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Everything posted by Tungsten

  1. I don't know if Steel Beasts has the infantry compartment viewable on the Bradley, though I suppose it would for the TOW reload process, right? Anyway, some possibly useful pictures for the infantry's compartment in here for when you get around to the BFV: http://www.scribd.com/doc/61629563/Vanguard-43-The-M2-Bradley-Infantry-Fighting-Vehicle
  2. That makes me quite glad - have you lined out which Leopard 2 you were going to do? I quite like the aesthetics of the A5/A6/A7 myself.
  3. Hey, I really love your M1A1/M1A2 and I'm waiting for that driver compartment to download the Challe mod, but most of your projects look like stuff I'm interested in so I can't help but make a greedy request: any chance for an M2/M3A3 Bradley IFV and CFV? It's my favorite AFV and I feel like you're the modder to do it justice.
  4. If you forcefully enabled use of the F-14 in 4.0 as many players have done, its flight characteristics actually draw directly from the Falcon 4's Fighting Falcon that it simulates. Normally I'd avoid pointing that out, but in case anyone here uses it for future reference, well, you should understand the questionable accuracy with which to form judgements. I'm not saying that it doesn't do the F-16 well, just that it doesn't simulate other aircraft like some would believe it can. It's generally bad to base your research off of one source; granted, many sources often lead back to one, but it's still better to form your opinion from a consensus of opinions.
  5. I guess I was confused, because Iran utilized them and quite enjoyed them, and aside from the fact that the D model, with software upgrades, could use the majority of the US A2A missiles. It's not like the AIM-120s can be properly utilized in-game, either. :p I don't understand where people get this idea that the Tomcat isn't very maneuverable; though, it's a better dogfighter in the D variant than an F-15C, only the F-14A has problems maneuvering because of its engines. Most cursory research into it yields the exact opposite, but that's the sort of discussion for PMs... Most of the weapons in the missile box could be shared, as well Iran being the OpFor country, but I guess everyone still looks at it like it's BluFor equipment, and that, I guess invalidates the suggestion because obviously, OpFor needs to Russian style equipment. :rolleyes: Aside from my blatant Tomcat appreciation derailing this thread: I'm still quite curious if there's any rocket pods planned for use.
  6. I guess I was confused because Iran is the OpFor country. :confused:
  7. Tomcats A2A against BluFor units would be great, but I think it's best to play both fields if you possibly could realizing that tendency of the player. I'd rather be able to go up with and against the Hornet than only be able to one jet for one side. At least, for now, there's good and bad points to it. One of the good points is, Iran loves their F-14s, we know that because they love their AIM-54s, so it would be a good OpFor unit with comparable, albeit differently focused, capabilities.
  8. Given that the game's OpFor faction is Iran, I would actually suggest another American jet be used, but due to its popularity I think it would be best to have BluFor and OpFor versions: the F-14 Tomcat. Granted, Iran never got F-14Ds, but that would be the Tomcat to see in the game (perfomance/feature-wise). Considering all the skins for this Hornet with previous Tomcat squads, I think seeing them reprised for actual BluFor Tomcats as well as OpFor units would be very interesting, especially with a proper swing-wing manual and automatic control. Balance wise, I would say the F-14 is a good antagonist for the F/A-18: given their history, having them scrap in the game would be interesting, but the dynamic for balance would definitely be payload/low speed maneuverability (F/A-18) and an overall better plane in acceleration, maneuverability (at speed), with slightly better air-to-air weapons for the F-14. What worries me is exactly how strong the vulcan has to be in order to be balanced with Bohemia's Buzzard: both jets would rip each other apart in a tiny burst if they were kept in line with eachother, in my honest opinion. I've got several useful tidbits on the F-14 like possible armament configurations and what would work for a 2035 version, if you wonderful gentlemen would be interested in it for your work. But, onto the topic of this wonderful F/A-18 mod: are any rocket pods planned? Laser guided zuni rockets as well as regular rockets would be an interesting feature for this aircraft. I also really like the idea of this service menu being applied to other aircraft, it's truly neat and a very useful feature, undoubtedly one of the best selling points of the mod to me.
  9. Though this is rather, err, out of place, to ask for two simple bits of content, admittedly one of which has already been asked for, it is just two of the things that I -really- wanna see in ArmA 3. Number one if the G36 family of weapons, the M8 family would also be nice, but the original design is what I'm most intrigued by. The secondary thing that I'm interested in is the ability to customize vehicles, and in particular, a vehicle, which has this capability: the Bradley. It would be nice to see, instead of having three different models, that one could choose to equip it with, say, TOWs, or a Stinger pod, or even a Javelin missile pod, rather than having to choose a unit which has already been lined out for a job.