel addon got deprecated due the patch 1.56 i think, something similar is in planning. I need to modify some vars and test it again, should be available end of the week.
  21. DeathF0X

    Tenoa crows

    i dont use the payment tools.
  22. DeathF0X

    Tenoa crows

    Apex ebo`s ... :P
  23. I extended the params for a definable object to attack, i will release a new internal version tomorrow.