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Everything posted by Zip_90

  1. Zip_90

    arma 3 warfare

    A 3 or maybe even a 4 faction should be a option to have on the warfare maps :)
  2. Zip_90

    arma 3 warfare

    Really bad idea. The fun thing is that you can have a big map if you want and a small if you like that better. Keep on going!
  3. Zip_90

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

    Dont like it, i want the real game not just on steam and to pre order it on a store i wont get accses to the Alpha .V of Arma 3.
  4. This problem is testet on alot of computers and the resualt is the same. There are many threds like this but i have checkt them all and tested them all.. So this would be the main thread sence problem havent been found. A Big warfare map can take along time to play and after about 2 hours in the game i start to get major lags. I tryed to find awsner on this problem and did following: Stuff Tryed: ----------------------------------------------------- Reinstall the game - Install latest nvidia update to my grafic card - Install latest direct x - Change the shortcut target to arma2oa.exe" -maxmem=2047 - Start/All Programs/Nvidia/NVIDIA Corporation/Disable 3 vision - Tryed diffrent types of warfare Tryed on Diffrent computers Tryed Diffrent warfare on another computer Changed C:\Users\Atharol\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Name to lower preformence and other recomended stuff Change "Nvidia settings" on the nvidia control panel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Totaly i tryed to play the warfare for more then 20 times for 2 hours eatch it always ends up the same. Now i need help, its not really fun to have to shot down the game after 2 hours. My Computer: ---------------------------------------- Windows 7 (64bit) CPU: Intel Xeon x3220 @2.4ghz (quadcore) Ram: 8GB DDR3 Grafic card: Geforce GTX 460 Display mode: 1920 x 1080 (60HZ) Harddrive space: 5 Drives x 500GB (Left space on all drives 112GB) My Game ----------------------------------------------- Armed Assualt 2 Armed Assualt 2 operation arrowhead Armed Assualt 2 British Armed Forces Armed Assualt 2 Private Military Company (Game updated to 1.60) ------------------------------------------------ Map tested: Benny editon Warfare: WarfareV2_071LiteOA.Takistan WarfareV2_071LiteOA.Zargabad WarfareV2_071Lite.Chernarus When Diplomacy Fails: Chernarus Takistan Final text: Observe!: --------- that all maps have been tested on atleast 3 diffrent computers and i have lookt around the website for awnsers and none works. Also i dont want to hear people that says "TRY THIS IT 'CAN' WORK". Please test it yourself like i did before you tell anyone how they should do.. i hope anyone can find a awnser to this problem. And sorry for bad grammar/spelling Thanks for all helps! Cheers :)
  5. I'm from Eu got 100/100mbit internet speed and it dosent matter if i host/join on internet or even lan mode the result is the same. after about 2 hours the game starts to lag. And yes i thought it was my computer or internet that was fkt, intill i tested it on diffrent computers at diffrent locations and the result is the same. And i also tested to play on diffrent warfare on diffrent servers aswell. it starts about after 2hours it can be 1hour 20min aswell,also have tryed to set the params to low reinforcements no patrols and so on but still it i get the lag after a wile. :( read around about it and it semse like alot of people got the same kind of problem.
  6. Rank Reward System In Multiplayer on Internet Note: This system i aimed on "DominationA2! By Xeno" And Bohemia Interctive sence its not possible to make in Arma2. ------------------------------------------------------- Info: I thought a long time about how you can improve a game and make it more realistic and fun for everyone. This is what i think would be good. First There should be 13 diffrent Ranks. ------------------------------------- 1.Recruit (By Complete the Training Grounds You Will Reatch Next Rank) 2.Private (Here you start to get Experience points, When you reatch 200 Points you will reatch a new rank) 3.Private First Class (When you reatch 400 Points you will reatch a new rank) 4.Corporal (When you reatch 800 Points you will reatch a new rank) 5.Sergent (When you reatch 1,200 Points you will reatch a new rank) 6.Sergent first class (When you reatch 1,600 Points you will reatch a new rank) 7.Master Sergent (When you reatch 2,000 Points you will reatch a new rank) 8.Sergent Major (When you reatch 2,400 Points you will reatch a new rank) 9.Command Sergent (When you reatch 2,800 Points you will reatch a new rank) 10.Colonel (When you reatch 3,200 Points you will reatch a new rank) 11.Lieutanent Colonel (When you reatch 3,600 Points you will reatch a new rank) 12.Major Lieutanent Colonel (When you reatch 4,000 Points you will reatch a new rank) 13.Captain Major Lieutanent Colonel (When you reatch 4,400 Points you will reatch a new rank) 14.General You will be given diffrent stuff wile you grow into new ranks,like new looks on your avatar, sunglasses to your ingame characters,diffrent skins nothing that will make you use new stuff ingame but still somthing, This way it will be fair for everyone. and you will be able to join game that have a specfic rank required to join it. 1.Recruits cannot join any multiplayer online games from he/she completes the tutorial this will provent a team from getting an unexperienced player to the game and also it shows the new player that he have to start from the botton. You get points by: ----------------- 1. Doing your job. ---------------- All: Can Get points for capturing Camps,Completing Missions/Completing Sidemissions/Destroying and killing Hostiles/ First Artillery SF Operator And Rescue and Secound Artillery SF Operator And Rescue : Also Gets points for killing Hostiles with artillery inside AO. Team Leaders: Also Gets points for lasermarking enemy vehicles when they gets destroyed and when they spot hostiles with thier binocular. Snipers: Get extra points for killing hostiles with diffrent types off Sniper Rifles. Soldiers: Get Extra points when they kill enemys at close range At Soliders: Get extra points for destroying enemy vehicles with Anti tank weapons. MG Gunner: Get extra points for killing hostiles with diffrent types off Mashine Guns and using MG nests. Medic: Get extra points for healing and rescueing team members. Demolition: Get extra points for killing hostiles and vehicles with mines and charges Enginers: Get extra points when they repair vehicles and collect wreaks outside base range. Pilots: Get extra points for killing hostiles using helicopters and Planes. This means when you pick a class and do your job you will be rewarded. 2. Get Diffrent Ashivements Like. --------------------------------- BLOW THEM UP! = Kill a enemy car with 5 or more crew members in it. One shot One Kill! = Kill an enemy vehicle driver from 600m or more. Warhero! = Kill 10 enemys in less then 1 minute from your first kill Here i am! = Kill an enemy in less then 10 secounds when you retch the ground from a parasute. Look his smoking! = Kill an enemy who is not inside a vehicle with an heatseaking missile. Works in a hospital! = Save 5 team mates in minute after the first rescue. No thanks, I prefere walking! = Walk 10,000 meters without stoping. Here is your tank! = Transport a tank to the exact middle of the AO wile its still a hotzone. I will survive! = Survive inside a hotzone for 10 minutes without leaving it. My feet hurts! = Crowl around inside the ao for 5 minute without standing up. Bad aim man! = get shot by an hostile and kill him within 10 secounds from he hits you. I dont need my rifle! = kill 5 hostiles using a pistol. And stuff like that will also reward you experience points. This is a fun way to find yourself and your class and something to do if you want to get experience points by a diffrent way. 3. Be an active player. ----------------------- After a wile If you stay inside a hotzone,move,shots and sutch you will genate a small amount off experience points. This is a really good way to make a player move around and actuslly do what they are supose to do on map. 4. Play the singleplayer campain. -------------------------- By completing the singleplayer campain/mission you will be given experience points This was 4 diffrent ways how you can could gain experience points, But you can also lose them. By doing following you will lose experience points. ---------------------------------------------- There are 3 steps. (High Thret) This type of thret will be loged in your "High Thret list". and anyone at anytime can see the date and what you got reported for. (Medium Thret) This type of thret will be loged into your "Medium thret list". and anyone can see the date and what you got reported for. (Low Thret) This type of thret is not loged. it will only make you lose experience points,Get kicked or in worst chase banned from selected servers. They all resault in a lost of experience points in diffrent ways. RULES. ------ §1. Team killing (High Thret) :, If you kill a firendly player you will lose alot of experience points. After 5 friendly kills you will be kicked. if it contine you will also be banned from the selected server. §2. AFK abuse (Medium Thret): Standing still someware on the map starting at 5 minute will start to drain some of your experience/per s , at 15 minute you will be kicked. §3. Destroy Vehicles (Low Thret): Crash a vehicle will result that you lose some experience points. (Less experience depending on how far from the base) §4.1 unnecessary Fire units (Low thret): Fire at or inside base as player Eatch shot will resault in a small amount of experience points goes away (Bigger gun more experience waste). 15 shots in base will resualt in a kick (3 with big shots). §4.2 unnecessary Fire vehicles (Low thret): Fire at or inside base with diffrent types off vehicles will make you lose a small amount of experience points. 3 Shots will resault in a kick. §5.1 Chat Abuse Text (High thret) curse,thret,religion,sex,race resault in chat will be cencured and you will also lose experience points for using them. Spamm resualts in a lost of experience points and you will not be able to speak agian for 5 minutes. This can also make you kicked and or banned. §5.2 Chat abuse Voice (High thret) Same as "§5.1" You can be kicked and or banned for not following rules also a lose of experience points will come here. .. and so on What is this good for? -------------------- Its good for people that wants to take a game seriusly by letting everyone get a log you can also provent a game from getting a frod into it that most likly will ruin the game for everyone in it. This system will also allow players to have something to win on playing the game often. This also shows players whats right and whats wrong. I hope you like my ideas and so sorry for bad grammar/spelling. Thank you.
  7. In Armed assualt 2 reinforcements you sent a map (an irl map) in the game. I noticed that if you wouldent open up the map during the game and use the map you have for real in your room you made the gameplay alot more realistic and fun. My suggest is that you have an option before you start hosting up a map ware you can deactivate the map ingame so you only can use the compass in the game. This way the players will have to use compass on the game and the map they got in real life together to know ware they are and ware they are headed. The commander/team leader is the only one that will have a map and he will have to navigate his team (like irl) ware they should go. This Option can ofc only be used by people that have bought the game and not by pirates sence they wont have map :). Played a few maps like this with some friends it took alot of time but it was really fun. Hope you like my idea :) Sry for bad grammar.
  8. Zip_90

    arma 3 warfare

    Armed assault 2 had alot of bugs in it with the Warfare maps. i hope they will aim more for it this time. It was the best gamemode i ever played in any game.:cool: