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About Nato-Sniper-Elite

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  • Interests
    Wargamming, Plastic Models, Shooting Guns, 3D Modelling, Cosplay, Video Games, Simulation
  • Occupation
    Full Time Student

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    SiC ScoutMarine
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  1. Nato-Sniper-Elite

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- NO DISCUSSION

    another set of wishes would be clickable controls for vehicle and aircraft- the knobs and switches and dials F/A-XX/NGADF- sixth generation US stealth figter concept J-15 "flying shark"/Chinese Su-33
  2. Nato-Sniper-Elite

    Arma 3: Community wishes & ideas- NO DISCUSSION

    1. Hands move to controls being activated in vehicles and aircraft Hands shouldn't just be on the wheel/flight stick+throttle quadrant, and should also move the switches that control the fuctions as well. 2. Vaper Trail/ "Trace" Sniper rifle projectiles have a visible vaper trial called trace that real life snipers use to track a bullet to the target 3. sound echo delay from distance Starting from a few hundred meters out sound of bullet and weapon inpacts start to take longer to reach a person. 4. Ability to fire from a helo wilst holding a marksman rifle or return fire from the helo if coming into or out of a hotzone 5. tank interior and climb in and out animation