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About tony86

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  1. tony86

    Bug sound weapon after respawn

    Ok, we found a solution. I have DLC - Iron Curtain, Global Mobilization, and Western Sahara. For players who do not have DLC, they must download in the form of mods - Compatibility Data for Non-Owners. Global Mobilization - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1776428269 Western Sahara - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2636962953 CSLA Iron Curtain - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2503886780 When everyone has DLC or Compatibility Data for Non-Owners the sounds are working fine!
  2. tony86

    Bug sound weapon after respawn

    Ok, we found a solution. I have DLC - Iron Curtain, Global Mobilization, and Western Sahara. For players who do not have DLC, they must download in the form of mods - Compatibility Data for Non-Owners. Global Mobilization - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1776428269 Western Sahara - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2636962953 CSLA Iron Curtain - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2503886780 When everyone has DLC or Compatibility Data for Non-Owners the sounds are working fine!
  3. tony86

    Bug sound weapon after respawn

    We tested this problem on version - 2.06.148470 We also switched to the development version - 2.07.148629 but unfortunately nothing helped 😞 no change, there is the same bug.
  4. tony86

    Bug sound weapon after respawn

    We tested this problem on version - 2.06.148470 We also switched to the development version - 2.07.148629 but unfortunately nothing helped 😞 no change, there is the same bug.
  5. Hello! We create a lan session via hamachi. I reinstalled the ARMA III and I show it on the example of vanilla game (no active, and no subscribe mods) The problem arises with the issue of respawn. Everything is fine at the beginning of the session. Killed player and respawn can't hear his weapon sounds, the problem is also with weapon animation. Other ambient sounds are working, bots fire from weapons. The problem only affects players who died and respawned, can't hear their weapons, only ricochets. I present the problem on the video material https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPxdeAigG1Y In this example I show a simple respawn system, but also create respawns with roles, classes, respawn points. Everything technically works, without error - except for the sound problem. I am asking for help, suggestions on this matter.
  6. Hello! We create a lan session via hamachi. I reinstalled the ARMA III and I show it on the example of vanilla game (no active, and no subscribe mods) The problem arises with the issue of respawn. Everything is fine at the beginning of the session. Killed player and respawn can't hear his weapon sounds, the problem is also with weapon animation. Other ambient sounds are working, bots fire from weapons. The problem only affects players who died and respawned, can't hear their weapons, only ricochets. I present the problem on the video material https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPxdeAigG1Y In this example I show a simple respawn system, but also create respawns with roles, classes, respawn points. Everything technically works, without error - except for the sound problem. I am asking for help, suggestions on this matter.
  7. I would like to do this just in trigger. Unfortunately, your additional command line are not working and causing an error.
  8. Hello! I create artillery unit, and I call it "gun1", then I create marker, and I call it "target1". At last I create trigger: In Act: ammo1 = getArtilleryAmmo [gun1] select 0; tgt = getMarkerPos "target1"; gun1 doArtilleryFire [tgt, ammo1, 10]; Everything works great, the artillery fires 10 rounds at the target. However, I would like to add a few more options - For example - to fire 5 rounds, then pause for 10 seconds, and then another 5 rounds fired. What would I have to add to? Thanks in advance for your help and suggestions!
  9. I'm sorry but I care about hearing the sound space. Loud in the center and smooth pass hear sound to silence, this is guaranteed by the say3D option. This option only works with sounds (cfgsounds), when I added cfgmusic, it doesn't see this file and can't play it. I also tried with something like that (in trigger on act): nul = [thisTrigger] spawn {while {true} do {(_this select 0) say3D "music1"; sleep 10;};}; The sound is repeats but is quieter than the first time. I think additional parameters are missing there. The sound repeats, but no additional settings (such as volume, sound propagation), which makes the sound default state and different from the first one with the additional settings parameters. I dont know how to set the volume parameters to be the same and the sound to be as loud as the first time 😕
  10. Thank you for your answer. Everything works great!
  11. Hello! I have a problem with sound loop in trigger description.ext class CfgSounds { sounds[]={}; class music1 { name = "music1"; sound[] = {"\sounds\test.ogg", 300, 1}; titles[] = {0,""}; }; }; The trigger: Name of trigger - w1 Type - Skip Waypoint Activation - Game Logic Activation Type - Not Present Repeatable - Enable Condition - This On Act - w1 say3D ["music1", 250, 1]; The sound play well, but one time, I would like it to play in a loop. Thanks in advance for your help and suggestions!
  12. Hello! I have a problem with the item dropped out with hint message. Beginning: I put the item of equipment list, I call it - "intel" Then I create trigger: Condition - !alive intel On Act - hint "Intel collected" Everything works fine at this point. I take the item and the message "intel collected" pops up. Now I would like to drop item to a certain place, into the trigger area. I create another trigger: Type - none On act - everyone Activation type - Present Condition - this On Act - hint "Intel delivered" The trigger synchronizes with the intel item. But here's the problem! The message is also displayed when I do not have the intel item. Ideally, I would like the message to appear only after the item is dropped on the ground. However, not so much necessary, it would be enough then at least that the message appears only when I have it in my inventory. Thanks in advance for your help and suggestions!
  13. Trigger ---> Edit effects is: the sound is in anonymous category and voice category in environment and trigger category is not here. if I select anony or voice - after activation is heard everywhere. I create "sound" folder (in this folder file sound1.ogg) in mission folder on documents/arma 3/missions