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About specta3

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. With the devs comments on steam today quote "So instead, what we are going to do will be similar to Arma 1: we are going to release the entire Arma 2 library to the community and allow them create any derivative work within Arma 3. More details will be announced very soon. ... " looks like good news for all us who want the content from arma2 in arma3
  2. Hi Just want to say a big thanks to RKSL Ran your Euro fighter in Arma3 using AIO. tonight Handles great and the model is very impressive Smoke trails are first class :)
  3. Would be great to have some light artillery support from destroyers like this , Adds a new dimension to game play .Also heli pad on the back :cool: Keep up the good work , be good to see more navel units in Arma 3 , Wish I could just port in all the ships from battle station pacific :P
  4. Massive thanks to KJU and Bis for letting this happen :) Not a great fan of the future warfare theme missed my cold war weapons Now I can play in the sandbox with 7 maps with all the toys from the past and the improved arma3 engine and gameplay Yep there is a few glitch's but no game breakers , old maps look great BIS should get you on board for this idea , Keep up the good work :)
  5. specta3

    JSRS2.0 WIP Thread

    Glad to see this is back for Arma 3 , Sounds greats Keep up the good work and look forward to suture updates :)
  6. Can you please give me some examples of some military sims that look as good as arma does ? I don't quite know what your expecting but you have some thing in mind are else you would not complain. So if you can post some pictures in the thread of the other sims that have as much detail as arma 3 does I love to see it ?
  7. specta3


    I hope it does come to the steam workshop hope the mod makers Bis and steam can work it out .Nothing worse than messing around with complicated mods are finding you cant join a number of servers because your missing x y z mod.Anything that gets more people playing the game has to be good for the future of the game and BIS.
  8. I think the graphics are very good and even better when you consider its in alpha .The lighting and weather effects are very good and the water and diving looks great . Now they could add some more eye candy but not many people would have a PC that could handle that. As for trees yes the don't look great but compared to Arma 2 they are fantastic I can zoom now and trees dont appear and then disappear . A massive wide open sim like this, it looks great I don't know what some people expect. Seems to be a common trend these days people complain about every new release and have unrealistic expectation.Making sweeping statements like they have professional knowledge of the subject matter when 99 times out of a 100 they know nothing about what's involved in the process. My burger never looks as good as it does in the adds , That lady I met looked nothing like her picture online ,That beach looked much better in the travel brochure etc etc :)
  9. specta3

    Controller/Joystick mapping

    I looked at chat pad but Microsoft never released a driver for it to work in windows .But there is a free ware project driver to make it work in windows but its still in development and not some thing i would recommend at the moment. with any luck they will update it in future. http://code.google.com/p/chatpad-super-driver I done a guide on custom setups on steam http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=132756328#-1 Here is my custom set up useing Xpadder , note you need to check the guide for instruction and how to get this to work.And you need to map the left stick in the arma menu as this will give you the control of speed etc .Over 45 commands mapped to the pad and you dont need to change sets just need to alter the ingame key binding and enable custom controller and diable scheme controller Intro Config changes you need to make Infantry Flight Vehicles Overview
  10. Thanks for this Saok , had my best experiance of arma3 with this , Had a great fire fight on the hill next to the airport and a even better one attacking the airport. Enjoyed the extra sounds you put in and the flares is a nice touch and support options Keep up the good work look forward to future updates :)
  11. specta3

    Controller/Joystick mapping

    Thanks :) I try to keep my profiles simple as possible , i find some profiles have way to many commands linked to them and it gets confusing for most people ,And then it the heat of battle it goes pear shaped I think you have to accept that there are limits on what you can do with a pad in Arma , and you have to decide what keys you can live with out on the pad its all about your own individual play style in my eyes :)
  12. specta3

    Controller/Joystick mapping

    I made a simple guide on Arma3 steam forum for those who want to learn how to map a controller with a 3rd party programme to use on Arma3. Also a few profile there you can copy and paste http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=132756328
  13. A idea for the mapping of xbox controller in ARMA3 , would be great if they could map the keys to some thing like this in the beta .I currently use xpadder for this setup
  14. specta3

    Controller/Joystick mapping

    You have to bear in mind OP Arma was never designed to be played with a game pad and its Impossible to do every thing you need to do with a game pad in this game .And that's why you wont ever get full controller support But you can use your incentive and design a profile for your controller that suits you and your play style. I find it works fine for infantry and its great for flying and tanks etc But you will never get the accuracy you get with a mouse.And you will always need a keyboard and mouse by your side for your inventory and command system and map . I have used this profile for Arma2 for over a year and its what works best for me . There are the my controller images for a full list of commands 1 Infantry http://imageshack.us/f/580/arma3infantry.png Press start to alternate between the two 2 Vehicles I find you dont often need to press the night vision button so i did not map it , same with vault being on the dpad as you dont use it often .If you hold the right dpad down for 2 seconds your binoculars come up. The hard thing about these programmes is finding the sweet spot with the dead aim , you can configure this in xpadder .Alot of the profile come down to your own personal preference and play style. You should get xpadder , they have a community there and they have hundreds of profiles already made for games .You will always encounter problems in the PC community when you mention the word controller as some people see it as a thread to there play style.As for me i play most of my games on a 50" plasma that is at the bottom of my bed , so i like to relax and immersion is more important to me that pixel sniping. Quite happy to use K/M for strategy games etc but i just cant be arsed when it comes to other games.
  15. specta3

    xbox controller support?

    All i have to say to the devs is look at the way Dragon Rising Incorporated controller support, and the command wheel in to there game .It works very well in my opinion