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Everything posted by xDNAPx

  1. heyy, sorry if this is a repeat question, i didnt find google any help on the topic of warfare, i did check out some videos on http://sandbox.darrenbrant.com/ but other then that not really much help, anyways im trying to do a warfare mission, i understand how it works, iv been playing arma for a year, so im not that dumb i just dont know scripting at all. anyways my missions basicly like this chernarus. OPFOR gonna start at the smaller southren base (Balota) while BLUEFORS gonna start atthe other smaller NE airport (Krasnostav) Then i basiclly wanna go all out war with OPFOR (AI) and see how far i can go, i wanna at least have some resistance in the AI and not completly dominate them right away, but my questions are? 1. how do u set up "startinglocations" i made a game logic, synched it and named it "startinglocation0" placed it and changed my lines in my initmission to BIS_WF_Common SetVariable ["sidePlacement",[true,1]]; //Side placement, use starting logics only. and did the same with opfor but called it "startinglocation1" but for some reason only my BLUEFOR start at set location while OPFOR start in random locations near my airbase n right off attack me, i was wondering how do i fix the starting location and stop them from attacking right off and focas on exspanding and defences and after say 20 mins attack me? 2, am i able to predefine the location of warfare buildings, so it looks neat and dont have vehicals over the runway for both sides?? 3, how do i exclude the citys around my base so that they dont become an objective thanks in advance
  2. xDNAPx

    Training from Amerca's Army Games in ArmA3

    i dont really see training ass a big factor, maybe some tutorials for new to the game players to show him the ropes and the basic commands but other then that training missions wouldnt be effective for these reason... 1, armas more a toxybox then a game, meaning giving all the choices and roles u can play it would be hard to make a training mission of all the roles. 2, most peoples problem is tryna learn to much, (tryed to be everyone), yes this is good if ur just starting out but the keymapings change depending if ur a infarntry, air or armoured unit which will can but not always make it more difficult. 3, be your self, and what your good at !! if u love shooting down aircraft then why be a sniper when u can be AA?, if u love to lase targets for airstricks then why not be a forward operator? if ur into tanks but dont like to command be a gunner or driver, be your self and find what makes you happy, after all when u play MP UR more likly to be a on a large map with plenty of roles to play by, im shur your fav role will be among the list. (i never really liked behing infantry where all the gunfire was, that why i choise forward air controller "im away from the main battle, but my actions can and will effect the flow of battle, and also gives me a chance to do some fighting, if the opfor deides the forward air must GO!!" "i also love to shoot airtillary so i can salfy say, my role in arma would be supporter and i try to stick with that and those classes in that range") 4. not really much more i can say in the lines of training, the games really good at throwing u into it with no clue what your doing, and sayin "your on your own", but if i can do it anyone else can, all i can say is "pick ur top 2 favorite classes" (so u dont bore yourself with someone you dont like) and learn the basics and keymappings, what guns u find easy to use and other actions like planing bombs and such. once you done that you can move onto finding out what ROLE you wanna play!! but that sometime for 2 or 3 months down the line id say but practise, practice cause its up to YOU to learn everything id also like to say when i mean CLASSES im taking about "sniper, AA, AT, Medic, teamleader" and things such as that and when i say role i mean things such as "supported, assulter, spec ops" not particular roles
  3. NAVAL - Larger ships mounted with 100mm cannons that are capable but not limiting the abilty to provied artillary support to coastal islands and to provide anti aircraft support -NON static fleet of ships that can move via waypoint (but only able move in ocean water, and not beachs or shallow water), are able to be destroyed and has active defences (destroyer, aircraft carrier, frigata) AIR - Adding the abiltiy to use anti ship missle and cargo and things alike to destroy larger ships OTHER - controlable and ambient frieght trains (abilty to move in cargo) and possibly designed into a modual for easier use) MOST impoartant - i wish that armaIII will be the best game to come out in 2012:)