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Everything posted by Mensur

  1. I currently run ArmA3 on the following: Intel ( R ) Core (TM ) i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz 3.30GHz RAM: 4GB System type: Windows 7 , 64-bit GeFore GTX 660 It runs okay I guess, however at times it is not smooth as it should be, especially when there is a lot of AI on the map. Are my system specs good enough? What am I missing? Someone please advise. Thanks!
  2. Mensur

    TMT Azerbaijan Mod

    All good, hats down, but for God's sake could you add some good sound to that mig-25. I love that jet fighter, but you butchered it with that terrible sound. And its the only one of its kind available for ArmA2. Please update! Thanks!
  3. Mensur

    Need help with system specs.

    Thanks, this might help. ---------- Post added at 04:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:40 PM ---------- I'm noob, how do I do that exactly?
  4. Mensur

    Need help with system specs.

    I currently have this: Intel ( R ) Core (TM ) i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz 3.30GHz I'm thinkin' to get this: http://pcdirect.com/processors/processors-1150cpu/inso11hcoi7q.html Would it help a great deal? Yay or nay? :\
  5. Mensur

    Need help with system specs.

    I see what both of you are trying to say. But I cant be all specific now, I don't know much except what my PC shows me when I right-click properties on my C drive. Anyway, thing is I'm trying to get a better Processor, but before I do so, I'm looking for some advice. (i.e. is it worth it or not)? I run ARMA 2 on Very High always, and it runs perfectly smooth. I think ARMA3 huge maps just kills my PC.
  6. Been trying to figure this out for hours now: I have ARMA 2 CO Retail version. Last night I purchased TKOH Rearmed and Hinds over STEAM. I want my Addons from the retail version of ARMA 2 CO to work with TKOH, how do I do it? There is no "target line" with the Steam version of TKOH exe. Yes I spent time here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Take_On_Helicopters_-_Rearmed Call me noob, but I still don't get it. Where exactly do I place this "-mod=c:\path\to\Arma2;c:\path\to\Arrowhead;c:\path\to\Arrowhead\Expansion;c:\path\to\TKOH;Rearmed" ??? In the STEAM launch options for the game or where? Any help is appreciated, Thanks!
  7. Wow, typhoon, nice. Ever since the Soviets withdrew, Nogova Armed Forces over the years have gotten stronger.
  8. Hi, I need skilled SU-27/Su-30 pilots for an upcoming ARMA 2 CO air-show movie that I'm gonna be filming. Volunteers need to be skilled and serious, and have to have the latest version of ACE. Please no noobs! RESPOND A.S.A.P! Thank you.
  9. I have been recently getting some FPS problems when playing Domination 2 on Multi-Player, my specs are good for this game, I have had no problems in the past, it ran smooth. However, recently installed Reinforcements, I'm thinking, would that have to do anything with it? But then again, when I go into Single-Player, everything is fine, even if i put 150 units against one another. Can anyone help? It is really annoying, I reinstalled my graphics card, defraged, did it all, nothing really seems to solve the issue. Thanks.
  10. Yeaa, I tried that already, to no avail though.:j: Dont know how to modify, I'm really a noob when it comes to scripting. : \
  11. Does anyone know if there is an addon available where the missile is guided by the camera to its target. Much like in this video: I found this: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6722 But it does not work, must be out of date, because when I'm actually playing the mission, the command keys for weapons toggle are stuck.
  12. Maybe not. Thats for ArmA 1 dude. You're in the wrong section.
  13. Nah, thats not it, I got that, its cool, but not it.
  14. Mensur

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Hey bub, I wasn't askin' you. The comment was directed towards the main developer. I informed him of that issue already, I thought he would include that in the next update version and that is why I asked.
  15. Mensur

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Updated it. Its wonderful but, still no smoke effects on rifles/AT's, when using blastcore 1.1. : \
  16. Mensur

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Yea but, WarFXBlastcore makes it look so much better, cant delete that. It use to work fine with version 1.4. There must be something i can tweak around with in order to have it as it was with 1.4?
  17. Mensur

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Well now im using that above: -nosplash -mod=@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@JSRS1.5;@sakumods;@WarFX_Particles_Beta_1.4;@WarFX-Blastcore;@WarFX-Lighting;@WarFX-SunLight;@WarFX-Tracers It's still the same
  18. Mensur

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Great work JarHead, excellent, speechless. However, the rifles do not produce any smoke whatsoever on my part when I fire the weapons, it was fine in 1.4 though. This is what I am using: -nosplash -mod=@CBA;@JSRS1.5;@sakumods;@WarFX_Particles_Beta_1.4;@WarFX-Blastcore;@WarFX-Lighting;@WarFX-SunLight;@WarFX-Tracers Any solutions? Thank you.
  19. Hi, Does anyone know how to attach smoke grenade to a tank, so that it produces generated smoke screen. And how do I make it so that I can turn it on and off? Thanks.
  20. All-right, thanks guys, you've been of great help. :)
  21. where do i put that? (sorry guys, told you im a newbie, still learning).
  22. [-1.5,-3,-1.1]]; That works perfectly with the T55. for smoke: _smoke = "SmokeShell" createVehicle (position tank); _smoke attachto [tank, [-1.5,-3,-1.1]]; init: {if (_x isKindOf "Wheeled_APC" || _x isKindOf "Tank") then { _x addaction [("<t color="#ee6600"">" + ("SmokeScreen") +"</t>"), "smoke.sqf","", 1, false, true,"LaunchCM","isEngineOn _target && driver _target == _this];}; } forEach vehicles; Now how do i make it so i can turn it off and on?
  23. [_vcl, [0,-3,-0.5] This is what is messed up, it doesn't work. What iceman gave me above: [3,2,.5]]; Does work. However, the smoke grenade appears like a foot above the tank. Now how do i make the smoke grenade ignite from the tank within? Is the question.