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Everything posted by h34dup

  1. h34dup


    I'm sure he'll come back and check on it one day or another. Has anyone else been having trouble in A new war with the Air Support Console? LA is not working, nothing happens even with the target lazed for 5+ minutes. Do I need to have MMA activated while playing? EDIT: now I'm playing it with MMA activated (along with CBA which now needs to have all three versions enabled in order to work) and still having issues. I can now view Remote Camera but the aircraft aren't firing. Is there a specific vector and alt they need to ingress at?
  2. Interesting. I'll be in touch via PM in the future, not sure what my plans are just yet. Ah thanks, I remember coming across this and wondering if I did incorporate it, that other people would need to have it too (assuming it is installed and needs to be present as @CIM and also have @CBA working). This looks amazing, but it seems above and beyond any interactions I'd want the player to have with the civilians in this scenario-- most civies in the area during the op in real-life were believed to be sympathetic to Al-Qaeda, so you would imagine the operators would want to avoid contact. There may be a way to script all civilians to force "Safe" behavior and "Limited" speed unless they hear gunshots. Also, I never encountered the behavior TheCapulet reported when he lit up civies - that a team mate kills and injures the player, and then heals and kills again in a loop. The ROE in the briefing does not state to avoid firing upon civies (again, since they were thought to be on AQ's side), which means that any civ that obstructs or threatens the mission in any way is to be considered hostile. When completing Phase 2 with the giant IED, I almost always end up killing a couple of bystanders (CIM would be cool for ordering them away from the blast radius). I did have Independent EA troops in my own squad fire on me when I would board a cleared OPFOR M2 Mil Offroad, though. Both cases are strange and shouldn't be happening, regardless of civies running around like crazy. Anyway, yeah I may experiment with CIM/CBA as an optional version with more add-ons or something, thanks for linking it, I almost feel like it would be perfect for either of a couple scenarios I have planned for the future too. It comes down to whether or not the people who are actually downloading and playing my scenarios (a modest number as of now) have CBA installed or if they are willing to download it in order to use it if not.
  3. This is part of the game for me too, for every mission I release, there are 4 or 5 more that I sort of toyed with and never brought much further off the ground. I learn something profound and new with each one, and I usually just apply that in the next iteration. On one hand, you shouldn't release a frankenstein scenario, but you will just know it's ready when it is. Sometimes that means re-building, but rarely should you have to start again from scratch if it's the exact same mission concept. W0lle's advice is highly valuable-- I like to make a small diagram with what I want to be the core flow of the mission (primary objectives, branching choices, etc.). Things can change beyond your original scope, but it definitely helps put a fence around your project before it grows too unwieldy, and you can always fall back on it when shit gets too complicated.
  4. Yeah if anyone knows of a good script that can be implemented to keep civies from running around like idiots just because they see someone with a gun, please let me know! This is the kind of thing I was thinking an FSM would be good for, but I'm not there yet as a scripter. Anyway, you don't have to worry about any cheap tricks like suicide civies or IEDs in this mission (although you will use an IED to complete Phase 2), in fact you can technically complete the entire thing (excluding the HVT bonus objective) without firing a shot (not counting IEDs and Satchels used on objectives). Good to hear you dig the atmosphere, I do try to wrap everything up into a cohesive experience. Give Op. Razor's Edge (linked in my sig) a try if you like this one.
  5. h34dup


    Sick1, just wanted to throw some feedback and congrats your way. I'm really loving this Campaign so far (still playing through, so it's partial for now) + The optional side-missions are a fantastic way of throwing some variety into the mix, and their shorter nature makes the gameplay more balanced and well-paced. + I love the mixture of FOB/Side-Missions and Campaign missions. Each primary mission so far has been meaty, detailed, and challenging. + Inclusion of the Air Support Console makes things more realistic and allows the player to wield incredible power. + Enemy constantly being on the move really compliments how sharp and challenging they are, requires player to be aware of their surroundings, adds realism. + Full voice acting helps give the characters more depth, Specter sounds grizzled, if not a little down-homey. = You should consider adding AC-130 Spectre Gunship to the Air Support options (TF94 CAMP has this, for example), it would be rad to take down HVT Viper and his gang while having to avoid lighting up the hide site. (If this appears later in the CAMP, then please disregard). = Story is a little vague, but I am aware of why I am where I am and what I'm supposed to do at all times, and it may all become clear as I play through more. - It'd be nice to have access to backpacks on the FOB when building my loadout - Freelook seems to get locked if you try to change your ROE via Radio Trigger while in a chopper, no clue why - ROE via Radio Trigger in general is kind of unclear as to it's purpose besides changing Specter's tone of voice - I didn't see a way of getting the Laser Designator in the A New War mission to call in some airstrikes, am I missing something? More feedback to come, most of this is just praise anyway. Seriously tho, thanks for creating this campaign and sharing with us!
  6. Ohh, give the guy a break if he wants to make it for his own server then he sh---ALLL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD :eek:
  7. To expand on what F2k said, after naming each unit you place the above lines into any other unit's init field (should even work on the vehicle). Make sure you give the unit at least one magazine before you add the weapon in the init (the order matters, this basically loads that mag) and that you give him enough ammo that he won't freak out about "Out of ammo" and run all over the place like a lunatic. It is also possible to place a unit into an empty vehicle, which is helpful when there isn't a pre-manned vehicle unit for the faction you want (eg. Taki militia doesn't have it's own V3S truck). You can add whatever gear to the unit, and then also place the following into their init (make sure both the unit and the vehicle are named). -- http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/moveInDriver unitName moveInDriver vehiclename;
  8. You might also try setting their behaviour to "SAFE" EDIT: Oh yeah, and make sure you enableAI "move" again if you want them to move again. There is also disableAI "anim" which freezes the unit altogether.
  9. I'm only a few missions in but I'd figured I'd give some feedback now, as I can tell it's going to take a while to get through it. Overall, I think this is an excellent campaign - it's well-conceived, it hits on lots of real-world military lingo, the missions are pretty intuitive, and there is a ton of awesome functionality. At the same time, there are a few decisions I feel end up taking away from the overall experience, and it's primarily concerned with the size/behavior of the OPFOR, aside from a few very minor details. + Love the addition of CAS/AC130 (how you implemented this without an additional mod or requiring MMA is impressive) .. getting to wield the sheer power these guys did is fun and immersive + Love the pacing-- it's fast-paced when it's supposed to be, while downtime and time to observe, plan and pursue at your own pace feels more valuable + Love the inclusion of the add-on units, and while I'm not playing with the optional weapons, I appreciate the options + Presence of full voice acting is great, even if a couple of the voices are too quiet or don't sound like grizzled tier one operators + Some of the intro scenes have really awesome camera angles that get you into the story more - In Faith Lost, I had a tough time with this mission and got pretty frustrated. The only way I was able to beat it was exactly as you said earlier in the thread (peaking out and around the 2nd-fl bunker), but it wasn't until after dozens of failed attempts using the other tempting static defense options. By the time I beat it I was cursing up a storm, and it just wasn't fun at that point. Maybe less enemies, or less at once, or some way to give the player more ways of defending the base. - Placement of enemy units could easily be more robust (IMHO), observing a gigantic wedge of guys just standing still, or getting tagged constantly by enemies who are half-way buried into the ground takes away from the feeling that you're up against an active force. I think a few 2-4 man mobile patrols with random waypoints and wait times would give it a big boost. - A few minor placement details that I am a stickler for were apparent-- mostly in the fortifications (floating barbed wire, laptops that fell of the table that weren't attached, etc.) as well as typos. There's no reason to let them slip under your radar, the Campaign would be even more professional if these easy fixes were addressed. = Also, had a bug with the multicam reskin mods, which ended up messing up a different Campaign as well. I ended up deactivating both mods and reverting. Anyway, I'm sure I'll have more to say, but all-in-all this is a solid Campaign, it's got plenty of challenges and cool functionality to explore. Thanks for putting it together!
  10. Glad you are enjoying it so far - check the house for an explosives cache, a large IED placed near the giant pile of ammunition is sure to get the job done...fun to watch the entire house get blown to smithereens too, just make sure to pull your guys back to a safe distance. Thanks a lot for the feedback, I'm glad you like it so far! Re: Intro- I figured I'd try to bake the intro into the playable portion, since the player has a bit of a ride before they reach the AO. It's also pretty close to the distance from Ali's EA HQ/TF11 TOC to the AO in real life (according to a map I referred to). Re: Unit placement/patrols- All units are placed manually and have set patrols with wait times, etc., although the placement of the waypoints and chance of the unit spawning is random in some cases. There are definitely holes in their positions, which can be found by collecting either of 2 enemy maps hidden in the scenario. In real life, many of the bunched up Al-Qaeda and Taliban camps were decimated by the CIA/ODA coordinating air strikes before the player's unit, TF11, was even deployed, so it made sense that many of them would be spread out. Re: ATV/M107- check the ATV's cargo, there is some ammo in there. I may actually add it to some of the backpacks on the ATV in the future as part of an update perhaps.
  11. Update: v0.91 now up on Armaholic! http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=17216 Thanks, I don't really mind how popular the map is, as long as it's stable, realistic and detailed enough. I'm very picky, and it's a shame because so many great islands just get cut when I'm considering a new scenario because of one detail or another. Right now, my favorite islands are Aliabad, Hazar-Kot, ToraBora and Namalsk. I'm now thinking about what scenario to do next. Thinking either a CIA/DEVGRU sniper/spotter thing, or a recreation of Operation Anaconda in Hazar Kot (conveniently modeled after the site of the battle there, though muuuuch smaller).
  12. Version 0.91 beta has been submitted to Armaholic as the official release! Should hopefully be through the review process soon! Only real changes are that your other 3 AFO Viper mates and EA backup are now playable depending on whether you bring them in, and a clarified/simplified Phase 4. Seriously thanks guys for your feedback and support! Please rate or comment when it gets posted if you enjoyed so it will be easier for others to find. :rolleyes:
  13. Well, I had gone on something of a rant about the state of things in the First Impressions thread, before this patch. Got really frustrating even after posting and trying again...trying to play thru the CAMPs and constantly getting my experience ruined by bugs. I really hope this patch addresses these issues and that this will be the first of more patches to help get this game back on its feet! Waiting for Steam to update....excited? More like warily optimistic. Edit: Steam update appears to be downloading now for me...
  14. h34dup

    How is AI driving in the latest patch?

    I'm glad I found this topic, as it's something I've been searching for some kind of solution or even just an explanation to. What about incorporating improvements like Saku (does it still work? From what I read in his original thread a patch sort of rendered it useless?) or SLX (COSLX, to be specific) to your mission? I'm thinking of giving this a try for one of my missions where AI driving is sort of unavoidable as I could really use some form of improvement. This really is one of the only remaining complaints I'd have about Arma 2 (I don't remember how it was in A1 it was so long ago and OFP forget it I was playing Thief and System Shock 2 those days). It's preposterous, there's no reason the AI can't at least be tied to the path of the road for most of the time, I'd even be willing to trade letting AI go off-road for a more reliable system on the road.
  15. Yeah, GuessWho and I were looking into that earlier in the wk, along with the brief freeze when the game first starts and TPW HL boots up (I simply covered this up with an [initializing] mention at the title screen). Both issues appear to be unavoidable and aren't game-breaking, but thanks for pointing them out! BoTBv0.91 will be submitted this afternoon to Armaholic. If anyone else would care to share their impressions I would highly appreciate to hear/read them! C'mon gents I know Cyberide wasn't the only one who gave 'er a try!
  16. h34dup

    First impressions

    I just read through most of the thread, and while I think we should all keep it mature and civil, I totally agree some of us who feel a little like they wasted their money should have a place to voice their concerns. I had been curiously watching IFL since it started getting regular coverage on Armaholic. I saw it get what I percieved to be unfair reviews that knocked an engine and play-style the reviewer didn't fully understand. Arma2's true (non-DayZ) crowd is a niche one, as are many of the WWII eastern-front-focused gaming communities I've seen over the last decade, so I knew IFL wasn't going to be a god-send. However, after buying IFL and attempting to play through both SP and MP for a reasonable amount of time, I can say I understand the reviewers' (and players') frustration, these are not necessarily unfounded criticisms. Not only is this an issue because the game is broken in many places, but because, as some have pointed out-- this has BI's and the RV engine's name on it and they are charging quite a sum for what you get (compared to official add-on products like BAF and PMC, which granted have less content, but again-- it works). As an avid editor/former WWIIFPS modder, I was buying this game primarily to make my own content and start to explore all the ideas I've had for just this type of game and setting. However, the more I played through the SP campaigns, and the more I stared at a measly 2 populated MP servers each time I tried to hop in, the more I saw that was...well, downright sloppy. I'm talking about houses that feel like rat mazes that you can't even fit through or open doors, parts of models that completely blocked the player view, useless vantage points, mis-triggering scripts and objectives, etc, etc. I don't mean to nitpick, but these are things I would never want to release a game/mod/scenario with my name on until they were fixed. Again, I really do appreciate some of the finer points of the game as others have mentioned-- the models, islands, and the open world of possibility. It's a let down. And a lot of hard work went into IFL, I'm not disputing this...but not enough work went into it, it's not a finished product. I think at this point I'm just echoing the rest of the crowd so I'll stop. If these critical, core issues are addressed, then I will gladly give IFL a try, but for now I will not be anything more than a casual player.
  17. Thrilled to hear you enjoyed it! Means my hard work has paid off :cool: In order to finish the mission you need to speak to Buffalo actual inside the TOC (the white guy who was across the table from you in the beginning), he'll salute you and offer condolences if any of your squadmates were killed, then the "In memory of" screen and it should end. I will update the marker location and the task description so this is clearer- thanks! EDIT: Updates have been made, version 0.91 will be submitted tmrw afternoon on Armaholic-- Active AFO Viper and EA teammates are playable (if you choose take them on your team, not from the get-go), and Phase 4 briefing/marker have been updated to remove confusion, Buffalo will now walk out to the front step to meet the player at the end. And I will add people who share their experience to the credits as a thank-you for testing. Feedback/suggestions is welcome folks!
  18. Hey thanks a lot for the feedback Cyberide! 1) That is actually a great idea. I found that the AI while trying to get around was one of the biggest challenges for just that reason...yet sometimes it seemed to do pretty well on the dirt roads. Anyway, that may be a decent fix-- Widow is playable from the get-go, and then Puma and Kraken become playable if you decide to bring them in...or something. I've been thinking a lot about doing a Co-op version of the mission, but I'm not sure what I'd need to change in what I have there now. (If anyone is willing to explain or point me in the right direction re: doing MP missions as an SP-only editor, please PM me!). 2) You're right, it can be a pain. To address this, I added the flip/repair, but if a squadmate falls way behind it becomes a PITA to backtrack and find him. I also made it possible to only approach the mission with yourself and Widow, so you would only need 1 ATV and not have to worry about the 'family vacation' effect. I think maybe the best solution yet will be to make the other guys playable-- that way you should be able to use the flip/repair ATV. Or maybe only make them playable when the ATV flips or is damaged, hmmm. 3) Your other 3 team members actually do receive NVGs when you cross the front-lines into enemy territory (Widow makes a comment about this when the trigger is activated), so they'll have NVGs as soon as you enter the danger zone, but I've always thought it looked goofy for AI to wear NVGs by default even when just standing around, so that's why I removed the NVGs when you see them initially. So yeah, thanks a lot for the suggestions. Glad you are digging it so far!
  19. Alright, here's what I'm going to do. Before submitting to Armaholic officially on Friday, July 20, I am going to link a pre-beta for people who have been following this thread to test out. I will edit and remove this link once submitted to Armaholic, and I may make changes between then and now. If you decide to give it a try, please be sure to let me know how the mission played out. Maybe give it 2 play-throughs and make different choices. Your thoughts and opinions are welcome, but hearing about your experiences will really help me decide what, if anything, to change about the mission before submitting it in 48 hrs and beyond that. Hope you enjoy! EDIT: The link is now removed as I submit to Armaholic, keep an eye out for it there.
  20. OK good to know then it may be Tora Bora and not my scenario or TPWhouselights. One difference in this map as well is that the player starts inside of a house, whereas in previous scenarios the player has started outdoors or on a vehicle. I ended up simply noting that the scenario is "initializing" during the black title screen. I may take my first step exploring MP/Coop after the SP release of this coming mission, so I'll mess with the MP version of the script then.
  21. Thanks-- exactly the kind of feedback I'm looking for. CBA is indeed a must, but I just know I'm more inclined to try a mission (and it seems others are as well), when the requirements list is short and sweet (basically what you just said). Anyway sounds like some of these issues I listed are things to explore in a subsequent update. I'll probably work through things for one more round and then submit. Excited for you guys to try it!
  22. h34dup

    [CAMP] Blood On The Sand

    Agreed with Variable, Wiki. I played this campaign and Cobalt vanilla and was completely blown out of the water. It inspired me in many ways as an editor, and I really loved how you expand upon the story set forth by the official games. Eventually I started using a good mod mgr/launcher and have been very mod-heavy since. But I think it's brilliant that you did so much with only what the game gave you, no other requirements in a community saturated these days with scenarios that have requirements lists as long as their changelogs. Maybe make a note that this is recommended to be played Vanilla and leave it at that.
  23. Very strange indeed-- ToraBora is the least-populated of the three maps I've run the script in, I'll try a few things tomorrow in attempt to address the error msg. It's not a game-breaking bug but there's no reason it should be showing up... As for running the MP variant in an SP mission, I'll give it a try. If it solves both problems I'll run with it... I am a bit nervous after reading how the scripts work differently, but looks like once you get in the water isn't so cold, so to speak. Also, again, thanks for making what I definitely feel is an essential script for any low-light scenario!
  24. More testing, more tweaking, I have just about everything ready to go, only issues still yet to be addressed are less critical and more abstract... But if anyone can offer suggestions in the following areas, I would gladly look into the suggestions and appreciate the input: * Should I be thinking about a custom FSM, is there an easy way to implement a solution that I can make sense of (I've read and understand the theory, never applied it), I see a couple of Community Tools, etc. but never thought about it until I got to this point. * Or, should I forget about FSM and simply work more .sqf scripting in? * Or, should I quit worrying about things that aren't a big deal anyway for now and release it so you can give it a try and tell me what you think? * Any way to improve ATV physics or overall driving behavior (the AI does great on roads, but really has trouble on the rougher terrain of Tora Bora) * Still investigating some strange behavior from TPW's houselights script, which I'm thinking may be connected to using Tora Bora specifically, if anyone has had freezing or unwarranted error msgs, plz check that thread over in the editing section... Totally into adding others' released scripts to improve/add functionality, but it's just tough to know which ones are worth my while. I want to use TPWCAS but I don't want to make CBA a requirement. I may mess with this Urban Patrol Script I just stumbled across. Any other recommendations are welcome!
  25. This looks pretty cool to me, I have not yet given the Balkan War Mod a try, but I think it's just as important that editors are making scenarios with the mods these awesome mod devs put all this energy into, and hopefully the community will play them as well. So, I will give this a try when it comes out.