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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. SavageCDN

    Connecting Failed

    Hmm... am I reading correctly that your dedi is on the same LAN as your client PC and you cannot connect even then? Your RPT says it's connecting to Steam OK: 16:53:30 Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2301, Steam Query Port: 2302 16:53:31 Connected to Steam servers You can verify this using this link (replace IP at end with your server's IP): http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamApps/GetServersAtAddress/v0001?addr= I've heard of some (cheap home) routers being the issue so if possible try to remove that from the equation - if you have a small 4 port switch or something test with that instead.
  2. SavageCDN

    DSS: The Mod

    Looks great... keep up the good work!
  3. Tankbuster is on FIRE today :lol: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/181918-infinity-rpg-need-devs-sys-admin-scripters-staff-4-upcoming-life-server/page-2#entry2903176
  4. SavageCDN

    Connecting Failed

    Try disabling the MISSIONS CYCLE as I assume you don't have a mission on the server called "MyMission.altis" (that or replace the mission name with the name of your mission .pbo file)
  5. Agreed... can't wait!!
  6. Yes move the alive.cfg to the root of your A3 server folder and make sure your players don't have any special characters in their names as this causes issues with persistence. If it still fails please post your alive.log either here or as bigpoppablunts mentioned, on the alive forums http://alivemod.com/forum/
  7. Thanks for the update :)
  8. SavageCDN

    HD to small

    Cut/paste? If you use a mod launcher hopefully it has an option to point to your (new) mods location. Do you use PlayWithSix? If so move the location of your .sync folder (which is basically a copy of all your addons) to a different drive this will save a ton of space on the SSD. As for performance yes it will decrease as your read/write times are slower on the Raptor.
  9. Usually this is caused by the server not having the required addons to load the mission. Your server's RPT file should give you more info.
  10. Most likely it's an issue with that particular faction (CAF Aggressors are known to be problematic) - perhaps it has something to do with extended EH not firing on these units? Easy way to test is to use a vanilla faction - if they drop intel then you know it's a problem with the units themselves.
  11. SavageCDN

    Ban 1 specific addon ?

    The only 'easy' way is to use verifySignatures=2 in your server.cfg and add the .bikey files for only the mods you want (so whitelist instead of blacklist). There is no way to ban a specific addon without creating your own addon or script that checks for the 'bad' addon and kicks the player.
  12. SavageCDN

    ASR AI 3

    DAC does have a function to search for empty vehicles / man empty gunner positions but it can be disabled in DAC_Config_Behaviour.sqf under the _setEmpVeh variable
  13. I haven't used them myself we have our own dedicated server and control software. It almost sounds like their CP software is not setup properly for Arma 3 but I'm just guessing.
  14. Nothing is sexier than battlefield logistics!
  15. There were bugs???? :wacko: Looks great glad you got pitch/bank to work!!
  16. I assume this is a virtual server (ie: you don't have full control over the entire machine just access to a control panel to setup your game)? Or perhaps not you mention updating to Windows 10?? If your provider is giving you Windows 10 for your server OS you should consider switching providers. If you are using a control panel your best bet for support is through the provider - if they offer the game they should support setup and configuration. You start and stop the server through the control panel itself not by trying to run the arma3server.exe and FTP is there for uploading files/mods/missions etc to the server. For configuration etc see this thread for info: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/139003-tutorial-how-to-run-arma3-on-a-dedicated-server/
  17. What is the issue you are having? They don't spawn at the proper (deck) height? With ALiVE CAS there is a spawn height option in the module. For players you need to set the height of your respawn_west marker in init.sqf in addition to setting their height at mission start. Doesn't the LHD have it's own module that supports this stuff? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setPosASL
  18. SavageCDN

    Flying Saucer (Reichsflugscheibe)

    Love the sci-fi mods thanks for releasing this edit: damnit... new forums = no more dancing banana :angry:
  19. This looks excellent thanks will check it out
  20. SavageCDN

    Uploading Mission to Server

    Most control panels allow you to edit the server.cfg directly rather than having to upload a changed version... if not you'll have to contact your provider's support.
  21. Yay can post again! I haven't experienced that problem serjames... what is the CBA error it spams to RPT? I assume you have the most recent @ALiVE and @CBA versions?
  22. SavageCDN

    [HELP]Continous Error

    AFAIK no.. cfgSounds can only be defined once.. you will get that error if you have it defined in multiple locations. Only way is to merge the info into one cfgSounds section.
  23. SavageCDN

    [HELP]Continous Error

    Ok so I would just add the tracks to that file like so: class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {track1,track2}; class track1 { name="track1"; sound[]={"Music\track1.ogg",0.3,1}; titles[]={}; }; class track2 { name="track2"; sound[]={"Music\track2.ogg",0.3,1}; titles[]={}; }; class sonicboom_sonicboom_razovavlna { name = ""; sound[] = {"SonicBoom\sounds\sonicboom_01.wss", 5, 1}; titles[] = {}; }; class sonicboom_sonicboom_razovavlna_far { name = ""; sound[] = {"SonicBoom\sounds\sonicboom_01_far.wss", 3, 1}; titles[] = {}; }; class sonicboom_sonicboom_01 { name = ""; sound[] = {"SonicBoom\sounds\sonicboom_02.wss", 9, 1}; titles[] = {}; }; class sonicboom_sonicboom_01_far { name = ""; sound[] = {"SonicBoom\sounds\sonicboom_02_far.wss", 6, 1}; titles[] = {}; }; class sonicboom_sonicboom_02 { name = ""; sound[] = {"SonicBoom\sounds\sonicboom_03.wss", 9, 1}; titles[] = {}; }; class sonicboom_sonicboom_02_far { name = ""; sound[] = {"SonicBoom\sounds\sonicboom_03_far.wss", 6, 1}; titles[] = {}; }; class sonicboom_sonicboom_03 { name = ""; sound[] = {"SonicBoom\sounds\sonicboom_04.wss", 9, 1}; titles[] = {}; }; class sonicboom_sonicboom_03_far { name = ""; sound[] = {"SonicBoom\sounds\sonicboom_04_far.wss", 6, 1}; titles[] = {}; }; };
  24. SavageCDN

    Domination windows vs linux

    So the same .pbo mission file works on other linux servers? Perhaps it is the distribution you are using like you mentioned.. maybe check the Linux dedi thread on the forums here I'm sure someone has run into this issue before.