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Everything posted by naizarak

  1. naizarak

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    can you guys elaborate on how AI-held radios function? are they initialized on the server, or do they remain "blank" until touched by a player? basically is there a way of adding radios to AI that are unusable by players?
  2. aren't those parameters for empty vehicles? i was referring to caching AI within occupied vehicles
  3. not sure if this has been suggested yet, but it'd be nice if there were multiple cache ranges for different vehicle types. something to cache infantry at 500m, for example, but cache vehicles at 1000 and aircraft at 2000. alternatively maybe there could be a variable assigned to each unit that would overwrite the default cache range.
  4. naizarak

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    sounds like you're using the stock CPU heatsink. never use the stock heatsink. also never disable thermal safety features
  5. because arma is heavily CPU bound and amd cpus are generally crap for gaming
  6. naizarak

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    hi, how can i adjust bm21 firing modes to make it work with the doArtilleryFire command?
  7. do these cache types only apply to empty vehicles?
  8. hi, can someone explain what the carcachedistance, aircachedistance, and boatcachedistance parameters control exactly?
  9. naizarak

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    hmm that's somewhat counter-intuitive. would make more sense to have the field names as "label148", "label117", "label152", etc. also am i correct in assuming the 343 doesn't support labels because it doesn't have a digital display? thanks.
  10. naizarak

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    can't seem to get the 117 or 152 to display custom channel labels. 148 works fine though. do those radios not support it yet?
  11. naizarak

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    interesting. so how would you, for example, configure 2 different sets of radios added to crates on a server, so that 1 set in 1 crate has 1 preset, and the other set has a different one. looking through the documentation i didn't see any functions allowing for direct configuration of individual radios i also noticed a bug in binding direct modifier keys(such as alt or ctrl) to a radio-talk key. it causes the key to "stick" and hotmic during broadcasts in teamspeak
  12. naizarak

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    are radio presets assigned to players or radios themselves? if i pick up a radio from a crate, will my settings apply to it, or will it remain at it's default config? likewise if i pick up another player's radio(say from the other team running a different preset with different frequencies), will the radio retain its original config? also just to check, are there any function that have to be run from the server? or are all configs run client-side?
  13. naizarak

    Placed Unit Warps on JIP

    run the init on server only
  14. naizarak

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    heh i could tell this guy was a massive tool from the very first time i saw one of his vids
  15. funny video coming from a guy who works for BI and whose youtube channel is basically PR for arma, even though public arma is absolutely nothing like what he depicts in his videos. so yeah, people do have a right to be pissed at BI if arma doesn't meet their expectation especially based on his videos
  16. naizarak

    DirecxtX 12 for ArmA 3?

    dx12 is supposed to feature significant CPU performance enhancements. would make sense for BI to be interested considering arma's performance problems
  17. yeah i use it to test MP missions on lan(since it's all done from 1 computer anyways). not sure if this would work for a remote server. as far as i know there's no separate "LAN" mode. a publicly joinable game is just a lan server with open ports. to search for lan games, use the "remote" button and enter the host computer's local IP (192.168.xxxx) and the port(2302 by default). if im not mistaken local clients should be routed via lan automatically even if you join via the public games browser
  18. Hi, I have a problem I've been trying to figure out for a while but have given up on. Maybe someone here can explain it to me. I have a simple script where AI units will automatically join the driver's group when entering a vehicle. As such players can "pass-off" AI units between each other. However there appears to be a locality issue with group ownership in multiplayer. The server and players recognize the driver's group as the group of the AI. However, the driver still sees the AI as belonging to their old group before ownership transfer. This doesn't make sense to me as all executed commands have global effect, and everyone but the driver correctly recognize the AI's new group. Effectively the AI is stuck in limbo as the driver thinks it belongs to its old group, whereas everyone else thinks it belongs to the driver. Sample mission demonstrating the problem: here Vehicle Init: if (isServer) then { this addEventHandler ["GetIn", { _this call fnc_civIn; }]; }; fnc_civIn: [(_this select 2)] joinSilent (group driver (_this select 0)); For reference, fnc_civIn is compiled in a preInit file on the server only.
  19. well for anyone interested, i was able to fix the problem by spawning the function and preceding the "join" command with a 3 sec sleep. apparently there's some internal process that conflicts with the join command, so you just have to wait for it to end first. this isn't ideal as execution times vary between computers, but a 3 sec wait should be more than enough
  20. naizarak

    Suggestion about AI for future ArmA games

    im willing to bet a hundred bucks that arma AI is a literal clusterf*ck of code accumulated over the years and BI couldn't untangle their own mess even if they wanted to
  21. yes it's possible, i use this all the time to test my missions add this to your server .cfg file kickduplicate = 0; loopback = true; please stop spreading disinfo
  22. naizarak

    FLIR for Little Bird Copilot

    the flir pod was disabled at some point. before that it could be enabled via a simple script, but it was non-functioning and purely cosmetic. so basically there's no way to get it now without modding i suppose(but at that point you'd be making a new vehicle anyways). hope that answers your question
  23. naizarak

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    is there a reason ch.7 on the 148 has a frequency of 32 while ch.6 is 318.75 and ch.8 is 321.25? im not familiar with the radio but it seems like the decimal display is bugged looking through the "PROGRAM" submenu also displays preset channels with the decimal after 2 digits(i.e. 32.125 instead of 321.25) also leading to another general question: the 148, 152, and 177 seem to use the same frequencies, so are they all compatible? what's the difference between the 3 of them besides transmitting power?
  24. yes you can have mods installed anywhere