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Everything posted by h34dup

  1. h34dup

    user mission list,

    There really is a veritable galaxy of user-made missions but I think the critical question that would determine how useful such a list would be is how you would break the missions down-- an unfiltered list of missions does no good, but an exhaustively detailed list would likely not be much different than simply browsing around on Armaholic. And then of course, there's the subjective issue of personal taste-- some will like certain missions better than others. I am in favor of a curated list of some of the best missions, but with so many differences across missions, there needs to be some kind of consistent measure of what is included and why. I think we need more detailed reviews of missions, I would use a good descriptive, consistently-formatted review as a guide for what missions to try and what not to try. You would just have to be prepared to be a dick at times, because lets face it: with editors of all different skill levels, there are bound to be discrepancies. This sort of hints at the fact that there really is no checklist for editors of what needs to be in-place for a mission to be truly considered "complete" (aka briefing, map markers, tasks, task hints, hints, loadscreens, debriefs, overviews, and so on).
  2. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Got to play through some more of the latest version, and I confirm that almost all the dialogue lines from the Canadian portion of Mission 6 are not working-- I thought I had all this fixed in the last update, I was really pissed to see that this was not the case. I should have been more dilligent and tested to confirm the lines were in, instead of assuming they would be after dropping the files in. I have added this to the list of updates to be made in the next round, along with most of the points you guys all brought up (hopefully didn't miss anything). Progress on the Dutch Apache bonus mission was neutralized due to updates of the DAF mod, which I was using for the Dutch pilots and aircraft. So now we are back to square one on that practically...good thing I didn't get too deep into development on it. So, while another update should be on the way pretty soon, it will most likely just be more bug fixes and no new content for now.
  3. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Ah man, sorry to hear it's still bugged out. I hate to have to suggest it, but since you've essentially done everything in the mission, there is that "cheat" code that allows you to skip missions that I remember people using for other Camps when they got stuck. Other than that I'm afraid I'm out of suggestions, but I hope that you're able to get past the issue in M6 and experience the rest of the camp. EDIT: Hey Itsnada (haha) what program did you use to capture that video? Would love to be able to get some video footage of the game onto YouTube, but Fraps ended up sucking and I couldn't get the files into an editing program.
  4. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Yeah, I find that you need to have the view distance jacked up a little for both M8 and M10 when you use the UAV and AC-130. I didn't need to go so far as 4000m, but I bet that would definitely help fix the issue. I am pretty sure you can also lower the AC-130's altitude (this would be listed in the F1 Help screen controls) at the risk of being more exposed. It is also very easy to remain fixated on a target even after the plane passes it, so not spending too much time on a single area is part of the challenge. Still, glad that got figured out. As for M6, you are the second person to report no radio after I released the update-- it should all be in there and working, so this is something I'll have to address in the next round. I have not yet gotten to testing M6 since the latest update, but I'll be sure to keep an eye out for it. Thanks for reporting it! In other news, this weekend was not productive in the least...since the initial release of this camp, I find my creative and editing energies have been sorely depleted. I'm sure this is just a temporary phase that will pass, but progress is sluggish right now. Still, it is my hope that this bonus content will get done and released, I believe each of the three are solid ideas that would be worth exploring more about Medusa from different perspectives. So it's worth sticking around and chatting about here in the thread. Ideas on what you would like to see are welcome for each of the following scenarios. B1 - Canadian Forces "Charles Co." - Ground assault supported by LAVs and CAS - Need to make a decision on what point during Medusa would be most conducive to being recreated in the Arma 2 engine. Planning to include something about the infamous "white schoolhouse" - though I'm not sure if this is the same one that Rusty and Co. secure or a different one, referred to in LoK as Objective Rugby. B2 - Dutch AH-64 Apache Pilot (Need to determine specific unit) - Provide CAS and EVAC escort - Thinking of having this take place during the failed initial assault on Sperwan Ghar, which will allow the player to assault enemy forces on the hill, RTB to refuel, refit and rearm, and then return to the battlefield to escort the CASEVAC for Zack and the two ANA WIA's. Need to learn a lot more about the Apache's role in combat, how missions, briefings, tasking, etc. happens, specifically for Dutch and ISAF/NATO. Need to find at least one native Dutch-speaking voice actor. B3 - ANP/ANA - Recreation of July 22, 2006 in Kandahar (Dilshad) http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/5205754.stm - Need to confirm whether the Afghan Civil Order Police (ANCOP) existed at this point and were involved or not (they were activated in July 2006, but it's not clear when exactly and at what capacity). Mission will involve response to a double suicide bombing on a Canadian convoy, and the subsequent ANA Commando-led response - need to decide what exactly that is, leaning toward a night raid.
  5. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Yeah, these mods will undoubtedly have an effect on the Campaign, I didn't incorporate any of them into development, or as a result testing, so I can't guarantee things will run with them active. I'm 99% sure that a mod is altering unit behavior somehow-- I even ended up removing the script version of TPWCAS/LOS because of the AI and performance issues it was causing. JSRS has been reported as causing problems in Mission 10 too earlier in the thread. Try restarting the mission and running only the required addons. Don't worry about the error message about the cc_130h, this is one of ONS' numerous errors- fortunately it doesn't affect anything in the Camp so it can be disregarded. As for how the A-10's, everything in all of my missions are pre-placed, so CAS and MEDEVAC usually sits at KAF (or sometimes Dilshad airport), or maintains a holding pattern elsewhere, until you hit a trigger that will put them in the air. I can't remember though, if they are in the air when you arrive at OP Charlene and maintain a holding pattern half-way there until you activate the radio trigger, or if they wait until you call it in to take off. In any case, their arrival has been timed pretty reliably-- it should only take 1.5-2 minutes for them to arrive.
  6. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Man, sry to hear this isn't working out for you-- fortunately, it sounds like an isolated or rare incident, as I haven't seen others report having an issue with this mission. Not to sound like a broken record, but you are using ONLY the addons in the required addons list and none others, right? Have you tried restarting the mission? The mission end script should be triggered when the A-10s enter the area and fly over Ishfaaq-- you'll get some dialogue and the screen will black out with some narrative. I can't think of anything that would prevent the pilots from doing their job than an accidental crash or some kind of mod that messes with the AI. I was pondering using Zargabad actually, but decided (initially, at least) to stick with Dilshad in Reshmaan. I could give this a whirl too tho, thanks dondaddah! No huge rush on getting the example together Harzach, but thanks for doing it! I'll look forward to checking it out...
  7. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    This looks interesting and makes sense looking at the page, if you can go ahead and PM me a link or something to the sample mission you created that may help save some leg-room. I'm starting to lean more toward having something happen during the intro that brings all traffic to a halt, but I'm still open to seeing how it could work.
  8. h34dup

    User mission requests!

    I started working on a small project on Namalsk - planned a branching 3-mission Camp or at least a release of the one scenario I put together so far...all the set pieces are in but there's no story, mission or structure yet-- just lots of PLA soldiers patrolling around, a hostage in a server shed and a nuclear site with HAZMAT crew. I decided to stop distracting myself from working on Lions of Kandahar bonus missions, but maybe I'll get back on it and release soon.
  9. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Did a bit of work on the ANP/ANA scenario last night-- does anyone know of a script or addon or technique that can add heavy vehicle traffic GTA style? As of now, I just put a bunch of stationary civi-populated vehicles on the streets, I need to decide if I can/want to make the traffic move and how to if so. Pretty excited for this, even though it doesn't have all that much to do with the source material for the Campaign, it will be as immersive as I can make it and using ANP/ANA seems rare, especially in a SP scenario with a narrative. Stay tuned, updates on the bonus content will begin to become more substantial hopefully.
  10. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    This is a good point-- from my perspective, it was my first time doing intros/outros ever, so it was new territory. I too am not fond of cutscenes that just feature guys standing around without animations, so I tried where possible to zest things up, but things could always be better and I will definitely keep in mind the usefulness of a cutscene that shows off the AO a bit more and helps the player get a sense of the operational conditions on the battlefield. Still, as an adaptation, I tried to use these cutscenes tie the book in (for example, "East bound and down playing as they exit the desert in M3's outro," or Maj. Gen. Freakley's visit to Sperwan Ghar in M12's intro) and, most importantly, the Canadian side of the story (since they really were the main subject of what happened during Op. Medusa)-- so people who read the book may be likely to get more out of the cutscenes. Anyway, I have started doing some of the due-dilligence and research for each of the bonus scenarios. Trying to tie in as much fact as I can find so playing the mission is something of a learning experience at the same time. I myself find it highly interesting to explore the interplay of the Afghan National Police (ANP) and the various branches within and those of the ANA-- you will experience both perspectives in Bonus Mission #3 as you respond to a cowardly attack in a civilian-filled area and then take the fight to the enemy in-response. For mission #2 (Dutch Apache), I have found specific details on what air assets the Dutch contingent had at Kandahar Airfield, and I hope to find out more about what specific role they played during Medusa-- you will fly in to KAF and land there for a more specific briefing, and then you will take part in providing CAS and escort of MEDEVAC/CASEVAC. Finally, for mission #1 (Canadian Motorized Inf) I have been reading about the Battle of Panjwayi, which took place about 6 wks before Medusa commenced, and the struggle for the infamous "white schoolhouse" (which I assume is the "Objective Rugby" described in Lions the book as Charles Co.'s objective). So yeah, things are beginning to pick up slowly, I've learned a lot over the course of the past few months working on LoK-- looking forward to giving all you guys some more content to sink your teeth into.
  11. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Yeah, I've learned it's from some kind of missing config in one of the mods, but I'm not sure specifically which one. It's likely either ONS or SGW's ANA/ANP, I am fairly sure Tier One Operators is not the culprit. It may for some wacky reason be Reshmaan but I doubt it. This may make things a little tricky for the Apache bonus mission I have in the works, but since it's standalone, the mod that is causing this issue will be removed from the required addons. Try playing without the addon version, the Camp makes use of the script version instead, so this may be the cause.
  12. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    I actually haven't, it's wild how much material can be found on YouTube (refining audio for .ogg conversion is enough of a PITA) buried in certain search strings and related videos. Thanks for linking, and although yes the O2 system would complicate repurposing the audio, it could certainly be done-- I edited and chopped up the above-linked chatter a number of times throughout the Camp (mostly in M1, the intro to M7 and M10). I'm trying to think of where this could be put to good use, possibly for the Canadian bonus scenario. Slayer, do you think you'd be willing and able to voice the main character (whoever that ends up becoming) of this Canadian bonus scenario? This would be at least a month from now. This is correct, though a bit tough for me to remember, since M3 was the first mission I created. IIRC, there is a game logic which is grouped to a number of markers where the supplies might spawn-- but rather than attaching all 3 crates in netting to the GL, I think I may have attached just one to the GL and attached the other two to the one crate already attached to the GL (make sense?). This could definitely be addressed, but I never saw the crates floating, only buried, which actually made sense to me after being there all night and into the morning with the mild sand storm. As for the voice acting, you gotta take what you can get, and I was thrilled to have what I got-- but yeah, different recording setups will mean vastly different levels. I did try to do a bit of mastering with each, but the issues still arise with levels being pretty far apart. I'll try to address this further in the next update-- even got some offers to help re-record some characters. If there are any specific instances you can think of that need tweaking, that would be a huge help! Anyway, glad you dig the all the effort I put into achieving a certain level of atmosphere! It's something I strive for in all missions I work on. There is more to come, things are always percolating in my imagination, and the notebook I've been using to keep track of this hobby is filling up with ideas.
  13. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Yes, Dave's radio line is what should be the only missing voice line at this point. You'll see in the outro that the Camp is "To Be Continued..." - there is more content in the works so turn that frown upside-down :) Now, question for you since I haven't had a chance to test this since releasing the fixes- do you see any error messages during Mission 13 (they don't affect anything) about missing entry in the Camp's Description.ext? I am thinking I fixed the issue, so if there's no error message that will confirm it.
  14. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Thanks for reporting this-- I haven't experienced this since the very beginning of making the mission, so I guess when you don't see a bug for so long you assume it doesn't exist. I have made Greg and Steve's HMMWV invincible, so to hear that is has been damaged somehow is a bit unsettling... perhaps a hint is all that can be done to address this issue, but fortunately I believe it's a freak occurrence (in a Camp that has had it's fair share of them already). Thanks for reporting this and thanks for having the patience to see the mission through and figure out what was going wrong! I'm going to be out in the sticks for the holidays, but I'll be checking back here as often as possible-- happy holidays all!
  15. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    I have not had a very effective 40mm either, I just thought that was because the 40mm was intended vehicles or something... makes sense that it's not perfect in the script version but I didn't want to add the module as an addon requirement. Perhaps in the "mod maniac" version down the road. Hm, I thought the voice stuff was all fixed in M6, I know the recordings are in there. Wasn't aware the text was the same in M7 and M8 in the overview either, thanks for reporting these. Started to mess with ideas for Bonus Mission 2: Dutch Apache, I will need some Dutch voice acting! Thinking of using DAF for this bonus scenario, since I have specific details on what was stationed at Kandahar AF and the models are all essentially there. Still, I need a bit more of a break before I can jump back in, this break may see some progress tho, I'll keep everyone updated of course.
  16. h34dup

    Wiki's Creations

    Just got around to trying Sand Storm out-- really enjoyable little bite of combat in Duala, and a nice showcase for the SOAR Chinook! Everything felt very well-structured, and yet the developments as the mission progressed kept me on my toes. It was a challenge, but not insurmountable. My only crit would be that you should add some intros/outros! And let me know if you ever need some voice acting, I'd be willing to pitch in...
  17. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Yeah LDL has its plusses and minuses, but this mission is one of my favorites-- the temptation is to go for the objectives, but you are literally forced to split your attention, there is a sense of urgency you feel that I don't think it gets quite as close anywhere else, even when you are rescuing fallen or besieged comrades. I wasn't even aware that you could save while inside the LDL AC-130 console...
  18. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Hey Eric, glad you're enjoying it! Before dying, do you get a radio message from Hodge that the Talibs are on the hill, get the AC130 over or they're gonna be "up shit's creek?" If so, get eyes on the hill ASAP and take out any guys without strobes-- if OPFOR breaches the perimeter of BLUFOR's defenses, you are killed instantly. Otherwise, I'm not sure, being hit by your own AC-130 fire is really the only other way unless you get hit by chance at some wierd angle. Zooming varies depending on the active weapon of the AC-130 too, so if you use #3- the big bomb, your zoom will be most limited. There is a Help menu you can access while using the AC-130, I admit I found all the nuances to be a little confusing myself, and I don't really explain how to use LDL's masterful AC-130/UAV scripts. Even still, I gave a slight spolier hint in the "Editor's Notes" section of the briefing. Check here for a strategy tip:
  19. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Yeah, I tried deleteVehicle for each individual driver, perhaps {deleteVehicle _x} foreach guy would be better. So the HMMWV in your experience did get damaged though right?
  20. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Is the HMMWV damaged or undamaged? It's supposed to stay where it is and become a wreck-- I am also trying to use deleteVehicle to delete the gunner and driver (I use a little setPos magic trick to swap in the wounded bodies of Greg and Steve), but the driver seems to just wanna stay there dead in the driver's seat. Something to try and address as I continue to work on the Camp. Also, the latest updated version (v0.6) is now live on Armaholic! Download from Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18194 Alternate Mirror #1: http://www.armaholic.net/colombia/scenarios/campaigns/LionsOfKandahar-v06.rar Alternate Mirror #2: http://www.h34dup.com/uploads/arma/LionsOfKandahar-v06.rar Remember, this is a new "version" of the Campaign, so it will be essentially like resetting, although this .pbo will not replace the previous version. Still, this version has tons of bugs fixed and is going to be the only update for a little while-- I'm still very interested in hearing feedback and bug reports, by no means is the Camp perfect yet. Now comes work on the bonus content, which may even be interspersed with other smaller releases... I have been meaning to do an update to Battle of Tora Bora, and I've already started playing with making a research-backed Night Raid SP Scenario that uses the SOAR MH-47E's and possibly Tarin Kot, although it seems like this awesome island is still in-development.
  21. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Yes, this Campaign is dedicated to the memory of both Riley and Bill, who both gave their lives fighting in Afghanistan. Rusty says, it wasn't they way they wanted to go, but it's the way God intended. The kind of selflessness these men exhibited is rare, and entirely worthy of retelling, I hope my efforts come close to accomplishing this, though no words (certainly no game) could really come close. Slayer -- wow, really glad you are enjoying the Campaign so far, and as a soldier who served in the very area this Camp takes place you deserve our thanks for your bravery. I'd be highly interested in hearing your thoughts on the rest of the Camp, especially Mission 6, which takes place on a fictional Masum Ghar. (Though you may want to consider waiting for v0.6 to be released on Armaholic today or tomorrow, 99% of the bugs have been patched in it, but you have to restart). In fact, in the Epilogue mission I plan to release, I already created renditions of FOB's Sperwan Ghar and Masum Ghar based on the *very* limited bit of photo intel I could find. Of course, I had to alter a number of things based on the constraints of the game and my limited perspective, but that is an inevitable result of adapting something like a book. I plan to make the Epilogue a sort of treasure hunt where the player can travel to placed like these FOBs (and visit other scenes from earlier in the Camp) and see some sights. Anyway, thanks again for playing and for your service, I hope you will continue to share your insight here in this thread. Anything you can offer is appreciated-- about either FOB Masum Ghar, or about the initial assault of Op. Medusa (I'll definitely check that book out, I really wish I could have recorded some of the sound bytes from that Nat'l Geographic Documentary about Charles Co.-- I remember a callsign 'Fang' was being used a lot), I don't have much definition around what happened or how to structure the mission at this point, so anything helps. EDIT: Heh, reading this No Lack of Courage book, I can already see where my Camp was inaccurate in Mission 6-- looks like Masum Ghar was already under ANP control when Medusa kicked off, but even still, it's fitting for a game to go in and clear it out... I'll have to be sure to stick to the facts with this Charles Co. bonus scenario...
  22. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    Working on submitting v0.6 to Armaholic. Unfortunately, as I version the Camp, it will get "reset" upon installing it. Of course, you can always go back and finish it in the previous version if you leave the v0.5 .pbo in there. Lots of fixes, pretty much everything in the known issues list: Will update all the download links soon hopefully, along with a news item on Armaholic...then that should do it for the holidays. Looking forward to a little break, although I can't deny I've been poking around in the editor with other...ideas.
  23. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    There actually is a dialogue-- but when I was experimenting with things and foolishly tried using enableRadio false and enableRadio true to fix something the wrong way, it got deactivated. This will be fixed with the update I plan on finishing and releasing within the next 24 hrs or so. As for the GPS, I'll look into it and add one. Yeah, I think it is really more so a matter of having experience with ACE and the plethora of additional functionality-- it seems that the biggest differences that come from converting non-ACE to ACE or just playing a non-ACE mission with ACE active are the toughest to observe and pick up on because of their subtlety. Still, if there is enough demand for an ACE-version, I may be down to take that plunge further down the road.
  24. h34dup

    [CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

    It's an admin wrist pouch with the map I'm pretty sure I think I got pretty close with my choice of cfgIdentities for Rusty, Tier One Operators happens to have some dead-on faces for these grizzled soldiers. I'm about 1/3rd of the way through the updates, the rest will get done tonight and likely submitted too, so stay tuned. The Camp should be mostly stable with this update.