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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. Interesting stuff guys.
  2. SavageCDN

    Curator Presets Mod

    Thanks for the update... great mod
  3. In your DAC trigger init make sure you have the right setting for the side of the units you are spawning (IE: west for blufor, east for opfor, etc). This is the first # in the last array (bolded). 0=east, 1=west, 2=ind fun=["z1",[1,0,0],[2,3,20,8],[],[],[],[1,1,1,1]] spawn DAC_Zone
  4. Check these configs: https://github.com/SavageCDN/DAC_A3 Add the DAC_Config_Units.sqf file to your mission folder. In your DAC Intern logic put DAC_Single_Config = ["Units"]; Cases 7,8,9 (OPFOR, BLUFOR, INDFOR)
  5. SavageCDN

    AI Difficulty

    AI will inherit the skills from the machine that spawned it... so if the AI is spawned client-side (like ALiVE's CQB module for example) they are using that particular clients skills setting in the arma3.profile file. I would think with 2 Zeus' both would be spawned on the server not the clients... but to be honest I don't know. That would seem silly to me if the Zeus units were 'owned' by the Zeus' client machine.
  6. SavageCDN

    Zeus side limit

    You can add the virtual Zeus that is specific to the side (under Game Logic).. I think you also have to set the costs for BLUFOR/OPFOR units to like 999999 or similar (one of the Zeus modules).. not 100% sure though. Not sure about the lightning bolt I think that would have to be done via scripting. For the camera place the Zeus module called something like Camera Area (can't remember it's name ATM) - sync to the Zeus GM module, create a trigger covering the area you want the camera and sync that to the Camera Area module
  7. We used to run DAC with ASR_AI all the time in Arma 2 OA but have not tested it yet in A3. Perhaps disabled any overlapping features between the 2 mods ie: throwing smoke, loner join group function, etc.
  8. SavageCDN

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    ^ in the editor click on the configs icon (looks like a little gear wheel) - check under cfgGroups
  9. SavageCDN

    1.18 Broke the favs and filter?

    Well I don't run popular public servers so not a huge issue but yeah I wouldn't want to have my life server setup that way :p Anyway meant it more as a troubleshooting option - do your servers show up if you set verifySignatures =0 ?
  10. SavageCDN

    converting .sqm to .sqf

    I think it does or at least I've used one before that does this (setting up a mission with headless client) Here are some other links: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19636 http://armed-assault.de/downloads/converter-biedi--sqm.html
  11. SavageCDN

    1.18 Broke the favs and filter?

    Check if you have verifySignatures = 2 in your server cfg. Try setting it to 0 and see if your server shows up (that's how it is for me at the moment)
  12. SavageCDN

    Problem with verifySignatures

    Same problem exactly.. if I set verifySignatures = 0 server starts properly and shows up in browser. If it's set to =2 I get no info in the title bar of the console window and nothing shows in browser
  13. SavageCDN

    Aircraft hangar

    Not sure if it has the hanger but try this mod: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20821
  14. SavageCDN

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    I think another problem is that most of the mod size is actually assets not the maps themselves... I could be wrong though :p
  15. Not that I am aware of... it may be technically impossible to do this post-init we'll have to wait for a DEV to respond. Right now the HQ doesn't really do much (ie: it's not necessary to have an HQ for logistics/reinforcements to work) although that is sure to change in the future. Place: Requires ALiVE module Profiles module OPCOM for blufor, OPCOM for opfor 2 markers to set your areas of operations Military Placement module for each side synced to their respective OPCOM modules Military Logistics module synced to each OPCOM module Sync the opfor OPCOM to the blufor MP (mil placement) and the blufor OPCOM to the opfor MP (so they attack each other) When groups die they will get respawned at a friendly objective - if you have the ML debug on it will show a "*" on the map with the letters ML beside it for each group that gets respawned
  16. SavageCDN

    "X-Cam" and "DAC" Project

    Updated the config files on github to be complete copies of the originals
  17. Please check the wiki for more information on this. All you need to do is place a Military Logistics module and sync it to your desired OPCOM module. AI groups that are destroyed will be respawned at a friendly objective. http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php?title=Military_Logistics It has to detect a map structure not something you've placed in the editor... it looks for military barracks, cargo HQs, military offices, etc. AFAIK there is no way to manually 'force' it to use a specific structure.
  18. Sorry wish I could help... it was > 1 year ago I was fiddling with this and at my age there is no chance of recalling what I did :p
  19. SavageCDN

    "X-Cam" and "DAC" Project

    Remember that these are just the case section of those files so don't overwrite the entire file with my configs.. just copy/paste over the existing cases. Come to think of it however I can see this causing problems so later this evening I'll update both files so that you can just overwrite your existing ones (and 2x check the syntax.. perhaps I'm missing a , somewhere :o )
  20. SavageCDN

    "X-Cam" and "DAC" Project

    I've never used github to create a repo so please excuse any mistakes, etc. https://github.com/SavageCDN/DAC_A3 Added dac_config_units.sqf and dac_config_camps.sqf Both are still a WIP I'm sure I've missed something.... ---------- Post added at 01:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:54 AM ---------- thanks t-800a I've merged your request... are there blufor/greenfor version of those units as well?
  21. For anyone using this with DAC 3.1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BLUFOR CAF (WOODLAND) CAF_TW case 13: { _Unit_Pool_S = [ "CAF_CREWMAN_TW","RCAF_CH147_PILOT_OD","CAF_SECTIONIC_TW", "CAF_SECTION2IC_TW", "CAF_RIFLEMAN_TW", "CAF_RIFLEMANAT_TW", "CAF_GRENADIER_TW", "CAF_C9GUNNER_TW", "CAF_C6GUNNER_TW", "CAF_GPMGASST_TW", "CAF_84GUNNER_TW", "CAF_ATASST_TW", "CAF_MEDIC_TW", "CAF_CBTENGINEER_TW", "CAF_VEHTECH_TW", "CAF_SNIPER_TW", "CAF_SPOTTER_TW", "CAF_RECCE_IC_TW", "CAF_RECCE_2IC_TW", "CAF_RECCE_C9_TW", "CAF_RECCE_SIG_TW" ]; _Unit_Pool_V = [ "caf_HLVW_support", "caf_HLVW_open", "caf_HLVW_covered", "CAF_Quadbike_OD", "CAF_TAPV_tw", "caf_tapv_50_tw", "caf_tapv_gl_tw" ]; _Unit_Pool_T = [ "caf_lav3_isc", "CAF_LeopardC2_TW" ]; _Unit_Pool_A = [ "CAF_CH146_F", "CAF_CH146_GRIFFON_F", //medevac "CH_147F" ]; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BLUFOR CAF (ARID) CAF_AR case 14: { _Unit_Pool_S = [ "CAF_CREWMAN_AR","RCAF_CH147_PILOT_AR","CAF_SECTIONIC_AR", "CAF_SECTION2IC_AR", "CAF_RIFLEMAN_AR", "CAF_RIFLEMANAT_AR", "CAF_GRENADIER_AR", "CAF_C9GUNNER_AR", "CAF_C6GUNNER_AR", "CAF_GPMGASST_AR", "CAF_84GUNNER_AR", "CAF_ATASST_AR", "CAF_MEDIC_AR", "CAF_CBTENGINEER_AR", "CAF_VEHTECH_AR", "CAF_SNIPER_AR", "CAF_SPOTTER_AR", "CAF_RECCE_IC_AR", "CAF_RECCE_2IC_AR", "CAF_RECCE_C9_AR", "CAF_RECCE_SIG_AR" ]; _Unit_Pool_V = [ "caf_HLVW_support_ar", "caf_HLVW_open_AR", "caf_HLVW_covered_ar", "CAF_Quadbike_AR", "CAF_TAPV_ar", "caf_tapv_50_ar", "caf_tapv_gl_ar" ]; _Unit_Pool_T = [ "caf_lav3_isc_D", "CAF_LeopardC2_AR" ]; _Unit_Pool_A = ["CAF_CH146_F_D"]; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BLUFOR CAF JTF2 ???? case 15: { _Unit_Pool_S = [ "JTF2_ASSAULTER","RCAF_CH146_PILOT_OD","JTF2_ASSAULTER_TL", "JTF2_ASSAULTER_MG", "JTF2_ASSAULTER_MED", "JTF2_ASSAULTER_EXP", "JTF2_ASSAULTER_MRK", "JTF2_ASSAULTER" ]; _Unit_Pool_V = ["JTF2_Offroad_armed_01"]; _Unit_Pool_T = []; _Unit_Pool_A = ["CAF_CH146_SF"]; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. SavageCDN

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    For anyone using this with DAC 3.1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OPFOR CAF Aggressors Africans caf_ag_afr_p case 10: { _Unit_Pool_S = [ "CAF_AG_AFR_P_AK47","CAF_AG_AFR_P_AK47","CAF_AG_AFR_P_SVD", "CAF_AG_AFR_P_AK47", "CAF_AG_AFR_P_AK74", "CAF_AG_AFR_P_GL", "CAF_AG_AFR_P_PK", "CAF_AG_AFR_P_RPK", "CAF_AG_AFR_P_RPG" ]; _Unit_Pool_V = [ "CAF_AG_afr_p_Offroad", "CAF_AG_afr_p_Offroad_armed_01", "CAF_AG_afr_p_van_01" ]; _Unit_Pool_T = []; _Unit_Pool_A = []; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OPFOR CAF Aggressors Middle Eastern caf_ag_me_t case 11: { _Unit_Pool_S = [ "CAF_AG_ME_T_AK47","CAF_AG_ME_T_AK47","CAF_AG_ME_T_SVD", "CAF_AG_ME_T_AK47", "CAF_AG_ME_T_AK74", "CAF_AG_ME_T_GL", "CAF_AG_ME_T_PK", "CAF_AG_ME_T_RPK", "CAF_AG_ME_T_RPG" ]; _Unit_Pool_V = [ "CAF_AG_ME_T_Offroad", "CAF_AG_ME_T_Offroad_armed_01", "CAF_AG_ME_T_van_01" ]; _Unit_Pool_T = []; _Unit_Pool_A = []; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OPFOR CAF Aggressors Europeans caf_ag_eeur_r case 12: { _Unit_Pool_S = [ "CAF_AG_EEUR_R_AK47","CAF_AG_EEUR_R_AK47","CAF_AG_EEUR_R_SVD", "CAF_AG_EEUR_R_AK47", "CAF_AG_EEUR_R_AK74", "CAF_AG_EEUR_R_GL", "CAF_AG_EEUR_R_PK", "CAF_AG_EEUR_R_RPK", "CAF_AG_EEUR_R_RPG" ]; _Unit_Pool_V = [ "CAF_AG_eeur_r_Offroad", // "CAF_AG_eeur_r_Offroad_armed_01", "O_G_Offroad_01_armed_F", "CAF_AG_eeur_r_van_01" ]; _Unit_Pool_T = []; _Unit_Pool_A = []; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. exThreads will always default to 1 on a dedicated server no matter what you set it to