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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. I'm not sure about your other issues but this is normal Arma server behaviour. Someone must join in order for a mission to load after a restart.
  2. SavageCDN

    Server Reqs for ACE

    Really for any A2 server you need fast CPU and at least that much RAM.. I would go with 2GB per just in case (really depends on mission type.. I assume wasteland uses a bunch of RAM) and get the fastest clock speed you can for CPU - server .exe will only use 2 cores and disable hyperthreading if it's enabled. Try to avoid slot servers as you are most likely sharing resources with other customers (if you are renting that is). With that many players you're gonna need a good connection to the interwebs... no experience running a server for that many players but a good rule is 128kbps per player upload... more for "intense" missions like MSO. You might find that 120 players plus AI is too much for the server to handle... in which case you can look at running a Headless Client to handle all the AI
  3. SavageCDN

    ACE for OA 1.13

    No and as far as I am aware there are no ACE-compatible WW2 units (as most of the features in ACE are for modern warfare). Check out Invasion 1944 mod though they include some "ACE-like" features.
  4. Thank you very much for keeping these units/islands updated for A2.
  5. SavageCDN

    Status Hud

    lol....thanks for this will check it out
  6. Maybe it's a copy/paste typo but you have an extra "r" in "_faction" : if (_fraction == "BLU_F") exitwith {
  7. SavageCDN

    DAC Arma 3

    I think there is a need for DAC to be ported to Arma 3... (IMO) it was hands-down the best AI mod for Arma 2. As mentioned in Skype I can help with identifying and testing the problems currently when running it in A3. Initial observations: - lots of undefined variable stuff (not surprising)... the largest one being for the named player units that are listed in DAC_Config_Creator yet do not exist in the game (it will throw up a TON of script errors every few seconds) - debug errors with DAC_Config_Marker enabled - some are fixed by changing a few classnames, others are more serious errors - respawn camps do not really work (at least for me) unless you set them to config 11 (no actual camp items or statics spawned, just a logic).. this may be due lack of locations on Stratis when I was using it.... can't remember ATM. edit: I am attempting to contact the original author (mapfact/Silola) to see about permissions... if anyone has any info would be appreciated.
  8. ALiVE and now this??? Things are looking up :bounce3:
  9. SavageCDN

    Multiplayer not in playable state

    +100000 really this should have been done in the Alpha or at least Beta stages... too difficult to rely on server operators to provide all necessary information
  10. ah ok now I understand.... I do enjoy a good tour so I'll check it out :)
  11. Perhaps I need more coffee but after reading I still have no idea what this is :p
  12. Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/ALiVE-Advanced-Light-Infantry-Virtual-Environment/547638945305077
  13. SavageCDN

    User Mission Request Thread

    Currently that version of Insurgency is quite broken and the author (Fireball) has stated that it probably requires a complete re-write and that he's currently not up to the task. From the sounds of it a lot of work is required. PITN and I have looked at it ourselves but lack the skills for a re-write. See Fireball's post in the main Insurgency thread (bottom page 95) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?112579-Insurgency/page95
  14. SavageCDN

    AI on a Dedicated Server

    They sure are!! More AI mods are in the works as well by other people/groups.. should be interesting to see how they pan out.
  15. SavageCDN

    Custom AI names

    ^ why was a warning given for his post??
  16. Open game with mods loaded Go into Editor, select an island Double click to place units (F1), groups (F2), etc. Once you place at least one player you will be able to select Empty items from the drop down list (ie: vehicles, statics, etc with no AI manning them) Place a few opposing groups around a town, give them waypoints to move towards each other (F4 for waypoints I think then select leader of group, then double-click where you want the waypoint to be), hit preview and voila!! Also read this: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=4847
  17. SavageCDN

    UPSMON for arma3

    Yes thanks for keeping this great script alive!
  18. Same here RAINF trying to find time this week to do some testing. Does anyone have a test mission they've created that they would be willing to share?
  19. Those errors shouldn't cause server crashes. If you are getting out of memory errors try increasing the amount of RAM assigned to arma (maxmem param). Most likely a problem with the life mission itself. Try running a different type of mission (not life or wasteland) for a while to see if it still crashes.
  20. This looks great thanks!! Not many missions out there for Fata...
  21. They show as unchecked in Expansions? If so that is indeed strange... try using an A3 launcher to see if that makes any difference.
  22. I don't think it is possible to spawn aircraft using DAC other than choppers... at least I've never tried it myself. I think the DAC manual specifically mentions that this is not possible. With regards to the caching fsm you could try a different caching script (I assume these units are not controlled by DAC?) - you might have to do some searching on Armaholic to find one. Sorry I did not get any time to look at the mission (and my I44 files went missing I needed to re-download them) but will do this week.
  23. Your provider should be able to help you with this - they will give you FTP login information and then you just need to upload the mods to the server. Make sure they are in the correct folder structure before you upload @modname \ Addons \ files.pbo and files.bisign