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Everything posted by cosmic10r

  1. cosmic10r

    Map Imrali Island

    Looks awesome..will try when I get off work :)
  2. cosmic10r

    JSRS: DragonFyre -- WIP Thread

    Finally dl'd 2.2 and I love it. Really looking forward to Dragon Fyre :)
  3. Thanks for the heads up... saves me fiddling with mods trying to figure it out... I'll try a request later in the mission... see how it works... my gf is getting tired of hearing "hi it's arjay again with the alive dev team and this tutorial. ..." lol ;)
  4. Sounds right... and I thought I had it done right. Likely not though... I've got my fingers crossed that one of the other 40 mods hasn't broken the script request
  5. Really looking forward to player tasks. My resupply requests get hung on requested so I need to do some testing tonight. I likely didn't setup the op com right or something
  6. Excellent map... Felt like my unit had stepped into a wormhole and ended up in a modded skyrim... Fantastic stuff....
  7. Big thanks TPW. Can't play without this mod....
  8. cosmic10r

    Sangin WIP

    The jbad buildings look great. Watched the villa one. Really looking forward to that. The cqb is already so good. Love the town layouts with the bud plants and poppy fields...
  9. cosmic10r

    Sangin WIP

    Thanks for the release. Having great fun in some simple mission s I made for myself with caf ag and the Mec mod.
  10. I just want to say thanks too. Love the nvgs!
  11. cosmic10r

    ArmA3Mark - Benchmark your ArmA 3

    After a battery of tests and a few missions of infantry showcase, it seemed to run great with terrain and clouds on standard. Everything else ultra. AA x2 with atoc off and vsync disabled. Models looked great. Ground looked fine but setting it to low removed too much ground clutter. I was pretty pleased with this setting but I am going to have to get a new pc for launch.
  12. cosmic10r

    ArmA3Mark - Benchmark your ArmA 3

    My fault. Guess I did. :). I dislike benchmarks as "scorecards". I get 1500 on ultra Amd 8150 3.1 16gb 1333 ram Gigabyte 7970 oc Ed All pbos installed on ramdisk via hard shell extension A CPU intensive game as we all knew. I may have to go intel for the full launch.
  13. cosmic10r

    ArmA3Mark - Benchmark your ArmA 3

    I've been around for awhile but thanks ;). Wasn't trying to single anyone out. I have been around since the original ghost recon mod days and I LOVE this game. I never want anything about this game to be standardized. That's our job as end users if we want. Keep it flexible .... ;) ',,,,,
  14. cosmic10r

    ArmA3Mark - Benchmark your ArmA 3

    Because its a flexible tool and not standardized. Come up with that standard and post it and keep the tool flexible. Kinda like how the game is created..... Seriously, If anyone had said (" hey everyone. These are my "insert name here" presets. Try mine and post em here!!!"). We wouldn't be having this discussion... -as a hilarious further edit. The game does have presets. Low standard etc. set the game to that setting and post all those scores with your relevant .cfg settings. There you go....
  15. cosmic10r

    ArmA3Mark - Benchmark your ArmA 3

    Ahhh Internet forums. Where we all get told what we need. Drives me nuts. I mean who wants an open benchmark to see which settings make the most individual difference for ones own playing experience and to maximize ones own fps. No no. We need something totally locked so its only a competition between rigs. Ie how much one is willing to spend vs other interests. If that's such a great idea than post a set of presets you choose and people can use that if they like and post the results from the "presets" My god. Instead people just complain that its flexible and doesn't mean they can feel like a man based on a benchmark? Done my rant.... Interestingly mine showed no difference between high and very high but tanked on ultra Edit- and by the way.... THANKS FOR MAKING THIS TEST!!!!