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About scottieb

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. ok mate thanks i will give it a try, appreciate your time :-)
  2. that looked like it would do the trick but it came up with invalid number in expression
  3. sorry mate heres the rest of the code, my apologies. eastdead.sqs ;script by TaNKIST _unit = _this select 0 _wscore = wscore _wscore = _wscore + 1 wscore = _wscore publicvariable "wscore" showscore = true publicvariable "showscore" exit westdead.sqs ;script by TaNKIST _unit = _this select 0 _escore = escore _escore = _escore + 1 escore = _escore publicvariable "escore" showscore = true publicvariable "showscore" exit outro.sqs ;script by TaNKIST enableRadio false ;DisableUserInput true _player_vehicle = vehicle player ?(playerside == west): player setpos getmarkerpos "Respawn_West" ?(playerside == east): player setpos getmarkerpos "Respawn_East" removeallweapons player ?(_player_vehicle != player):deletevehicle _player_vehicle _camera = "camera" camCreate [0,0,0] _camera cameraEffect ["internal","back"] _camera camSetTarget player _camera camSetpos getpos camlogic1 _camera camSetFOV 1.000 _camera camCommit 0 @camCommitted _camera TitleText [format["US: %1\n\nRF: %2", wscore, escore], "plain", 1] _camera camSetpos getpos camlogic2 _camera camSetFOV 1.000 _camera camCommit 15 @camCommitted _camera EnableRadio true TitleText ["","Plain",0] player switchCamera "INTERNAL" player cameraEffect ["terminate","back"] camDestroy _camera ~1 player cameraEffect ["terminate","back"] camDestroy _camera endofmission=true
  4. hey Zonekiller, thanks for pointing me there, i had a bit of a look on there before but just couldnt figure out how to link it all up
  5. could someone please explain how to make the blufor word blue and the opfor word red please hint format ["BLUFOR: %1/50\n\nOPFOR: %2/50", wscore, escore]; TitleText [format["BLUFOR: %1\n\nOPFOR: %2", wscore, escore], "plain", 1] thankyou
  6. Hi guys, does anyone know how to make a automatic regeneration heal script for a tdm scenario thankyou
  7. gday guys just a quick one need to make the blufor blue in color and the opfor red in color for this hint box on a tdm mission im working on. at the moment its just the standard color, brown background and white writing class Item2 { position[]={3744.906,0.44344097,2592.4656}; a=0; b=0; angle=-1.38056; repeating=1; age="UNKNOWN"; expCond="showscore"; expActiv="hint format [""BLUFOR: %1\n\nOPFOR: %2"", wscore, escore]; showscore = false"; class Effects { }; would also like to make the same color changes with this TitleText [format["BLUFOR: %1\n\nOPFOR: %2", wscore, escore], "plain", 1] ps, any way on changing the color of the hint box background also? I can normally figure stuff out myself with many hours of research but i just cant seem to make sense of all the special characters and where they start and stop. I very much appreciate you guys taking the time. thanks.
  8. Missions Clean, bug-free Insurgency mission as standard please
  9. you are right Sickboy, I have adopted signature protection. i did not want to because had massive in game lag when using it before, but this time i turned regularCheck off and all is perfect. Thanks for replying, very much appreciated.
  10. Hi guys is there any way of preventing ACE users from joining a server without using verifySignatures The ACE sound mod is fine but all other ACE mods are like a disease for vanilla servers. Thanks.
  11. Good point, will look into doing it that way, cheers.
  12. Oh btw, would making an ammo one work the same way? Or because of multiple guns on a vehicle would make that too tricky?
  13. Gday Pelham, good news, the corrected code works perfectly mate. Added the execvm to init.sqf Made a fuel.sqf with the code saved in it. All is good. Thankyou very much for your time and knowledge, very much appreciated :-)
  14. Hi Pelham thanks for finding and fixing the code, i will test out tonight and keep you informed mate. Thanks for the demo, i will check it out as well. Scottie.
  15. a demo mission would be great please, are you using an insurgency mission? ---------- Post added at 10:11 ---------- Previous post was at 10:01 ---------- a test mission would be great, are youusing insurgency as your test mission?