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About combataz

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    Private First Class

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  1. Hello all, I'm currently working on a Christmas themed mission for my group. The big gimmick to it is all of our gear are in presents, however I've run into a problem. Some of the uniforms are restricted despite the opfor not being anything that would be using this RHS gear. Is there a way to whitelist some of these uniforms so they can be equipped without a problem? This will literally and figuratively ruin Christmas if I can't unrestrict these. Thanks!
  2. Hello! I'm currently trying to have an addaction replace a body with a bodybag. I'm not using ace medical so that isn't feasible. What I have right now in the 3den Enhanced hold action option is this: _bag = createVehicle ["land_bodybag_01_black_f", position body; [_bag, true, [0, 2, 0], 45] call ace_dragging_fnc_setDraggable; [_bag, 3] call ace_cargo_fnc_setSize; body hideObject true; However, nothing happens. Suggestions?
  3. Is there any way to completely disable the medical system without having to remove the medical pbos. I have the medical options I would imagine affect that all turned off, and a single revive set up, but in game when shot there's still the pain and bleeding effects while also being invulnerable.
  4. I forgot to mention. I doubly confirmed that it works fine in single player. I'm able to loot ammo and items from the dead.
  5. Hello all! So, I've run into an issue that I didn't realize was an issue until the other day. In all missions across my server, both ones I've made as well as some others, it turns out you can't loot the dead. I'm fine with it morally and ethically, but whenever I'm in the inventory, no matter how many times I dry and drag that gold watch over to my inventory, it doesn't work. Now, I saw an older ticket on BIS' tracker that suggested an init.sqf with this in it: waitUntil {time != 0} ; {_x setUnitLoadout getUnitLoadout _x} forEach allUnits ; Which did not seem to fix it. Any suggestions would be super appreciated. https://imgur.com/a/8Grmgqk This is the list of mods that I'm running. I don't see anything in there that could cause issues but who knows what I'm missing.
  6. I discovered a bunch in Icebreakr's FAP pack. Whole plan is hell platoon over there to hunt me and the boys in the jungle. Relentlessly. At night.
  7. If I had any children left to give to strangers, you would be getting one. This is awesome, thank you. And this is perfect and this is only asking because I'm curious, but is there anyway for that particle emitter to light up the area around it as well?
  8. Hey all. I'm trying to attach a fire effect to an infantry unit, so that it sticks to it as the unit walks around. I've tried using attachToRelative, which didn't work. I also tried the suggestions in this topic: Which also did not work. Obviously the soldier needs to stay alive as this is what I'm going for: https://i.imgur.com/3MCDUsR.png Any ideas?
  9. Well I thought about the update, so I decided to just nuke the install and start fresh and that seems to have fixed it.
  10. Hello gang. I have a server (being started through TADST), and it has been running fine for several months. It was down for about a week or so, and when I tried to launch it today, the server doesn't display. I've checked all my port forwardings and those were fine (2302-2305, but they were working before). I have tried connecting to it directly in A3, trying to open a connection with its specific port using my external IP, both while and while not running the server in the DMZ and disabling stupid advanced security crap on my router, but none of those seemed to fix it, and I'm just totally stumped now. I will also add I am able to remote desktop into it. Any ideas? **The server starts up fine otherwise, it reads a mission and starts
  11. combataz

    3den Enhanced

    🤦‍♂️ It somehow dropped the careless behavior. That worked. Thanks! Take it back. Did a few more test runs and they're still bugging out 😕
  12. combataz

    3den Enhanced

    My extraction helicopters seem to just want to tap the ground and leave and I can assure you I'm not begging them to touch and go. I don't think I'm doing something wrong because I've had extractions work in the past, but they seem to be acting strange. Is it just something I'm doing?
  13. Does anybody have a good config setup that mirrors basic medical from previous ACE, or is that still not really possible?
  14. Apologies! This is an AI controlled helicopter. All players are shooters on the ground. The idea is this is all happening in the background as I watch my friends die horrible deaths, alone in a field in Malden.