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Everything posted by h34dup

  1. Alright, I had a little bit of time to play with the script above posted by Kylania. Looks like a lot of it has to do with hints and does not concern what I'm looking for. I still don't fully understand what's going on, but I did find the following: //apply agony on the assistant _nic = [] spawn {BIS_Wounded setVariable ["body", 5]; waitUntil {damage BIS_Wounded > 0.5} ; BIS_Wounded setDamage 0;}; When the AIs and the player are synced to First Aid: Simulation and First Aid: Battlefield Clearance, coupled with this allowDamage false, I was able to use the above to make sure that the AIs would not die, and they would be in the wounded position in their designated "landing spots". This allows me to drag and pick up, though carry seems to get stuck trying to move. Now, I want to remove the First Aid action that is added by the module by default, or disable the player from using this action. I may just be able to do a player removeAction 0 or something, but is there a more precise way to remove the First Aid action? Once I remove it, I might add a "fake First Aid action" that does the animation but doesn't change the AIs health. The idea though is that the only way the player will be able to get these two AIs to safety is by dragging or carrying them.
  2. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Thanks a lot for offering your help, PM sent with the scripts. ****** For others who may be interested in voice acting, I essentially have my bases covered at this point, but let me know in this thread and I'll reach out if this changes, or for a future project.
  3. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Hey LeClair, I see you registered here and posted an update to the Armaholic thread. Looks like you are raring to go, thank you for following through! Unfortunately, at the moment, there aren't any Canadian voices I need done at this point. However, I have a pretty substantial voice acting part for an American company commander named Jared, the accent is up to you as long as it sounds American. If you're interested, PM me and I'll send along the script. I have a few other parts I could use a voice actor for, all of which are American at the moment.
  4. Ah yes, it helps because it seems to prevent your squad mates from being killed so easily, your player character included, but it also presents a range of challenges: for example, even though the module is supposed to allow you to pull wounded squadmates from vehicles, your AI squadmates aren't intelligent enough to do it if you are the one who ends up getting wounded, so you are forced to revert...unless of course the other squadmates are playable (which in-turn presents issues as well when it comes to resuming control over the squad leader and then trying to issue commands to the unit you were just controlling before). The non-simple First Aid modules really tend to change things up a bit in terms of gameplay and how you have to deal with casualties. This is another reason I'd prefer to find a way to simulate the functionality than try to approximate the actual explosion and hope it doesn't kill the AIs outright. We'll see if what Kylania kindly extracted from the training content can be of use, it's a bit cryptic but I can get a sense of what's doing what.
  5. I have referred to that, yes-- that's sort of what I was using as a reference, trying to make sure I had the modules set up properly. I have had this work "in-theory" in prior missions, but only when the player is wounded but not killed. In this case, having allowDamage should prevent this functionality from kicking in...yet if it weren't enabled, the AIs would likely die in the IED explosion. But my observation was that the situation I'm trying to create is too well-defined and I'm having trouble arriving at the exact explosion location/magnitude that would injure the AIs enough that this functionality would kick in. Thanks Kylania, I was hoping to have a look through something like this. I'll have to poke around and see if anything sticks later today and this week. It seems like the solution will be to call certain functions in order to simulate a wounded soldier without risking any actual injury to the AI from the IED itself.
  6. Looks good so far, keep it up dude...
  7. Just started to give this one a try...I can tell I'll be tinkering with this for some time to come! Excellent work, it goes without saying. If you could, not sure if I saw them in the order of battle, or in the prior 35 pages, it'd be awesome to have McNools' Tier One Operators, OA Desert Mercs, and TF86 SEALS. These represent some of the best US SOF options, I would love to see them included. Thanks for making this mission that essentially does what we all wish the game could do.
  8. This sounds really cool, though I've rarely done any co-op outside of Tour of Teamrespawn, I'm always fascinated by how much co-op is out there, yet I never see how people play it unless it's tailored for a specific niche group in the community. Forgive my ignorance in this matter if I'm not seeing the whole picture - I get your idea and why you want it to be co-op, sounds like a cool experience... but is there any plans for this to become SP-compatible? :cool:
  9. h34dup

    game support ?

    Such a shame... I bought this game even though I knew how bad all the reviews said it was, and then I saw for myself just what all the fuss was about, and then some. It's unfair to the people who supported this game by buying it to have spent that money, not been able to play through either of the campaigns, get no more of a choice for MP than 3-4 populated servers, and not be able to mod it (apparently). If it's all just about politics, that the game was released prematurely, the updates did little, and now everything has been put on hold while the responsible parties point fingers and argue endlessly, then I think those of us who spent our hard-earned dollars (or franks, pounds, rupees, whatever) on it should get some sort of a refund. I was also forced to uninstall this game as it did nothing but take up space on my HD, I couldn't play it without getting frustrated 5-15 mins in.
  10. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Huge thanks go to Laqueesha and Kommiekat for their excellent voice acting and quick responses. I've begun dropping voices into the missions, it has been an unbelievably smooth process thank's to Wiki's initial feedback and direction. I'm thinking most of the voice work is now under-control. Still, if you really want to get involved and haven't heard from me, shoot me a PM. I've also gotten back to the mission-making, Mission 9 is coming along nicely. You'll need to capture 4 strong-points in your push up the spine of Sperwan Ghar, more than a hundred Talibs stand in your way. Needless to say, there will be a lot of bodies. After that, in Mission 10, the perspective switches to an act of heroism that earned the real-life character a recommendation for the Medal of Honor.
  11. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    I definitely agree on this. A Dutch Apache reskin, which is a much smaller mod, was always a possibility. So it may be either way, or none. Likely would not be a requirement for the initial release, as the plan is to revisit Operation Medusa from some other perspectives in a handful of bonus missions. I like the idea of optional mods, perhaps the bonus content would be included as a separate add-on or even a collection of scenarios that are not part of the Campaign itself. EDIT: especially considering the size of the DAFmod, it may be way more than what is necessary...still, I'm completely amazed at how many countries' militaries are available for this game, made by the community!
  12. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Dutch Armed Forces mod... This may change things a little :-D http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=17658 Was planning to do a bonus mission involving a Dutch Apache, wonder if this could be expanded somehow...
  13. Does that mean the mission won't work, or do you mean incomplete from a story perspective? Looking forward to giving this one a whirl...
  14. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Heh, well there were Canadians leading the Operation, not sure if they spoke French on radios or whatever. Looks like the French were not directly involved in this one. Wiki, I'd love to have you make a cameo anyway! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Medusa Door's open for any Danish or Dutch speakers to make a very brief contribution with their voices and native tongues, if anyone is interested, not a critical need though.
  15. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Awesome! PM sent, thanks a lot Laqueesha! As of last night, I converted all dialogue over to the proper format. Lots of progress this week on the voice acting front - TheCapulet, nettrucker, krytosss, Laqueesha, are all on-board as voice actors. I am also very excited that a friend from Kabul Afghanistan has expressed interest in providing native-speaking Pashto or Dari (tentatively). And a friend, who is a recording artist making ambient music may be making an appearance in the soundtrack, it could lend a really interesting tone to the missions. Still a lot of work to do, but things are definitely shaping up. Stay tuned. EDIT: Looks like Kommiekat will be joining as a voice-actor as well. If there are any Europeans here who wish to make a one- or two-line cameo, the ISAF contingent was made of many countries, including the Netherlands. Gimme a shout. Some Dutch radio chatter or a little bit of accent might be cool...
  16. Wouldn't work ANA/ANP are BLUFOR... although it seems like the mod author should start reconsidering if things keep up ... Interested to see this, though. Have you tried grouping an OPFOR officer to the units using a trigger? Says you tried grouping without a trigger above.
  17. Hello all, I am looking for a few good men to do some voice acting for a Campaign I'm working on called Lions of Kandahar (based on the book by the same title) - forum thread can be found HERE ... I originally planned to include voice acting down the road, but since I've begun to convert all dialogue to the proper format to accommodate voice work, now is turning out to be as good a time as any. I have a large amount of dialogue to be recorded, all of which can be provided in a simple script sheet - I'd simply need .ogg files with specified filenames (message1.ogg, message2.ogg, etc.). I need American and Canadian accents, particularly southern American accents from Texas, Tennessee, North Carolina, etc. I will PM those in this thread who have offered their voice talents, but if you haven't been PM'ed, you fit the bill, and you are interested, please don't hesitate to PM me! EDIT: Preliminary cast list Rusty - Main Character (tons of lines) - Southern American accent (reference http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WowWo4fuMjI ) Jared - American accent (unknown) Bolduc - American accent (unknown) Bill - Texas accent Dave - American accent (unknown) Brian - American accent (unknown) Riley - Slow-talking southern Texas accent Zack - American accent (unknown) Jude - American accent (unknown) Shinsha - Afghan accent Taz - Afghan accent Misc ANA Soldiers - Afghan accents Misc American soldiers - American accents Canadian soldiers - Canadian accents Thanks!
  18. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Thanks to Wiki's helpful testing and feedback, I'm working on improvements to the campaign's existing missions. Mission 9 - Put Your Mouthpiece In is also underway, you will be tasked with seizing a hill that is literally swarming with hostiles. I've begun the process of converting all dialogue into the proper format to accommodate voice acting when that becomes available using say and radio instead of chat. I'll be getting more serious about finding voice actors, and will post in the appropriate thread, but if anyone comes across this thread and is interested in contributing, even if it's just a minor role, please post or PM here! Especially-interested in anyone with a good southern accent, please let me know if you are able to contribute...
  19. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Thanks Wiki, PM sent... I'm sry but I am not understanding any of the posts you've been making - are you asking if there will be voice acting in the beta version? Likely not, but I know how much it boosts the experience. I need to find a couple voice actors with a good southern American accent.
  20. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Yay! Mission 8 is 90% complete, Mission 9 - Put Your Mouthpiece In will be next... This one will return players to more open-ended gameplay as they push the Taliban off their positions atop Sperwan Ghar and capture the battlefield's most valuable real-estate. Also rounded out the final mission order in the first post-- 13 missions in the campaign, with 2 bonus missions to be added likely after the initial Beta release of the campaign.
  21. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Here are a few screens of the mission in-progress - the UAV appears as an optional objective, as said earlier, AC-130 is also planned for a later mission in the camp. Death from above \m/
  22. This looks to be filled with awesome, excited to try this soon! I loved playing thru both regular and addon chernarus versions, Takistan sounds exciting!
  23. This sounds really cool, kind of scary to think of China going to war but I'd definitely play a simulation of it 8)
  24. Is this in any way related to the East China Sea conflict? Would be pretty immersive to explore this real-world issue, as it seems shaping up to be a real flashpoint.
  25. Awesome, I was highly impressed by the VME PLA mod - looking forward to giving this a run-thru later in the week. I guess JSDF slipped under my radar, I'll be interested to check that out as well. So cool how many militaries are represented in this game by our robust modding community!