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Everything posted by tremanarch

  1. tremanarch

    Game Developer Harassement Article

    In my eyes Death threads arent the only negative thing. But Devs dedicating their love for their baby and a crowd mobbing them etc. In forums often the negative aspects are emphasized instead of a rational view on things. death threats are the tip of the iceberg though - and should be taken seriously nevertheless.
  2. omg what is this? https://picasaweb.google.com/111985299404169365460/Arma3LimnosPicturesImpressions#5718364970653191762 is this a macro photo or do they have giant flying insects there? 'shiver' edit: should read to the end of thread before posting.. oh lord i can never go there.. those insects are haunting me in my dreams tonight..
  3. bpls listen with headphones: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhreno-wSK0&feature=youtube_gdata - sounds extremely weird - "Listen to the helicopter noise when I turn the head how the sound blends in / out in one and the other ear.." now you see what I mean, the left or right ear is completely silent. thats not realistic nor comfortable to play. just dont make a 0% - 100% Volume range but: 55% - 100% for example.
  4. tremanarch

    Minor but distracting Sound Bug

    I fear not! Maybe if someone with proper english could phrase this..
  5. tremanarch

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    so you manually painted a lndscape texture. is it able to blend in with the sat map at higher ranges when you take off with a plane! if so this would be the best of the two worlds. if not this is still good and I would like to have the option to play with it. how long does it take to paint this? maybe we can do this as community?
  6. tremanarch

    PIP on/off switch?

    or an option to automatically switch it on when zooming on a mirror.
  7. tremanarch

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    somehoe I like this more than the plain scape i made some screens to compare maybe if we could have bigger but undetailed (same filesize) textures for the midrange.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SQ_V6QiwJo&feature=youtube_gdata
  8. the more people are in one place doing relevant stuff the data transferred should increase factorial and the nearer players are too each other the more data gets relevant. like: 2 players. distance 10 km. Mouse movement: irrelevant => no transfer 2 players. distance 10 m. Mouse movement: relevant => transfer questions: how much data is range relevant and how much is always sending. Whats the barrier. Can attribute of datas relevance be changed. can data send edited by missions (indirect like disabling inventories of cars, lower number of placing objects, lower resolution of mouse movement tracking lower polling rates for movable objects etc etc). what are the biggest data packets.
  9. tremanarch

    Official Benchmarking scenario?

    inofficial, but comparable.. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19801 theres a thread too..
  10. tremanarch

    Silly things you've tested in Arma3 so far ;)

    thx for the cool grid!
  11. tremanarch

    Silly things you've tested in Arma3 so far ;)

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_jM6Pz3qqw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKSxvUuZFaQ
  12. there si also a Domi Server with AiA online. you can fly jets and drive tanks etc... [AiA] All in Arma <Aerial warfare and training> 7 Domination! Blufor [2.99l] Beta (0.74) AiA v15 ****Jets & Armor**** on Stratis 1/40 players
  13. tremanarch

    Silly things you've tested in Arma3 so far ;)

    did that aswell^^
  14. tremanarch

    Microsoft 360 controller settings

    why not make a good default setting and post it in this thread? some people only use the pad for driving / flying. why not make 4 profiles: car / plane / ship / infantry... post them here.. devs can review and implement and dont waste time for it!
  15. tremanarch

    Battlefield 4 (influenced)?

    Maybe the Dayz / ArmA hype influenced BF4 scene aswell - 3rd person ; view ;) but I dont like the animations.. looks feels strange like a motorbike not a soldier... what they are doing good is explosions and smoke and ambient stuff going on.. (flames and trash papers flying around and stuff) - makes the scene looks alive.
  16. http://i.imgur.com/PTL11.jpg http://i.imgur.com/aeOkR.jpg http://i.imgur.com/6lqdu.jpg http://i.imgur.com/NmGvu.jpg http://i.imgur.com/JndFn.jpg http://i.imgur.com/TPsyJ.jpg http://s1.directupload.net/images/120625/x7d4jpmy.jpg
  17. tremanarch

    Minor but distracting Sound Bug

    here a graphic that shows it: its really noticable and annoying when playing with headphones or if you have studio equipment sound monitors (> 2000$) - hifi and stereo gamer speaker stuff wont recognize it as prominently.. easy solution: blending the channels into each other for a headphone sound profile http://abload.de/img/unbenannt6paqd.png ============= the problem is not only a minor bug, could be considered as a cheat if you stand near a noisy tank and just turn the head 90° and you can hear the ambient world without tank noise with the left ear!! (wouldnt be possible in real life - or can you stand beside a starting jet and only hear the jet with 1 ear?)
  18. tremanarch

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    just made a small audio example: http://www67.zippyshare.com/v/29065791/file.html same peak loudness but the first part is compressed has more average loudness -- or better heres an old comparison i made: uncompressed vanilla: saturated thick overdosed: i know this all sounds offtopic but its the principle behind..
  19. tremanarch

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    one could think a high dynamic range and well linear colours would be good. but coming from the audio world, i can tell you most people want compression, contrast - whatever u call it. somehow people want overcompressed sounds / colours. its sexy - its life rich - its powerful. you get tired earlier, (compare your mood after 6 hours bf3 vs. 6 hours arma3!) -but kids nowadays dont know this. when playing arma 2 after a long pause I didnt notice how fast hours went by. cause playing normal computer games make you tired after 2-3 hours cause of their compression / contrast. abstractly the colour contrast and the audio compression has the same psychological effect it seems, therefore i compare it. its like spicing up your meal.. first its good, but after a while the mouth burns ^^
  20. tremanarch

    Minor but distracting Sound Bug

    ;) yeah playing with heaphones is a little weird with those blanked out sounds when turning the head. I dont know how difficult it is to change the range a sound lowers in volume for right / left ears... if they dont like to change it for all users - they could just add a headphone profile (like many games do it). they could just make the headphone profile blend left right audio channel into each other for 30-40% (depends if they use linear or logarithmic volume values) and the problem is solved...
  21. tremanarch

    The sound thread

    also there are some bugs:: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?160047-Minor-but-distracting-Sound-Bug