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Everything posted by cosmic10r

  1. cosmic10r

    MP - Ravage [COOP - 6] The Escape

    Nah man... we got killed a bunch too. Thats odd though... We had no issues with respawn... and it is also odd that you could and your pal couldn't. That would suggest to me that the problem is local to your friends pc. You are welcome to join my server and test and see if the issue persists.
  2. cosmic10r


    Post a link to the one with most comments Donnie...I will go in and poke around
  3. cosmic10r


    Trying to keep production up over the holidays lol, i just need to edit the polymer handguard and check the buttstock.
  4. cosmic10r

    [SP] Ravage - A Mission

    Ok... I didnt look into the blufor recruitable soldiers yet. I updated the modules and did a no fog with runners version https://www.dropbox.com/s/nh4rnqxn1blwb9b/Ravage[SP}Missions.zip?dl=0 See how it goes Cheers all
  5. cosmic10r

    MP - Ravage [COOP - 6] The Escape

    That was the reason I turned off persistency for escape.. Now I remember why I had it off lol should be mostly fixed with the exception of some of the loot not syncing and airdrops disappearing into the ground... need to have a look at that. Cheers all https://www.dropbox.com/s/kt7xhok8o4xskuf/Ravage-[Coop]The_Escape_Malden.Malden.pbo.zip?dl=0
  6. cosmic10r

    Zee Identity Pack

    Lol Awesome.. Thanks... Sometimes I am scratching my eyes at 2am wondering if people who actually know this stuff would be laughing at me ... some stuff is outside the capabilities of the engine I think i have to turn up the emissive values but im not sure if the vehicle lights have their own texture maps... and then I would need to need to replicate just on the eye node itself... maybe on the glass selection... all good tho... its fun to try to figure it out! As long as you don't think its outside how the game interacts with player equipment... one of my favorite masks
  7. cosmic10r

    Zee Identity Pack

    Thanks for posting the unbinarized models for the AJ masks Zee I have been fiddling around with them a bit because they are still one of MY favorite things in arma... i have done a bunch of retextures on them for personal use. I had this dream... and it was to actually add a lightpoint or working flashlight to the small eye nodes. Like anything, i like to fiddle a bunch before i ask questions... so i got it all figured out in OB and was able to configure the memory points by adding the memory LOD and 2 points for direction... but it still doesnt work... it could still be a config issue I guess my main question is do i continue on that path or go the vehicle lighting route and configure them as diffuse textures... ( i use the term loosely as Im just figuring this all out) ? In your expert opinion is chasing a working flashlight on an eyepoint on a mask a fools errand lol.
  8. cosmic10r

    MP - Ravage [COOP - 6] The Escape

    Glad it was fun!! We had a great time if you check Tourists Vids... I forgot how much I laughed during the session... there was one point where in t he dark a face popped out of the dark and moved along a fence... was sooo creeepy... turns out its just EO a ways ahead with only his face lit up :) We have had that issue with loot sync on bodies and crates... the crates are the mission but the bodies would be Ravage so Ill let Haleks know so if he is poking around, he can keep an eye out and see how it is configured. Locality is a nightmare on dedicated as i have learned first hand...
  9. cosmic10r

    MP - Ravage [COOP - 6] The Escape

    Ok... weird thing is that EO and I had the same error message pop up but had no problem connecting and same with the 3 other guys and we played for 5 hours... So I'm not sure that is the problem... Is this dedicated or local? And what mods do you have running... the reason I ask is there is no way the five us had the same mods running so its weird because we were all able to connect and play. I appreciate the thanks... its fun to share things that we have so much fun with. The not starting near each other is the MP persistency turned on. In this or the Ravage threads one of the guys asked about it and I couldnt remember why it was off but in my mind, I thought... I remember there being a good reason... ... LOL... that was it If someone leave and rejoins the mpPersistency doesnt know the mission restarted and loads your last profile position... not great for Escape lol Im trying to figure out a way to let players respawn and still get to the main group without it just being endess respawns on your team essentially making death moot... ill upload the latest fixed version for you guys today. If you want to try to join My Dedicated server with your friend to test let me know.. Ive left it up for the most part 24/7 for people to play on. the details are only in this thread and this discord so its not a high traffic area
  10. you have the files locally on your old computer so thats good. I recently noticed that the workshop no longer triggers immediately for downloads but only starts when the launcher starts... I am not sure if thats the same for file deletion... if you are sure the workshop folders are the same setup... 1- i would download a new, really small mod to the new pc to make sure it has created the correct file structure. 2- place the copied folder in the right file path that you checked... the small mod should tell you if you got the file structure right. 3-place the copied folder you are trying to activate into the right file path. 4-find the mod on steam and see if it says subscribed or unsubscribed, my guess is it will say subscribed cuz that is linked globally and not locally 5-unsubscribe and resubscribe to the mod on workshop on the new computer with the old files in the right place on the new pc. 6-technically when you relaunch the launcher it should activate the mod locally in your new pc launcher, check the files, and download any missing and go... now since it should be able to verify the files are there you wont need to download it. I am not sure if that is the case. So the theory being the thing you need to do is unsubscribe and resubscribe to the mod again so the launcher checks and verifys the file and says.. yup... its all there.
  11. cosmic10r

    MP - Ravage [COOP - 6] The Escape

    I think that classname error is because its an invalid classname that ravage might be calling... i had the same thing when i reconfigured a rusty gun. It should not break anything... is it? @Foozlekiller Im using the current version of malden as my template... once we get the last few issues addressed i will port it over to a bunch of maps... Once i solve everything i should be able to port and test in 30 mins or so. Biggest thing is getting some of the game breakers fixed.. Happy to say EO and i tested last night and JIP kit changing has been fixed... last little one that im aware of is the crates not synching contents... but i fixed most of the issues so far :)
  12. cosmic10r

    MP - Ravage [COOP - 6] The Escape

    ^^^ awesome tourist... That was tons of fun!!! Cant wait to play again!
  13. Cant get over that coat... so perfect for post A stuff... looking forward to that release! If you need any help testing let us know... me and the ravage guys are pretty keen on a proper melee system
  14. So desperately needed man! The swords and that cloak look amazing... Its the anims and hitboxes that seem to ruin most melee mods. Hope you can make this work!!!
  15. Some of my old photos from Photobucket before I had to move them
  16. cosmic10r

    MP - Ravage [COOP - 6] The Escape

    Epic guys ... just epic... all my gameplay has my voice in it super loud and I sound like im a super eager 22 yr old... So its not the greatest LOL Ill maybe post some vid with some music behind it. Full disclosure all Mission had some issues... In some cases we had Issues -trouble taking loot from bandits, some were fine and some were not -trouble taking weapons from initial crates I create... I think i may have fixed that -JIP problems... - our kits would reset everytime someone joined the game and spawned it... terrible for looting lol I think i may have fixed that as well... needs testing -double music playing - fixed Balance issues -it took 5 hours and we used a boat ... thats a ten hour playthru on foot or more.. -with persistency not being ideal for this mission type, i need to find a way to balance it down to i would call 3-4 hours max... debating on how to do that. more civ vehicles with no gas? be able to refuel and go town to town but not that far... not sure Roadkill and I were talking in Ravage discord about having to find helicopter parts on cherno to take to the airfield to heli out.. I think more searching and being forced into encounters would be cool but finding some mechanic of faster but managed locomotion is important. So ideas are welcome I can open up the server to you if you want to play with friends.. we had a good time and performance was quite good.. if i can get the balance right... an escape every few weeks on a diff map would be some good fun
  17. cosmic10r


    Next is Cherno Redux :)
  18. cosmic10r


    Cool idea... ive got to get some gameplay vid together from yesterday... Awesome game. Five hours... i was whipped after that lol @tourist @Evil Organ @R0adki11 @kodabar
  19. Great news. Miss having my home country in game. Let me know if i can help !
  20. cosmic10r

    MP - Ravage [COOP - 6] The Escape

    Ok Have TeamSpeak updated if you like. Its not required but we will be on TS with no limitations for this round. In the future I like TFAR cuz its so realistic. But for now on first play and to troubleshoot this will be easier. Once you join the server I will post the TS details. You will get a small error when you join from rusty guns. I have the dev pbo on the server and one classname doesnt match. thats all that is. the other guns are fine. Remember to direct connect. Ambient birds, sullen skies and EM all work client side. @Valken @R0adki11 @Evil Organ @tourist @ZooD @kodabar @Donnie_Plays I have up the slots to ten... so if someone is around they can join... should be an interesting test... ill be on the server in about an hour to get started
  21. cosmic10r

    MP - Ravage [COOP - 6] The Escape

    Ok... I think i finally got it working... the end trigger is finally firing... 10hours of MP locality troubleshooting I have been restarting the server quite a bit.. Sorry all... @kodabar You going to be on to play?
  22. cosmic10r

    MP - Ravage [COOP - 6] The Escape

    Not getting that one... I will post the updated mission a bit later today... Lets just say... the last one shows my lack of understanding on MP locality and I have had to redo the init into a seperate initServer and an initPlayerLocal to get things working right. Got one more thing to look at here before the playthrough
  23. cosmic10r

    MP - Ravage [COOP - 6] The Escape

    Headlamps is a great idea... i like bloodmist because it is client side and thus wont lag us as much over the long term I will have sullen skies, ambient birds, headgore, bloodmist, EM and the other required mods loaded.. The server doesnt check keys... its password locked and its coop so a few of us have access to dev menus etc Im not concerned about cheating in a coop private server. so you can have a few things active client side but be careful... the less the better for the first try at this I spent another 5 hours rewriting all the init scripts because the locality was terrible... i hope i have it now.. we should be able to join and JIP properly... i have no idea anymore cuz im learning on the fly here... but i just tested it and could join and it would do things properly even when i aborted and joined a diff slot MP persistency is now off... it creates an issue where if you rejoin it sets you to your last spot and ruins the beginning and JIP... escape is basically a single playthrough thing anyways and will have to stay that way... I hope i have it fixed now and have the locality right.