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Everything posted by h34dup

  1. Wow here's an example of something I've always wondered but never figured out. No wonder too, I never saw this in any of the guides, it's not the most intuitive, but given what I've recently learned about grouping units with markers for random spawn locations, it makes a lot of sense that it would work like this. Thanks Kylania!
  2. h34dup

    Wiki's Creations

    HA! Once an editor always an editor, you cannot walk away! Seriously tho, excited to try this out!
  3. Zonker thanks so much for the comprehensive feedback! Please find my responses above in red. I will look into the fixable issues and update them soon, good to hear nothing is totally game breaking and that you saw the options for different approaches, and more importantly that you actually want to play again and explore them! I have been working on my first campaign, incredibly excited about it so far. Will post up some screens and details here soon!
  4. h34dup

    Flood effect

    Posting in an epic thread. Parts of this should be stickied or added to the wiki or something! Thanks to the explorers who are sharing their code!
  5. Check the formatting of the brackets and semicolons, as the last entry in cfgIdentities is formatted differently and I've had it CTD when this happens. On iPad now or I'd pull up an example. I believe the last entry, or only entry if there is only one in cfgIdentities, needs to only have the semicolon after the class brackets end, but not the last entry within the class. EDIT: Ok I had to check on this to make sure, here's an example of the proper formatting (note the highlighted red diff btwn yours): class CfgIdentities { class Jaw1h { name="Gary"; face="face72"; glasses="cap_desert_h"; speaker="MALE02EN"; pitch=1.02; }; class NA2h { name="Nasir"; face="Face17_EP1"; glasses="com_headset"; speaker="MALE04TK"; pitch=0.96; }; class JanMo { name="Jan Mohammad"; face="Face12_EP1"; glasses="None"; speaker="MALE02TK"; pitch=0.97; [color="#FF0000"]} };[/color]
  6. Started working on a campaign for this map, hoping it will be relatively stable aside from the noted minor fixes!
  7. Well this is a simplistic way of doing it: you can synchronize a trigger (activated "once" using "Radio Alpha", Bravo, etc.) to a waypoint where you want them to stop. The convoy should stop at this waypoint and wait until you activate the Radio trigger, and from there they will proceed. If you want these triggers to become usable one at a time, that could get a little trickier, but it's totally possible using setTrigger commands, specifically setTriggerActivation http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setTriggerActivation (you could set old triggers to activation "None" and the current trigger to the same Radio command) This would be a way of safeguarding players from accidentally triggering a later waypoint than the one you want them to use and keep the options straightforward.
  8. Awesome, thanks a lot AZC, got it working in a breeze with the new sample mission!
  9. I found the original threads, turns out AZCoder was the originator of the functionality, yet even in his test mission, the names don't go away when the cursorTarget is not on a displayname-enabled unit. However, the two Camps I've seen seem to have this working correctly. I've PM'ed AZC in hopes of finding out the issue with the original code. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?129117-3D-text-on-objects http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?125162-Player-names-over-player&p=2025914#post2025914 Rogue's alternative is in-place and working like I want it to (although the names cant be formatted, which is what I still want to do, and the reason I'm still probing for answers with this AZC function), so thanks for providing me with a working plan-B!
  10. Thanks RogueTrooper! I gave this a shot and it works, but this is for a SP campaign, so all of the team members show up as AI. Although I did like the formatting of the original example, this one is more minimal and functional, and I'd happily use it if I can make it work for each individual AI (some will be playable in certain missions, others wont) team member -- showing the team member's name and role within the team (which isn't the unit role displayed by default). So the question is: how could we make the trigger test for whether cursorTarget was pointing at a specific unit? I was looking at isAgent, although I'm not sure what the proper handle would be. EDIT: I see that you can remove it saying "AI" in the On Activation field, now I'm wondering if I can assign the role of each unit to display next to or underneat the name on a second line. EDIT 2: Figured it out, it's simpler than I thought. In the On Activation field you can say: if (Doc == cursorTarget) then {txt="Doc\nMedic"};
  11. h34dup

    Airstrike issue

    Is this formatted properly (the first line in decrement the mortar)? BIS_SSM_Airstrike_EXPRESSION = { I don't see the rest of it anywhere, not sure if that's contributing to the problem.
  12. Hey all, sorry to necropost, but I have been trying to implement this exact system as seen in a couple of great CAMPs I've been playing through. I'd like to add this functionality to my missions moving forward, and was able to extract the code from the SOV TF94 Campaign, and eventually found the following thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?117177-Player-names-above-head I understand how this works for the most part, however, it's acting strangely in the editor for me-- the names will only begin to appear after hitting escape with the cursor over a teammate. Then, once this functionality is active, the names stay on screen even when the player is no longer looking at anyone. Anyone know what's going on? EDIT: it seems to also work when making any adjustment and saving (ie. like when testing changes made to description.ext) after a short delay. If it works reliably in SP once exported then the only real issue is why it's not going away when the player is not looking at anyone. EDIT 2: The code might help, here is my tags.hpp: Thanks in advance!
  13. h34dup

    User mission requests!

    Oh wow, awesome, I had a feeling someone would have seen the potential, surprised I'd never seen this before but the BI forums are just filled with little hidden surprises. Thanks for bringing this to my attn!
  14. h34dup

    User mission requests!

    3/4 RTS Layer Not sure if this is related or not, but I was spectating after getting fragged on a no-respawn HC Teamplay server, and I used Free Camera to watch the battle from a 3/4 perspective. It was then that I realized how cool it would be if a Company of Heroes or Command and Conquer type of game play layer was added - control of resource points in cities/towns/airfields, selecting entire squads and ordering them around, zooming all around the map from a birds eye view. It seems like much of the capability is already there in the engine, would just need to camera angles, a ton of new GUI elements tailored for that gameplay, PIP camera functionality, and whatever else have you. Best of all, like what I've seen of Carrier Command, and in a few other RTS/FPS hybrids, you could still zoom in and take control of any live unit. If anyone is working on it or is interested in working on it let me know, I think the idea has potential for a totally new form of gameplay. While I'm intermediate with scripting, I am an interactive designer by trade and could produce the GUI with ease.
  15. Looks pretty sweet so far. I agree with Black, I'm not sure if it's feasible, but to be able to select your platoon's unit and uniform would be amazing. Either way, looking fwd to this!
  16. h34dup

    Tarin Kot, Oruzgan

    Hey AusSnipe really glad someone is giving Tarin-Kot some attention, there is definitely some history from OEF there and I will be keeping an eye on this to retell it in some SP scenario action. I'll poke around and see if I can find any meaningful feedback at this stage, keep it up, it already looks from the screens like this island is on it's way to greatness! EDITS: + I can already tell from the Editor map that this is a highly-concentrated bit of sprawling urban terrain packed into a relatively small area. Does this balance out the demand on system resources? + While it looks like there's only some foliage right now (grass appears to be missing?), the trees and farmland with tallgrass looks like - Missing other types of foliage and grass (for me at least) and the ground textures look splotchy like they're missing something, I'm sure you'll fill this in. +/- The terrain is super flat, and I think the dips near the road in some places, natural trenches, are pretty cool. However, you should (and likely will) spend time to massage the hills and valleys so they are smoother, more natural and add some variety and natural tactical value.
  17. Just got a chance to poke around Reshmaan, about to jump back in, but let me just say how impressed I was with this one. It's huge and yet so full of detail-- the marketplaces, the narrow urban streets, the robust vegitation and varied terrain. I'm hoping this release is close to stable and will not be seeing any drastic changes because I want to start working on something (couple things actually) for it soon! EDITS: + Derya marketplace is frickin awesome looking, if only civvies would populate it naturally + Sa diyah is beautiful and authentic, love the narrow avenue and the construction site! + Water shore lines are smooth, not jagged, really looking like a lake or oasis. + Kallista is majestic and has a nice ancient feel, love how the town is built around the mosque. - Dershad airport is across the street from a gigantic mosque? I'm totally ignorant but doesn't that seem sacrilegious? - Is anyone else experiencing lag in the editor itself? Zooming in/out and panning is really choppy for me. Could it have to do with the size? - I'm also experiencing CTDs when previewing, but this is likely because I have the Six Updater running in the background. - I almost feel like Usaimah and Farhannah could use some walls or fencing, the buildings look a little lonely, maybe it's just me. - Found a floating market stall in Ghadir near the southern bend of the main road.
  18. Right? It's just so much easier to addActions and remove them depending on player choice. And I guess that's what has scared me about diving into FSMs, I have spent hours fuddling with switch statements trying to get random dialogue responses to work, only to pair way back down to simpler if..then's.
  19. Hey by the way, if you guys like the mission please do me a huge favor and rate it on Armaholic! I will not self-rate, but I am willing to beg for ratings from y'all. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=17216 Thanks!
  20. h34dup


    Yeah that's the on. But nah, there are SOFLAMs in the cargo of the ATVs (like 5 of them)... but yeah looks like it's not working. Shame. Ah well, will have to restart while packing some Javelins.
  21. Me too, I've read about it, I understand how it works, just never took the step to try and implement one. Same goes for BI's preferred conversation system. Smacker, same went for me. I had to come back to it a few times before it made sense.
  22. h34dup


    Aw man say it ain't so! I was really excited to have 20 LAs rain down on all those bad guys.
  23. It takes time, patience, and a healthy share of searching on Google or [mostly] here on the forums. Unless you have a degree in computer science, natural aptitude for code, or some other special reason to know how to properly implement your ideas within the system, you are bound to have to learn through trial and error.
  24. SUCCEEDED was spelled wrong, that was probably your error right there. Also, in case you weren't aware of them, look into taskHints instead of regular hints, they are a different kind of thing that work better for updating task status than regular ones.
  25. Can add some smoke shells and satchels. I did initally add most of the worthwhile weapons from TF11 TOC to the briefing selection, along with a few decent RU weapons, I'll have to revisit this and make sure everything is consistent-- is there a specific weapon/loadout you were referring to that you had to restart the mission? I did try to keep it consistent enough, but if I missed something I will definitely tweak it. Thanks for playing and providing some feedback!