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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. SavageCDN

    The magical "local" keyword

    I'm no expert by any means but I've never seen that used before.
  2. Adjusting the count level [1,1] should do the trick. I've done this using raptors spawning as single unit groups. Note that your DAC_Config_Units section must have a minimum of three entries in order to work.
  3. SavageCDN

    path to ARMA_3.ogv

    Did you eventually find it?
  4. You should be able to manually place helos (in the editor) and sync them to the AI Commander module.
  5. SavageCDN

    Noob question regarding Init script

    These will save your life!! https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680
  6. SavageCDN

    NEW MAP : Gunkizli

    Looks great.. loved your Koplic map will check this out.. thanks!!
  7. SavageCDN

    SVN user switching to Git

    As a total noob to this stuff I found Git easy to work with and fairly intuitive... enough so I don't look the fool when someone says "grab the latest off of Github" :P
  8. From the DAC side check the manual page 49: on group Creation section it would look something like this (must be a string): "{[_x] execVM ""myLoadoutScript.sqf""} forEach units _group" For the actual script to change loadouts you'd have to do some research or use an existing AI loadout script (if such a thing exists) I've never had this happen before myself - so it spawns 2 of every zone instead of one? With no camp in zone "ZC1" it works OK? Have you tried using the NULL camp and see if that makes any difference?
  9. SavageCDN

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    Nice job, boys :)
  10. OK thanks for the info we'll delay doing the index until it reaches 1.0
  11. Next release should be in testing this week... of course you can't quote me on that :ph34r:
  12. ^ now I'm curious to see what you are up to.. love your Gorgona island (and it works with ALiVE lol)
  13. SavageCDN

    Takes Forever For Players to Join

    Does it take forever if you restart the server and join as the 1st player? When you say long delay are we talking seconds or minutes? You could also try copying the mission PBO to your MPMissions folder on your client, connect, see if the delay still happens (so you don't need to d/l the mission from the server)
  14. Can you provide more info? You have the AI Commander modules placed and Military Logistics module synced to the commander module? Make sure the commander module is set to Invasion rather than Occupation. Hi Numrollen can you post your server's RPT file again for us to look at? Yep added to the request list.
  15. Not sure of the status of that update... however you can run code on groups after they are created so in theory you could create your own loadout script and have it run on each group. Check the DAC manual under DAC_Config_Events
  16. SavageCDN

    A plea from someone with lazy, stubborn friends

    I see it as a "minimum barrier to entry". If they can't be arsed enough to figure out how to copy/paste some folders in the proper structure or use PWS (yes it's buggy.. but it works) then the likelihood of them contributing anything to this community is little to none. Arma is not a "double-click and play" type of game anyway.. there are plenty of those on the market already. edit: ninja x3kj stole my thunder :P
  17. Where did you download XCam from? If it's PWS try another source (armaholic, direct from silola's website) as there may be issues with the PWS version and inidb.. I know this was the case when XCam was initially released
  18. SavageCDN

    path to ARMA_3.ogv

    Might be in one of the mission .pbos Check this feedback issue KK links a bunch of .ogv intro vids there \A3\Missions_F_EPA http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=21907
  19. Added to the request list. There is quite a backlog so no guarantees on completion date.
  20. SavageCDN

    Power cut script

    Not possible as far as I am aware.. in A2 there was the AEG script which would simulate power on certain compatible maps like Chernarus. I don't know of anything similar in A3. I suppose you could manually kill all the lights, etc on the map but that would probably be difficult and resource-intensive.
  21. and bags of Coke!! Sweet, sweet coke....
  22. These RPT errors are troubling: "param" <> #1: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value false is used instead. "param" <ALiVE_fnc_dataInit> #0: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value [] is used instead. "param" <ALiVE_fnc_logisticsInit> #2: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value any is used instead. "param" <ALiVE_fnc_aiSkillInit> #4: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value [] is used instead. "param" <ALiVE_fnc_profileSystemInit> #1: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value any is used instead. "param" <ALiVE_fnc_MPInit> #0: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value [] is used instead. "param" <ALiVE_fnc_CPInit> #2: Input value is 'nil' or undefined. Default value any is used instead. It looks like the mod is not loading correctly for some reason... these errors mean major problems. Try deleting it from your server and re-downloading from the ALiVE website or Armaholic (ie: don't use PWS). edit: perhaps the mission needs to be updated? see this post: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/168338-a3coop-32-alive-takistan-natofor/page-16#entry2904488 You could try opening the mission in the editor, note each module settings, delete all ALiVE modules and replace.
  23. SavageCDN

    [ALiVE, ACE, COOP, SP] Spanish Sunrise

    Looks great thanks for releasing!!
  24. If you are new to SQF I would highly recommend a text editor like Notepad++ with the Arma 3 syntax addin.. .makes it much easier to read all the [] stuff ;) https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/138891-arma-3-notepad-syntax-highlighting/
  25. Please post your RPT file for us to look at (and your server's RPT file if it's a dedicated server - post to pastebin and link back here). Also your server startup line (or if trying in single player a list of mods you are using), and any error messages you get with the crash.