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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. This behaviour is usually caused by improper side settings.. check in the editor to see what side Resistance is friendly .. then match that in DAC_Config_Creator.sqf ("DAC_Res_Side" variable - should be 0 if you want them friendly to EAST) Also make sure that your guerilla (resistance) units are set to side 2 (GUER) not side 0 (EAST).
  2. Not yet however there will be some "Insurgency-like" features in the update as well as an excellent Insurgency mission by Hazey (A2 style)
  3. SavageCDN

    Sahrani for A3 by SMD

    ^ it won't be for today's ALiVE release but hopefully not long after that
  4. ^ nice post... personally I find ASR_AI and DAC to be the best combination (both for A2 and A3) IIRC there is nothing special you need to do to get GL4 and DAC to work together.. I seem to recall it being mentioned in a manual (perhaps the GL4 one). That being said it's been years since I've tried :p
  5. I believe Charon was the author.. he hasn't been active on the forums for over a year now. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?110440-Predator-Mod
  6. Nice work!! Praise Jebus :)
  7. SavageCDN

    Sahrani for A3 by SMD

    Your wish is my command http://dev.withsix.com/issues/76068
  8. Yep unfortunately this is the case and the AI just don't like some runways. OpenDome - did you want a copy of my Panthera mission?
  9. If you need to use a TS3 server feel free to use ours: ts3.veterans-gaming.com no password
  10. Hi Reaper - You could try setting the Armoured spawns to 0 in the placement module (below where you set primary weighting under Overrides) http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Military_Placement_(Military_Objectives) You could also blacklist certain unit types although I think that would be more work http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Military_Placement_(Military_Objectives)#Custom_Unit_Blacklists
  11. https://dev.withsix.com/projects/mso/wiki Instructions on setting up MySQL 5.5 with MSO. This is probably the most difficult mission to setup and configure properly.. especially if you have no prior experience with MSO. It will also throw script errors (due to 1.63 patch).
  12. SavageCDN

    AI team mates auto re-arm? :'(

    ^ I am not aware of an AI mod that handles re-arming of AI units (please tell me if there is such a beast!!). ASR_AI used to have this feature in Arma 2 however the A3 version does not.
  13. Thanks for this.. will come in handy.
  14. SavageCDN

    JSRS3: DragonFyre - LITE

    Excellent work thank you
  15. ^ Intel is still bugged I believe the fix is coming in the next patch however.
  16. Yep I have a working Panthera mission (back from when it was first indexed)... are you still having issues with it?
  17. SavageCDN


    + 1 here. Thanks for this love all sci-fi stuff.
  18. SavageCDN

    HSBC and global tax evasion

    Signed. This stuff makes me angry. They need to close these kinds of loopholes just like the Ireland shell company problem (paying no corp tax when HQ is located in Ireland). First against the wall when the revolution comes... ;)
  19. Yes thanks for all your work in A2 and continued in A3 (Fab, Ollem, TPW) - it's nice to see BIS adding such a core feature after all this time!!
  20. Somehow I missed this release... looks bloody great! Will check it out.
  21. SavageCDN

    [SP/MP] ClashPoint

    ^ if Kremator recommends it I must give it a try!!
  22. SavageCDN


    I can't recall a way of doing that myself but it's been a while since I've fiddled with Insurgency... perhaps Harzach will have an idea and post.
  23. Probably your best bet would be to use LEA's loadout editor as you can set it to load your custom stuff on respawn. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=15766
  24. SavageCDN


    I have a bunch of 1.50 ACE ports (can't recall if Hazar is one of them...don't think so). PM me if anyone wants a copy. Lingor (using Lingor cops vs drug lords.. bad guys even drop coke instead of suitcases) NGS Capraia Caribou Frontier Fata (playable as ACE Russians) a few others...