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Everything posted by Dan7

  1. Yes, try the script as explained above, and you'll see the AI ​​really put the satchel !!!
  2. Hi, here's what I did and it works: (S1 = unit ennemy) S1 init : this addmagazine "SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag" waypoint move for S1 and on activation : S1 fire ["pipebombmuzzle", "pipebombmuzzle", "SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag"]" in trigger logic , with timeout 30-30-30 condition : ((count ((S1) nearObjects ["SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo",100])) > 0) Another waypoint for S1 does not stay there, obviously ! Everything works, I have to put a period because the bomb is triggered immediately. Therefore, the distance is not taken into account? --> ["SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo",100] Thks
  3. Ok thank !!! I should get out with your solution! sorry in my post I forgot to: on activation trigger : S1 action ["TouchOff",S1] lol why "SetTimer" actions or "Startimer" do not work? ---------- Post added at 02:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:26 PM ---------- Ok, I tried your script, but it is the same, the charge explodes immediately ... Well for now, I will continue with the timeout in the trigger, it works. But I find it unfortunate that "SetTimer" does not work (neither with ..._Mag or ..._Ammo, I do not understand) a bug?
  4. Hi, The problem that often happens to me, is to forget about some command line scripts in the editor ... and with age, it is not helping! ;) I thought of something, would it be possible to have a like notepad (General button, with load/save) Integrated into the personal notes in the block editor to write his Personal Notes editor to record scripts, test scripts, etc... I hope you understand what I want to explain ... :rolleyes: Sorry for my english, I use a translator Thks. Dan.
  5. Ok, I also have always done it well, (as everyone does I guess) but I was thinking something like that to avoid work with Alt-Tab or window mode. This is just for convenience (I even still cripts dating from 2001/2002 for OFP!) :cool:
  6. Hi, how would it be possible in a helicopter (AH-64D), I would like as the shooter, able to control the driver (for altitude, travel, ...) as with a tank. it's just for a mission as a gunner managing radar and fire. I tried with: commanding=1; hascommander=true; but it does not work for now I use teamswitch (and so I take the control of the aircraft momentarily) and radio triggers with Heli flyinheight 5, 10, 20, etc. .. which is not too convenient and the AI ​​does not react immediately, but it must be done to move the altitude changes. For now I'm with, what is not so bad. I tried with scripts you can add a value to: flyinheight +1 or -1 but I'm not happened so far thks. Sorry for my english ...
  7. Hi, Why I can not move if a trigger type in "guarded by EAST", but it works with type "NONE" and I use the command: trigger1 setPos getPos unit1 I tried with my trigger1 type "NONE" and and another trigger : trigger1 settriggertype "EAST G" (when it was moved when I wanted) ... But that still does not work ... thk
  8. Ok, thank you for this soluce. As against to activate it, I put this code in a Init.sqs but nothing happens ...
  9. Hi, when using night binoculars range finder and night with the activation of NVG, the game crashes and back desktop ! I do not know if it comes from the 1.60 since it did not happen with the previous 1.59 ... Thks
  10. Ok, I disabled a lot of addons, removed some scripts etc ... I feel better, it does more. In against part, on the previous version (or Arma2, Arma or OFP) Appears when I had problems with scripts, I did not crash the returns desk. I have to get used to ...
  11. - force the firing of IA (rifles, grenade launcher, grenade, gunner, etc ...) the selected unit and a click - simulate the mud, in rain, slippery slopes (soldiers and vehicles, less with tracks) - dynamic weather option in the editor - type claymore traps - a gourd to drink out of breath if a soldier, and so the soldier is a little less breathless - different sizes of the soldiers (tall, thin, short, fat, ...) - able to cut barbed wire fences with pliers - evolutionary building (destroy in part by shells) - building more open (all or by breaking the door!) - best physics helicopters (to TOH ???)