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Everything posted by ratszo

  1. As to zoom out, try mapping 'continuous zoom out' in the IRtracker list. As to keeping zoomed in, only ways i found were either to 'Latch' a JS button on/off to force zoom in, or to place zoom in on the throttle. Then there's the old "place a stack of quarters on the key" trick.
  2. Yeah, tracked units clutch to turn, hence the difference. My JS has a 'twisty', so x-axis for steering wheel & twist for tracked. A quick remap in-game is maybe the easiest way to go. Got pedals? I remember driving a small d-4 cat. It had clutch pedals for 'hands free' driving. [Edit] --forgot to mention: If you map an axis to more than one function, the range of the axis will split. So 2 functions on one axis will decrease the range 50% on each.
  3. "MacGuffin"..., the name itself is a clue: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacGuffin
  4. ratszo

    Arma 3: Runtime Error

    Could try re-installing the vcredist app found in the _Commonredist folder --There's 2: vcredist_x86.exe & vcredist_x64.exe . Not sure which to use. Guess x64.exe for 64-bit systems?
  5. ratszo

    Game-Mode That YOU Think Should Be Official

    Aware?..., we'll never know --All i remember were the screams, the crys, the moans of the wounded on teamspeak-- it haunts me still....
  6. ratszo

    Game-Mode That YOU Think Should Be Official

    I'll field that question Chortles: It was found coop players don't like to get wtfpawnt by the ai lead by the evil tiger teams:) As far as ace3..., meh. If it's needed to play a server..., so be it. Otherwise, plain jane arma is fine by me --and since plain arma is still under development ..., weapons-resting was the best thing in ace2. I also liked the map tools in ace2..., but i could live without it. Back on topic, "Official" won't have much meaning til Bis gets behind their modes with servers, admins, ts , & the whole nine yards of support.
  7. ratszo

    New player: Suggest Mods?

    Took a look at a top Altis Life servers on this site: http://arma3.swec.se/server/data/51300 Can see it allows sound mods: "a3 Asylum cba_a3_beta4 cba_a3_beta5 cba_a3_rc4 dfyre jsrs2 jsrs21 WARFXPE" --Ok, 'CBA' is a mod that allows other complex mods to work. "dfyre jsrs2 jsrs21" are 3 different sound mods, all need 'cba' to run. Since you're new, just start with plain arma, mods will come with your needs as you play.
  8. ratszo

    New player: Suggest Mods?

    Altis Life doesn't need a mod to play --tho it may allow sound mods. Altis Life isn't a mod..., it's a 'mode', a mission catagory: Sandbox. So you're good to go with just plain arma to start. GL
  9. New 'puter, congratz. Don't think about oc'ing til the new cpu burns in. You will be ok at stock 3.5ghz clock. Go slow with oc'ing. Know how to 're-post' before trying. Good Luck.
  10. ratszo

    Sporadic Freezing/Stuttering

    May want to look at dust-bunnies too --inspect the cpu heatsink lately?
  11. ratszo

    ARMA3 on this pc ?

    Notebook? ..., may be prone to overheating. Turbo to 3.6ghz ought to run ok. Just set 'view distance' ..., say, under 1500m.? I'd say go for it.
  12. .308 Springfield sexy in the Mk14 ... hope the ironsights are 'v' notched. http://dev.arma3.com/post/oprep-marksmen-weapons
  13. Power options, yeah. I went line by line re-setting everything to max power --think i found a guide online. Can also d/l "GameBooster3" --it runs a gaming power profile, plus cpu temp & shuts down un-needed processes. Laptops, in general, are gonna suffer from heat.
  14. LargeAddress =1 is such a great tweak, i'm still using it. Mostly, it fails to launch after a 'puter restart. One trick i got is to put it in 'sleep mode' then once awake arma.exe usually starts --most of the time. Longer the pc is up, problem seems to go away. Thing is, try playing online without it..., it's like night & day on a crowded server.
  15. ratszo

    Squad XML patches unreliable

    Never saw that problem when i ran with a clan. Since you're in oz, maybe it's a packetloss thing, timed out? 256x256 is a hefty d/l ..., maybe try a smaller 128x128? --128x128 still gives a crisp image. Right now i'm using a very light 32x32. Less than 1kb. light, since i'm playing pub where the pop can exceed 100 players. Think about it, a 100kb. logo X 100 players is 10mb. of server bandwidth. --Tho 32x32 is only good for solid colours and bars. Another thought, has the logo changed? If so, maybe the old logo is conflicting somehow. Can find the stored logos in the temp folder: %APPDATA%\..\local\arma 3\squads Anyways, good luck.
  16. Interesting. One way to find the ip addy of an arma server is by looking in this site: http://arma3.swec.se/server/list
  17. "That's a bad jam, man." "Redneck noise, dude, that's all it is." . --Platoon
  18. Once you're logged on to steam, launch from the arma3.exe found in the game folder?
  19. ratszo

    Arma 3 Crash getting mission file

    You can go search here: %APPDATA%\..\local\arma 3\ --look in the 'MPmissionCache' or the 'SteammissionCache' for the mission. Deleting the mission will force the server to re-upload the mission again.
  20. But how do we get all the 'dicks' into that one server? The unwashed masses of public players flock to un-moded, well scripted and actively admin'ed servers. I play koth & eutw servers [1st person only] with rarely, if ever, a problem. --and if there is a problem, like a racist mouthing-off, teamspeak will have me talkin' to an admin promptly. Also, players can screen-shot, capture video and report infractions to the websites run by these groups. I get the feeling the OP needs to cover the basics of a well run public server: Administrators, Teamspeak, Website, and child-proof Scripting. Moreover, these "dicks" the OP is on about are not reading this forum. In closing, i'll avoid your server..., wouldn't want to be unfairly banned.
  21. ratszo

    New Keybinding System Concerns

    Hummm..., i'm still using the old modifier on stable and don't see the new entries. Same profile i've used all along. Can't explain it. I do run as admin tho.
  22. ratszo

    Server AAS

    ASS has seen better days. Not many people have even tried the mode. Filter for 'Seize'. I see 2 servers running Blitzkreig ..., think i'll jump in to look around. GL
  23. 10 vs 40? --i call that a target rich environment. Take it up with the server owner.