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Everything posted by h34dup

  1. Sounds great RMCW! Things are rolling on Task Force 42 as well, Mission 4 is well-underway. Your night raid from Mission 2 and recon efforts from Mission 3 have paid off, revealing the main compound of the HVT, nestled deep in a valley and crawling with a small army of hostile forces. Your team is inserted and tasked with spearheading the assault, while friendly squads sabotage comms and provide you with an escape route. You'll have CAS this time around, but not until you take out AA on a peak near the valley (provided you want to use CAS). More RWO content is on the way folks!
  2. Try this, I used it for the mini-camp I'm working on and with a pair of MH-47E's: Force Eject To force eject a group out of a vehicle use this code (note you need to have the group name and the vehicle to disembark named as well): _xhandle = [<GROUP>,<VEHICLE>] execvm "Eject.sqf"; Eject.sqf: _group = _this select 0; _vehicle = _this select 1; if ( (typename _group != "GROUP") or (typename _vehicle != "OBJECT") ) exitwith { hintSilent "Invalid Parameters parsed"; }; sleep 1; { unassignvehicle _x; _x action ["getOut", _vehicle]; sleep 1; } foreach units _group; Optional Safety height function (copy and paste after the _vehicle declaration in eject.sqf): _height = (position _vehicle) select 2; if ( _height < 100 ) exitwith {hintsilent format ["%1, the %2 height is below 50m (current height: %3), unsafe to eject.", name player, typeOf _vehicle, _height]};
  3. Will do, domo! RMCW has offered his help with voice stuff as well, both of your involvement has me stoked! I need to find some native speakers of the Pashto or Dari (or Arabic) languages for M1 and possibly M5. M1 and M2 are well along, M3 will be underway soon too. Still haven't come up with a title for this mini-camp yet-- was thinking simply, Task Force 42. Google searches for that are where most of the info can be found on their operations. Here are some links to show what I'm working off of, the mini-camp centers around the hunt for a fictional JPEL-listed HVT named Mullah Abdullah Khan, a ruthless former Mujahideen and drug/human trafficker. You will take part in intelligence gathering activities as an operator for the top-secret Special Recon Regiment (SRR), a night raid w/ transport from the US 160th SOAR's MH-47E's, long-range motorized recon, and more... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/afghanistan/7973598/Quarter-of-senior-Taliban-killed-by-SAS-in-kill-or-capture-targeting.html http://www.ipsnews.net/2010/08/afghanistan-task-force-42-and-task-force-121-the-other-secret-killers-ndash-part-3/ http://www.eliteukforces.info/uk-military-news/200810-task-force-42.php And an update on Chris Kyle, I got a ton of great auditions, sending out scripts this weekend, so hopefully we're looking at a release before the end of April.
  4. Looking for some voice actors to provide their talents to my Chris Kyle SP scenario for the RWO project. I need English and Polish (who can speak English, authentic accents needed!) to voice act members of SEAL Team 6, US Marines, and Polish GROM SOF, as well as a couple of Commanders. Reference for Chris Kyle's voice can be found here-- If you can help, please PM me! I have a lengthy script, but I have experience coordinating voice acting, so I will make it easy for you. Thanks!
  5. I'd like to open a call for American and Polish voice actors for the Chris Kyle mission (specifically someone who could impersonate Kyle's voice - ). I'm also going to post in the voice acting thread here and on an external voice acting board. Please PM me if interested!In other news, my first non-US focused RWO release is in the works. A 5-mission mini camp examining the covert Capture or Kill campaign being carried out by SAS/SBS and SRR forces from Task Force 42, in collaboration with American counterparts in Task Force 373. It takes place in Reshmaan province and uses Massi's UK SFTG units, KYO's MH-47E SOAR, and potentially the British L119A1 pack, although I'm getting reports that some of the sights are bugged and unusable. My goal with this one is for it to be the opposite of Chris Kyle-- minimal in-game dialogue, maximal briefing and map info, straightforward missions (I'll have to do one open-ended one though). Collaborating with RMCW providing research and knowledge to help give it that excellent authentic feel from 100 Days.
  6. Those are precisely the units TexKaz uses!
  7. TexKaz's RWO debut is on the way soon-- Maykop Brigade is a brutal look at the New Years Assault from the Battle of Grozny during the first Chechen War of '94-'95. ACE-exclusive for the time being. Stay tuned! Also, I'd like to try and gauge whether or not people want me to release Chris Kyle sooner without voice acting, versus later with voice acting. Much of the content otherwise is in-place now.
  8. h34dup

    [CAMP] 100 Days

    ;) *DING* http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view2/1811433/twin-peaks-thumbs-up-o.gif (898 kB)
  9. Correct, the Chris Kyle mission I'm working on takes place during the opening phase of Op. Phantom Fury - Nov. 6th/7th 2004. Basically there are three phases-- a lengthy briefing and insertion phase (the insertion is modelled closely after Kyle's account in his memoir American Sniper), a phase covering a Marine platoon as they clear a public square (a combo of a scene described during the initial invasion, and historical accounts of the initial diversionary operation in the south/west of Fallujah that took place before the full-scale invasion from the north the following morning), and finally a "Direct Action" against two HVTs (inspired partially by Kyle's account of covering the northern assault near the Fallujah train station, as well as rumors abound on the internet about Polish GROM involvement off-the-record).
  10. I think Wiki is actually re-tooling his Gothic Serpent camp, which uses Fallujah the island, but is based on Somalia circa 1993?
  11. This ultra-disturbing film about the Battle of Grozny should help get some creative juices flowing... WARNING, not for the faint of heart or stomache and definitely NSFW. Chistilishche (Purgatory) --------------------------- In other news, I finished writing the last of the dialogue for Chris Kyle last night, I have a list of tweaks to make... I'm a bit conflicted in terms of getting together some voice actors-- there are 90 lines-worth of dialogue for less than a dozen characters. It would take longer to organize that kind of effort, but there is a ton of text the player would have to read...fortunately, a lot of the dialogue happens over the course of Kyle's lengthy insertion to Fallujah, so you are riding in the cargo and will be able to read. I should make sure to say right now, this mission is inspired by pieces of his account of Op. Phantom Fury, and is purely fictional. Hope to get some teaser screens together for you guys to check out soon!
  12. My thing with the Alpha scenario releases is that you can only imagine so many takes on a battle for Hagia Marina. Even Utes had more to offer. Why someone's casual first shot in the Editor ever should be given precedent over an established editor's hard work simply because it's not the newest hottest thing is questionable. Again, I read Armaholic's explanation, and as tom3kb points out, they have gotten tougher on incomplete submissions, so hopefully it's not going to happen to all A2/OA scenario releases. SEE MY EDIT>> Also, it is not running very well at all even with "Low" settings, yet I can run A2 with custom settings considered "Very High" - different games and engines, I know, but I can run Skyrim with 100+ mods and get more out of my hardware. I hope they can optimize the performance before October. EDIT: Looks like they went and frontpaged it after all, perhaps they were just too inundated with other submissions, makes perfect sense if so... this is why I love Armaholic, even if I feel the urge to vent.
  13. Whoa, all four of the above-described missions sound like they would be a lot of fun to play! This is precisely what I was hoping to get people interested in doing as editors, let me know how I can help (and remember to email me from your personal gmail account when you have a chance so I can connect you to our RWO Google Group-- there are resources on there to help you know what should be in a RWO release). The only thing that doesn't seem too clear (but that has all kinds of potential) is the third mission, which I can see going a number of ways. I often like to create mission flow diagrams with my projects that outlines belligerents (down to the unit if possible), details from the real op that I can incorporate into the mission, and a flow from insertion to exfil, with all the objectives in between and what leads to what. Feel free to PM me or send me an IM, I'd love to chat over it and help you fill in any details or unclear parts!
  14. Yeah, I suppose it's entirely up to the mods on Armaholic whether something gets frontpaged or not. I am absolutely a supporter of Foxhound and his staff and their approach to running their website, but I feel like not front-paging this Camp (for whatever reason, especially if it's because there's an overload of A3 releases which in my opinion appear to have less effort involved in their creation) represents something of a blow to us OA/A2 devotees who are not interested in playing around in A3's sci-fi future land where every military in the known world wears the same exact tacticool gear with different camo patterns. I see what happened here and question if it's worth continuing to work on my Chris Kyle mission-- what's the point in putting in all that effort if my main source of exposure goes away, along with over half of the people who would have played it. Again, not a shot at Fox and Co., I've read about how inundated they've been with new releases, but I think this new policy should be reconsidered if it is in-fact the new policy.
  15. I don't see it on Armaholic, is it still pending? Congrats on the release indeed, you've been on fire, and I'm sure you've been learning a lot in the process! Keep up the good work, proud to have you on-board with the RWO project!
  16. PM responded, excited to see what comes together with RMCW's involvement! Col. Stagler-- this is one area I'd love to see further explored, I feel like I don't know nearly enough about the underlying culture in that region to do anything convincing myself, but Forgotten Few went there and came really close to me, especially with the Chechen-modded version. If someone wanted to take a stab at it as part of the RWO project, I'd start to feel like this project is catching on and achieving a goal of exposing ourselves to important but lesser-known historical conflicts.
  17. h34dup

    [CAMP] 100 Days

    Played through the night raid mission, very challenging, I managed to remain undetected for the first two camps I took out (#2, then #1) but I had to reload a ton of times. By the time I got to Camps 3 and 4, I was like man forget maintaining stealth I'm gonna pound both camps at the same time with arty...and that's what I did...and it was glorious. Is there any real consequence if the enemy lights those tires? More bad guys or something? I noticed that a group or two of foot mobiles entered the AO, I let them pass then hunted them down from behind before they got to that village, then exfiltrated and RTB'ed.
  18. h34dup

    [CAMP] 100 Days

    Ah man my AARs got wiped out just now... I'm on the night time mission involving the 4 camps. Everything has been phenomenal so far! You should be proud-- are you or have you been in the military and/or deployed? There is a level of authenticity that balances really well between the vanilla BI-made missions, and more extreme realism missions I've played through. Are you using consistent identities for the squad mates tho or does this change? I noticed the black guy was my MG in one mission and my sniper in the next. You might consider adding the display names functionality from the PMC DLC, which AZCoder distilled into a pretty easy-to-implement script. I can PM you the two pieces of code if you are interested.
  19. h34dup

    [CAMP] 100 Days

    The Campaign modding master! That Ridgeback would be awesome in this Camp. Some UK SAS would be interesting as well as an alternate. As for larger compass, I remember seeing this addon recently, but it's for A3 apparently. I think you can also enlarge the compass, but you have to be in the map view and double click the compass. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18944&highlight=LARGER%2BCOMPASS
  20. h34dup

    [CAMP] 100 Days

    I'm on Day 22 now, so far, things have been really awesome! This is the BAF campaign I think we have all been waiting for. I love the detail and the wide perspective on the operation. Absolutely love the support options, I had to break out a golf pencil and start writing down fire missions. It was frantic and refreshing, especially when the rounds arrive for effect. Day 21 AAR For Missions 1 and 2, you may want to consider either disabling damage on the player (not preferable, I'd imagine) or adding some sort of medical healing support, I got into a minor wreck and wounded my guy in Mission 1. I could have restarted, but I finished training with my injury anyway. It might be cool with all the trekking around Utes to have a medical tent somewhere.
  21. h34dup

    [CAMP] 100 Days

    Downloading the latest version now -- yippee!! I recommend simply removing the version number from the .pbo itself, a lesson I learned with Lions of Kandahar and only recently addressed with my last update, but this is just my experience. If what folgore is saying about losing mates for the remainder of the mission is true, I'd be HIGHLY interested in knowing what technique is used to achieve this.
  22. Nah, that sounds like what KK told me, he also suggested I post up a little announcement here.
  23. ANNOUNCING: Kommiekat has reported that Wiki will be submitting a revised version of his Operation Gothic Serpent Campaign for RWO. You can find the currently-released version here for reference: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=14261 More info to follow...
  24. h34dup

    [CAMP] 100 Days

    Yeah you know guys, as a fellow editor it's kind of off-putting to hear people gripe when their non-required addons create issues. I'm not specifically referring to any one person or instance, and it's one thing to simply test a mission to see if it works (sometimes it does), but... If ACE, JSRS, COSLX, etc. isn't in the required addons list, and ends up proving to be incompatible, I think the proper procedure would be to kindly request a version that plays well with said add-ons, don't say something is not working unless you are only running what is required. Extra mods create issues, there's no two ways about it. Not all editors are well-versed in all addons, specifically complex and involved ones like ACE or COSLX, and converting missions to be compatible with these kinds of addons is definitely not a simple or quick task to complete. I myself am working on ACE versions for two of my newer projects, and I feel like I'm stabbing in the dark, as I only recently gave ACE a second try and don't fully know what needs to be in-place in order for it to legitimately be an ACE mission.