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Everything posted by lordprimate

  1. lordprimate

    The Living Island Project

    Thanks ZK for the info!! I look, often, for the mission to be hosted for testing or what have you. But i never see it, so I had to ask if you were still working on it!. I am now wondering what LOS commands are? Is there a link or somewhere i can read up on this?? On a side note ...... I do not want to be banned form this forum as it has a WEALTH of Information .... HOWEVER, my question has worth to anyone beside me interested in progress on this mission. My question was relevant to the thread, asking particularly, if there was any progress on the mission... My question is useful, as soon as it is answered by the person to whom it is pertaining... It truly saddens me... when you really look at... posting a rule about spam ... Which incidentally, has NOTHING to do with zonekillers mission... Provides No worth on the subject of zone killers mission. Is complely irrelevant to the subject of zonekillers mission.. and is completely useless and does not add to the discussion... But some how I am the one who spammed... by asking a question about the progress of the mission this thread pertains to.... WHAT IF ... no one shows interest in his mission, there is a greater chance it will continue to be on the "back burner", maybe finding a permanent place on a shelf... It does truly sadden me that i cannot ask a question.. with out being, in someway, reprimanded... just sad!!! Thanks for the heads up, in the future, just private message the person I am questioning.
  2. lordprimate

    The Living Island Project

    Any progress??
  3. Hello all! First thing is First ! This is an awesome mod..!!! I have to give great thanks to all who have participated and helped make this what it is!! However, I am not here only for accolade. I do have a error : SCRIPT SLX_Wounds\s\SLX_Wounds.sqs not found... I do not get any gore or wounding effects. I de-pbo'd the file slx_wounds.pbo and sure as it said it was not present.. Is there somehwere i can DL it to put it back??
  4. I realize this is old, however my question pertains to the CAS Script!! I cannot get the CAS Target marker to delete.. Marker is named : // Add target marker [b]_tn = format ["%1_marker",_plane];[/b] _targetMarker = createMarker [[b]_tn[/b], _targetPos]; _targetMarker setMarkerShape "ICON"; _tn setMarkerType "Destroy"; _tn setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _tn setMarkerText " CAS Target"; in the script when the CAS returns to the airfield after all Enemy contacts are eliminated there is: deleteMarker _tn; //Disable attack _group enableAttack false; _group setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _group setFormation "COLUMN"; sleep 5; //Send attack run complete message if (!alive _plane) then {call NORRN_CAS_FLCheck}; Nor_CAS_PV = [0,_unit, Nor_CAS_TT3]; publicVariable "Nor_CAS_PV"; if (local _unit) then {titleText [Nor_CAS_TT3, "Plain Down", 0.3]}; deleteMarker "_tn"; however, there is nothing to remove the marker when the planes are shot down...??? so, where the If statement asks if there are any planes left and if non. Silenthint"blah blah blah"; I add a deleteMarker _tn; while {true} do { while {player != _commander && _plane == (player getVariable "NORRN_CAS_plane") && alive _plane} do {sleep 5}; if (count units (group _plane) < 1) then { deleteMarker _tn; hintSilent "All CAS aircraft are down"; }; _plane = player getVariable "NORRN_CAS_plane"; if (_c == 0 && !(_plane getVariable "NORRN_CAS_launch") && alive player && alive _plane) then { hintSilent "CAS action added"; NORRN_call_CAS_Action = player addAction ["Call CAS", "scripts\CAS\Actions\call_CAS_action.sqf",[_plane, player], 0, false, true]; _c = 1; }; if (_c == 1 && (_plane getVariable "NORRN_CAS_launch") || !alive player || !alive _plane) then { player removeAction NORRN_call_CAS_Action; _c = 0; }; sleep 1; _plane = _unit getVariable "NORRN_CAS_plane"; _commander = _plane getVariable "NORRN_CAS_commander"; }; this does not work. I have tried several variations. deleteMarker "_tn"; as well as, renaming the marker completely (FAILURE)!! I would like to use this it is working very well I just cant get the lingering markers to delete... Can someone that has delt with this issue help me?
  5. lordprimate

    [TvT/FFA/CO-40] Dynamic Zombie Sandbox

    Is there anywhere to get the .90 verison... so i can forgo all the dissconect problems... every time i hose a game ... anyone that loggs on ... losses connection and their game crashes... after 10-30 minutes some settings reduced the occurence.. terrain detaile : VERY LOW FOG: OFF speed up time: OFF reduced the occurrence of the crash for others .. but did not elimiate it .. is there any were to get a V.90? P.S. I did get a pbo decompiler , and all i removed were a few playable units.. I did solve the spawning in water issue in UTES for ARMA 2 FREE ... the RESPAWN_CIVILIAN marker needs to be moved to the center of the island... so far that has worked .. I have spawned on the island in random places but not in the ocean!! YEAY
  6. lordprimate

    The Living Island Project

    KILLER GAME MAN hey Zone its **LP** searched for your thread real quick.. I think jb has a good idea the first thing i thought about when i read your OP was havein a few playable units on each faction... and each faction has its different missions .. ( that often co-inside with the other factions missions ...) IE civ player , tasked to destroy bridge .. and east / insurgent unit tasked to defend... so its almost pvp... but more tvt.. Just throwing it out their! .. im sure you have your goals I dont mean to be a poop! If you have any sort of schedule for your server .. I would like to know .. I would love to dedicate some time to testing .. mostly cause im always testing mine!!
  7. lordprimate

    [TvT/FFA/CO-40] Dynamic Zombie Sandbox

    I did not know you could un pbo a game file.. Ill look into it . now that i know that ill give it another go .. and try to solve the water spawn issue while im at it .. who knows I may solve a arma 2 free glitch??(HIGHLY DOUBT IT) THANKS VAKE! if you know where i can get a easy to use un-pbo'er please show me the way!!??
  8. lordprimate

    [TvT/FFA/CO-40] Dynamic Zombie Sandbox

    Hey VAKE , thanks for the reply.. and yes i mean playable units... and Yes i did that .. I changed it to 11 because there were 11 CIVI's left.. and I also changed the class item name from 0-10... until i work around that i am leaveing all the units avaliable ... However... My main problem has become respawning in water... once ANYONE dies they respawn in water. I am using this on the UTES map.. all the side missions show up ON ISLAND.. but you respawn off the east coast about 3-5 miles!/ you cant even see the island.. // a lot of the parameter settings dont work on my pc with either map CHen OR UTes.. fog, weather, time speed, However most do work... secondly .. how do i get the missions SQM.... In the download is the .pbo and thats it?? RECAP: Vake : I had alread did exactly that .. still no go . 1. Island utes is prefered map due to NO LAG. HOWEVER , after death you spawn in water off east coast... /outside that the game is freaking AWESOME!!!! You think it is because i have Arma 2 FRee??
  9. GREAT SCRIPT .. Love it Once i changed the iskindOf I could get eveyone to revive.. HOWEVER... in MP missions with version 2.0 these still happen!: 1) the marker is not deleted if a player disconnects when he is dead/waiting for revive..(happens every mp mission i host). 2) your unit can be killed again after you are killed the first time and waiting for revive..(happens every mp mission i host). 3) your unit is unconscious but not damaged? you should be bloody and beat up... ( realizm?) I am using vanilla arma 2 Free patch 1.11..
  10. lordprimate

    [TvT/FFA/CO-40] Dynamic Zombie Sandbox

    I read threw a rew pages.. used the serch this thread (function) and cannot find my answer... Question: Is there any way to remove the place "units", in the .pbo? My trials I located the unit scripting in the .pbo file and removed a few units.... I would like no more then 10 units ... so I removed all the class items. for West and East. and kept just civi's. that left me with 11 units.. OK I save.. start up arma 2 free.. go to host MP game.. and my game crashes and I get error: data file to short 'MPMissions\Dynamic_Zombie_SandboxA2.utes.pbo' Expected -1175925331 B, got 2387984 B Any help appreciated .. P.S. I have tested the untouched download. It launches just fine.
  11. hello all , this seems to be a straight forward clean cut install.. I follow all instructions create marker, INIT line in all playable units.... and it only works for ME ," and only if i kill myself!!"... all other players can team kill .. I can team kill ... but if i kill myself .. i go into lockout....... this is in a MP game... in SP it works if i kill myself and if i kill a team mate AI... I would like to add that i also enabled AI .. and tried it with AI disabled.. no difference.. nothing goes into the init.sqf in the mission folder . right!?.. only the TKP.sqf, and the marker and the INIT code.. Anyone have any input on this .. I am using Vanilla Arma 2 v 1.11 I usually kick TK'ers straight away if it was not an accident!! however it would be good to have them get locked/blacked out after the first TK.. so any survivors can get away and I can properly asses the situation!! EDIT: It suddenly worked... HOWEVER, it worked in reverse!! the person that was team killed is punished!!! WTF.. i gave up .. its deleated from my mission folder!!
  12. I realize this is old .. but i am trying to use this script .... and well .... I copied everything .. word for word.. the POW does NOT join my group... Nothing ... the CIVI just stands their... I get the prompt to rescue pow.... I click on it ... NOTHING..... The action is also not removed.... I can continue to click over and over on rescue pow's... Just making a simple side mission.. to rescue a scientist... can anyone help me.. I am using Vanilla ARMA2 free..
  13. Hello again, Total NOOB here. I am making a MP mission . I have not mastered coding . I am far from it and I need help!! My mission is an Island Takeover of Utes. I am using Murk Spawn, UPSMON, Ammo loadout save, simple vehicle respawn, anc a few others.. I had a very sucessful test today. I had about 10 players (out of 14) so close to a full game. They all stated that they Liked the map and will look for it again to test... I was able to ask them about the markers, the artillery, and tasks. I knew that they would not know that task is currently set. I dont know how to do that ( JIP ). Artillery was available but only once( I may have inadvertently changed a setting during my last troubleshoot) so they didnt get to use it, I already had... The main thing Iam concerned about is making sure that new ( JIP ) players are not re-setting the triggers and spawning more men.. How do i do that, I know it is an added line with if(isServer) && .... I cannot figure out the code to add. I dont need spoon feeding. But I really need a simple template to look at .. My INIT.sqf is as follows... execVM "briefing.sqf"; "obj1ups" setMarkerPos [-(getMarkerPos "obj1ups" select 0),-(getMarkerPos "obj1ups" select 1)]; "obj2ups" setMarkerPos [-(getMarkerPos "obj2ups" select 0),-(getMarkerPos "obj2ups" select 1)]; "obj3ups" setMarkerPos [-(getMarkerPos "obj3ups" select 0),-(getMarkerPos "obj3ups" select 1)]; "obj4ups" setMarkerPos [-(getMarkerPos "obj4ups" select 0),-(getMarkerPos "obj4ups" select 1)]; "obj5ups" setMarkerPos [-(getMarkerPos "obj5ups" select 0),-(getMarkerPos "obj5ups" select 1)]; "obj6ups" setMarkerPos [-(getMarkerPos "obj6ups" select 0),-(getMarkerPos "obj6ups" select 1)]; "obj7ups" setMarkerPos [-(getMarkerPos "obj7ups" select 0),-(getMarkerPos "obj7ups" select 1)]; "obj8ups" setMarkerPos [-(getMarkerPos "obj8ups" select 0),-(getMarkerPos "obj8ups" select 1)]; "obj9ups" setMarkerPos [-(getMarkerPos "obj9ups" select 0),-(getMarkerPos "obj9ups" select 1)]; "objAups" setMarkerPos [-(getMarkerPos "objAups" select 0),-(getMarkerPos "objAups" select 1)]; "objBups" setMarkerPos [-(getMarkerPos "objBups" select 0),-(getMarkerPos "objBups" select 1)]; "Wpatrol" setMarkerPos [-(getMarkerPos "Wpatrol" select 0),-(getMarkerPos "Wpatrol" select 1)]; if ((!isServer) && (player != player)) then { waitUntil {player == player}; }; //Init UPSMON scritp (must be run on all clients) call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\Init_UPSMON.sqf"; //Process statements stored using setVehicleInit processInitCommands; //Finish world initialization before mission is launched. finishMissionInit; //respawn weapons save WaitUntil{not isNull player}; [] execVM "playerInit.sqf"; //remove dead bodies [120,240] execVM "cly_removedead.sqf" I am having a hard time here . I have read bout evenhandlers, currently trying to decifer this http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/6thSense.eu:EG#Join_in_Progress ... I dont know what to add and where . There would seem to be SOO many ways to do it , but no template to just give a basic overview or layout for complete noobs like me.. Reading the Multiplayer_framework link i found, and there is obviously a load of usefull information.. Ie.. this code: Wait for global variable "BIS_MPF_InitDone" to be defined (and true): waitUntil{!(isNil "BIS_MPF_InitDone")}; But where do i put it ?? in the INIT.sqf?? inside a If /Then loop?? and how? I know the basics... its just been along time... then i find this thread and this post :: Do i put EXAMPLE 2 : in to the Init field of the spwaning units onmy map??? How do i use the onplayerConnected Function?? This is mind numbing.... And this Code: JIP = (!isServer && isNull player); Code: if (JIP) then { [] spawn { waitUntil {!isNull player}; ...do whatever needs to be done for jip... }; }; In the thread it is made obvious that this is a script to initilize something for a Jip Player.. but how do i use it.. where do i put it..? I am still looking at puzzle pieces... can someone put a frame on this form me.. LIL help :) Thanks in advance!! LP The map is done all the AI is layed out All the missions are in the briefing... I can play SP all day.. but I am stuck 2 meters from the MP finish line... it would seem.... What can else can i post here from my mission that can "help you, Help me" ..?
  14. THANKS A BUNCH PELHAM!!!! Removing the First Aid modules Solved the Respawn issue.. And strangely enough the ARTY issue as well .. From the two MP missions I played (managed to get a couple to test the map with me). I was able to die and be engaged by the enemy ai .. and after i died I could still call for arty ... !! I have the SOM mod synced to the fac op .. and i have only played as the fac op to test.. I do not know if anyone else will be able to call for arty ill test that next. I have tried two revive scripts so far. The ADO revive and the R3F revive.. I didnt realized that ADO is for Dedi only and R3F I just dont like it !! For now I think I am just going to keep it original, if you die you die, and respawn back at base in a med tent! (as if you were removed from the field an patched up at hospital.. it will work) I just learned about JIP....The issue i am having now is JIP players dont get the update on what task we are currently on. I read and understand that when they join they were not around for the game to update their info. So, I downloaded the Taskmaster 2 Sqf.. And read the details about how to impliments it. But it is still comfusing And I believe that only works on a DEDI server.. And I cannot find a script that can work on a non dedi pc... So as of now only I can see and know what task i am on. I am still reading and looking around .. It just starts to hurt my head after a while! I get tired of working and just want to play!! All I would really like to finish off this map is: my tasks updated for jip players , and a simple "on map click" air support script.. Its a learning process its just taking me longer.. I dont think I have the head for code.. I tried C++ in school .. I did ok... but that was long ago... Thanks again Pelham! If anyone has any advice on my goals please shout out!!
  15. Hello, First off let me say Hello, and that i have read and read and read but cannot seem to find any posts or threads about my problem.. My Desire is to make a few Heavy TeamPlay MP missions on the Island Utes map. I like the Small island because it lagg's, less and it is still a decent size for battles and missions! I am new to this, and this problem is more then likly user error!! However!! for the life of my mission i cannot find out a solution!! I am currently running V 1.11 Free ARMA II.. I have NO MODS!! Just the 1.09 to 1.11 patch.. The scripts I am using all came from Armaholic, and seem popular and run flawlessly (in SP)!! They are as follows: Simple vehicle respawn Ammo crate filler player loadout save UPSMON MURKSPAWN (NO CLIPBOARDLOADING /JUST ORIG. MURKSPAWN) MODULES: Functions The three medical modules Arty module SecOp module Problems : Some Scripts do not run in MP missions only in SP missions.. 1. IED script (super simple , just randome size explosions. not random placement / I place them in empty object) ...This script only works in MP if i play a online match with AI(whats the point of that) ...... if someone else logs on the ied's will not go off.. 2. ARTY Module Doesnt work in MP missions... In sp works great . in preview it works great... In MP missions it starts .. you select ordinance and it will not allow you to set fire position... 3. UPSMON with murk spawn loader seems to work . In Preview as a citizen I can watch the Script work, (deleate the units after they are placed)... In SP missions units spawn properly as i approach they engage me. In MP missions they seem to spawn, I am to far away to see if the triggers work (thinking about one citizen playable character placed in first OBJ to verify if it works in mp missions with Multiple people ) . I can only assume they do because the units are present when I and the AI approach and they do engage me as well... It would seem that my BIG issue is upon Respawn! Once i die, and respawn.. I am no longer seen as a threat. I am ignored by the ENEMY AI completely!!!!!!! I also cannot use the ARTY any more... I dont know about my team mate AI.. It would seem that they are re-enguaged! If i play as the team leader .. once i die .. my roll is assumed by another AI... After respawn I am not reinitated as leader?? Just last night I played a test match again.. Had a player join.. I had already died... and was approaching the obj to meet them... The Enemy AI just walked by me.. wouldnt even turn to look.. and shot at my team mate... I was able to revive them (only leg shot).. but they would only enguage my UN-respawned team mate.. only when he died, did the same thing happen to him... The ai ignored us... how do i solve this problem .. I would really like to play on my maps with other people not the AI! Is it just a matter of not using AI units when I play a MP mission?? I am going to try that next... Please help me!! Thanks in Advance Would you guys like me to post my mission folder and .pbo?? NOTES: Use some scripts ... All work in SP Missions ... All work when ONLINE - Hosting MP Mission (and alone).... Some scripts will not work when a Real person joins the Map. Some scripts will not work after a person dies and respawns...