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Everything posted by jacknorrisuk

  1. jacknorrisuk

    The Undead Mod

    We all know that Charon has done a tremendous job in the past, and perhaps we can't always expect him to follow up with more, due to other commitments etc. ...so maybe - borne from our desires for a new equivalent of this mod - someone should start a new discussion, or a research and development group, into a new infection-spread zombie system, based on/inspired by Charon's work.
  2. jacknorrisuk

    A storm is coming (Arma 3 Zeus DLC)

    I hope it will be just like this... https://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9fnjoRPwI1rf069mo1_250.gif
  3. jacknorrisuk

    Iron Front as mod in Arma 3

    This mod is fantastic, I can't express enough how significant it is to have such an awesome addition to our library of content. As entertaining as it is to play D-Day with a whole army of modern men in boxer shorts...I am very much looking forward to getting my hands on some tasty WW2 Americans! Cheers guys :D
  4. jacknorrisuk

    Arma III Fishing

    I just played this for the first time, and I must congratulate you on creating a highly original and fascinatingly bizarre experience! Your mod has given me many video-gaming-Firsts - such as picking maggots out of a toilet and buying overpriced cookies from a run-down supermarket. :D Unfortunately I did have some mixed luck with the inventory and item interaction - my guy seems highly reluctant to interact with things, I often have to stand on top of them and move around trying to find the spot where I can interact. I'm also still a bit confused by the overall aim and system - but that's to be expected of something this complex, perhaps if it expands in the future, someone should help out and make a Wiki for high quality quick-ref... This has the potential to be a great game - a completely new way of reimagining Arma 3.
  5. Very much looking forward to release, cheers! :D
  6. Great stuff, TPW. Everything seems to work very nicely :) My simple suggestion would be an option for parked cars - % chance of cars being locked? Would add a bit more challenge to our GTA-style missions!
  7. jacknorrisuk

    Rate the first episode!

    I give it 7/10... (For perspective I gave CWC 8/10 and Arma 2 campaign 8/10) Pros: Great game engine - infantry play is a pleasure Great environment Mostly great voice acting Cons: Main drawback: Superweird AI - it seems to me there is a poor balance of enemy soldiers daftly standing around waiting for their cue (are they poorly trained?), and then raising their weapon and sniping you like a god from half a mile away without even moving (are they super Samurai ninja SAS??)...? (Even on Regular) Story and continuity is a little clunky - I think the action starts way too suddenly at the start, and I'm unsure about the frequent 'returning to base and having briefings' thing. Story and wider context is alien to us - we need a few more clues as to what's going on! CWC, for example, was pretty obvious as we are all familiar with Cold War context. I don't know the real political situation going on here. I know that can be some kind of narrative arc, but I'd like something to think about in the meantime. But all in all, I enjoyed it very much. I think my issues with it can mostly be ironed out, which would make it fantastic.
  8. jacknorrisuk

    Tipping point mission

    I have also found this mission impossible, with 20+ reverts... I think I have an even rougher deal in that my auto-save that I revert to has all my squad progressing in slow-walking-alert mode - so if I am anywhere near them, they just all get killed by the 'random' arty... The closest I have got to completing this mission sees me running around the hills like some kind of Benny Hill sketch...
  9. jacknorrisuk

    The Undead Mod

    Looking good matey, I particularly like the scary new zombie attack. Looks like these guys keep their eyes on the ball...
  10. Interesting. But wasn't there a BI announcement recently that hinted at opening up modding etc. licences a bit to allow some kind of revenue sharing? Who knows, this might develop into a successful extension of Arma3. The Kickstarter model has proven very successful, and I for one would lay down some cash to a mod project that looks like it's going to be awesome (and actually deliver).
  11. This is looking great...not far from where I live! Keep us posted on your progress :)
  12. jacknorrisuk

    The Undead Mod

    I've seen a lot of huffing and puffing about infected/zombie addons, mods and what not for Arma 3... So, all I'm saying Charon, is that you're the only one I can see still holding the originality when it comes to zombies. No pressure. :P
  13. jacknorrisuk

    Arma Memes...

    LOL. Nail. On. The. Head. I wonder if we can find any more like this. Aliens watching Russians on bicycles... Prostitutes commanding an army of giant robots and Tumblers...
  14. Interesting. I support it. For me what's selling your idea right now is you. Your experiences and personality are the most important thing to translate to the project, and you've already conveyed that you can do that, in theory. If you can assemble a team and get it going, I would love to play it - however many 300 mile drives there are :)
  15. jacknorrisuk

    The Undead Mod

    Thanks for the updates, Charon. Sounds like you're across it! Can't wait for the A3 version, but obviously I anticipate that it will take a lot more work to get it to a releasable state! How's the A2 version going? :)
  16. jacknorrisuk

    My RC T55 model

    Holy mother of awesome! Looks fantastic. I nearly cried. I'm well into RC tanks myself. I've got myself about 8 of those 1/16th Tamiya beasts. Hooben make an amazing 1/16th T-55, been on my wishlist for a while. You've definitely inspired me to give it the FIA treatment if I ever get it.
  17. jacknorrisuk

    Margaret Thatcher dies

    Whatever anyone's political position, I do wish people would stop being so immature about it. Here in Bristol a bunch of 'alternatives' (ie. middle class hippies with First World Problems) threw a street party to celebrate her death, with the ulterior motive of kicking off with the police - eventually leading to a riot, hospitalising a policemen and preventing me from going to the pub. All because an old lady died!
  18. jacknorrisuk

    They better have female soldiers...

    For me, the reason why the ticket is amazing is the absurd amount of embarrassingly childish remarks from immature boys who are resisting the idea for no good reason. Just look at the tags. This is pathetic. Why are emotions running so high on this one? It really needn't be so complicated.
  19. jacknorrisuk

    900° Wheel turning

    I do like the hand steering animation, but I know what you're saying. I guess it would be too much to ask for full-blown 900 degree hand animations. Although that would be amazing. Yes, I'd settle for an option to switch between the two.
  20. jacknorrisuk

    They better have female soldiers...

    Without getting too deep in technicalities or gender politics; I think it would be brilliant to have at least a few fully capable females in Arma 3. Dare I say this is the (middle of the) 21st Century. Right now female rights are getting all kinds of footholds in all industries - and military affairs are right up there. Google it. And, in terms of gaming audiences and commercial interests this makes perfect sense too. DayZ has actually succeeded in drawing many real-life female gamers to the Armaverse. Which is brilliant. I don't remember seeing a single female in our community since the Operation Flashpoint days...so why don't we at least recognise they exist and might enjoy playing Arma 3 as the gender they actually are? And, I want to see how it feels to fight alongside women. To fight against women too. There's no reason why BI can't give this a shot. If it's done well it could easily be used as a social experiment to see how males (pretty much all of us, right?) actually respond to seeing women in combat (some studies show that men act protectively etc.) And one more thing. If there's a single game studio in the world that's capable of including females in a completely gender-balanced, non-sexualised equal-opportunities way, it's Bohemia Interactive. So, come on. I'm still waiting to see a decent female character that isn't based on boobs and hips. :D
  21. jacknorrisuk

    ARMA 3 donation

    Wow, I'm impressed at your willingness for such a gesture and also that you seem to have already indulged in everyones' alternative ideas for supporting BIS! But, I don't think your money going direct to BIS will make a huge difference. They will make plenty from just game sales, and just look at how much DayZ has raked in! Considering what I assume is your passion for Arma - the game, the community, etc - I'd say you should find ways to invest in community mod/addon projects, open groups, servers etc. Potentially your money could support quality, creative modding to make Arma bigger and more creative than it's ever been. How about: Running your own mod competition with a cash prize? Commissioning your own mod? Buying/renting all manner of internet service/space for Arma file hosting, servers, websites etc? Paying someone else to do any of the above on your behalf?
  22. Okay, so I bought a big RC helicopter a few months ago, and seeing as I want to avoid any expensive crashes as I am learning, I invested in a simulator program as well as the following piece of hardware: http://www.heliguy.com/Flight-Simulators/ESKY-Flight-Sim/000502-ESKY-Flight-Simulator/ It's basically a fake (USB only) radio transmitter. It's exactly like a real one - all the mouldings and technical parts are the same, it simply doesn't have any radio equipment. It comes with a CD for the driver, and I had no problem at all installing it (on 64bit Win7). After playing with the sim for a while (and enduring what must be several thousand pounds worth of virtual RC chopper damage), I decided to check it out in Arma. It is automatically recognised as a joystick. After configuring the controls, I gave it a whirl with a chopper around Takistan. It works really well! You can set it up to run just like an RC aircraft. It has an un-sprung throttle lever, and trimmers for all 4 lever functions, so you can get super-detail movement if you fancy that. I suppose in the editor you could set up a camera to look at your chopper from the ground, as if you're remote controlling a real heli.... The main disadvantage is the fact that the controller inevitably demands the use of both of your hands - making looking around, commanding and other tasks rather tricky in certain situations! Still, bit of a bargain at £17. If you like flying - but perhaps fancy something different to a joystick - try this!
  23. jacknorrisuk

    Funny & interesting videos

    Hey fellas, I've been working on this programme for a whole year and it's finally airing! If you're in the UK it's starts on Sunday at 9pm BBC2. I did all the text graphics. It's a really good series, ya'll should try and catch it (it'll be airing internationally too).
  24. jacknorrisuk

    West-Kent Map UK WIP

    Any progress on this project lately? Or is it a cancelled job? It'd be sad if this never got released. We need a UK map!
  25. jacknorrisuk

    Welcome back Ivan & Martin!

    Awww man! Seeing their smiley faces there actually makes me feel very joyful indeed. That is all.