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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. SavageCDN

    The things I've learned from Arma 2

    Also check out mods like ACE which drastically alter gameplay (for the better IMO). Be warned that using mods in campaigns not designed for that mod can cause issues.
  2. Unless the latest update screws this up I know it does work :p I can check my mission that has this setup if you still can't make it work.
  3. Try just: [west, "west1"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnInventory; [west, "west2"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnInventory; [east, "east1"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnInventory; [west, "east2"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnInventory; and perhaps lose the: Or put the BIS_fnc_addRespawnInventory functions in initServer.sqf instead.
  4. No but make sure your server is using -noLogs parameter
  5. SavageCDN

    1.63 Script issues

    Make sure your server is using -noLogs parameter
  6. Unfortunately if your provider does not allow you to install stuff and add .dll files then there isn't much you can do. In the Arma 3 version of MSO (@ALiVE mod) you can put those text files in the game install directory but as far as I know for MSO for Arma 2 they must go into appdata\local\whatever path.
  7. @Echoj7 - currently no you cannot use mySQL for a local database. There was some discussion of eventually allowing this feature but I'm not sure of the current status. Perhaps a dev can further clarify. @spitfirefrench - some users are reporting CQB issues on dedi we are testing this out now. If you like you can PM me with your mission, RPT file and server startup parameters.
  8. SavageCDN

    [PvP] Airsoft: Bring Your A-Game

    I tried in Alpha to get Road Rage working in A3 but had problems with how the vehicles handled adding weapons... also I suck at scripting :) Tried again with Karts DLC but had issues with adding weapons to the karts and having them work properly in MP. If you're at all interested in this I would be happy to help out. PS: thanks for my new signature quote (all credit goes to you for saying it I'm just re-packing it ;) )
  9. SavageCDN

    [PvP] Airsoft: Bring Your A-Game

    Yea was gonna link the same thing.. great idea!. Not enough 'fun' PvP types out there... paintball, road rage, etc.
  10. Does this happen only when using the ALiVE mod or on any mission you load on your dedi server?
  11. SavageCDN

    AlienZ Mod

    There was a Car wars mod for Arma 2? As in Steve Jackson Games Car Wars??
  12. SavageCDN

    ACE for OA 1.13

    You mention "launch OA" - have you tried running Combined Ops (a2 + oa) instead of just OA?
  13. For Arma 2 you can use Arma2Net addon with mySQL. The easiest way to set this up (and it's not easy) is to use MSO 4.6 with mySQL as the MSO team already has an .sql file prepared for this. See here for more info: https://dev.withsix.com/projects/mso/wiki If you are looking to make your custom mission save-able you would need to create the .sql file yourself with tables, etc.
  14. SavageCDN

    CJTF101's EDITOR v1.1

    Thanks again for keeping this up to date
  15. Sounds great will check it out thanks!!
  16. Since ALiVE does not have any sync feature I'm guessing you are referring to MCC Sandbox?
  17. SavageCDN

    Multiplayer with PMC 51km Desert terrain

    Not in any serious way. We do sometimes play Road Rage or other fun DM style missions.. usually before/after another mission.
  18. Requested! https://dev.withsix.com/issues/74817 https://dev.withsix.com/issues/74818
  19. OK well good to know.. .I guess I've been lucky so far in that scripts I've tried have been fine (DAC)
  20. Did you add the userconfig folder that comes with the mod to your Arma install directory? You might have more luck posting in the thread for the mod: http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=27005&d=0
  21. SavageCDN

    Some thoughts about ARMA2 AI, 3 months later.

    Not sure that needed a thread necro.. but hey. I like the fact that: 1 - this thread is started by Fabrizio 2 - it's pretty much the same issues as now :p
  22. Awesome!! This reminds me of DAC's object composition function except now I don't need to use the whole DAC script :) Will check it out... thanks.
  23. SavageCDN

    1.63 Script issues

    Is this actually breaking anything though? From what I can tell script still run just fine and combine -noLogs and -showScriptErrors you are good to go. Yes it's annoying when testing out missions/scripts. I've tried a few different well-known A2 script and despite the errors things work just fine (DAC was one of those).
  24. the "undefined variable" errors are just informative.. they shouldn't actually break the script. It's very annoying but you can work around it by not using the -showScriptErrors param and using -noLogs param on your server.