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Everything posted by SavageCDN

  1. SavageCDN

    [FOCK]ers Cache Hunt

    Will check it out we have the previous COOP version in our rotation
  2. +1 for this.. we've been using the 1.4 version (last MSO variant) and for the reasons you stated we kept it.. and to be honest find that with 25-30 players max the server has no problems keeping up.. sure it dips to around 10 FPS in heavy urban areas but at no time is the mission un-playable.
  3. fapfapfapfapfapfap ... and thanks for Reshmaan
  4. SavageCDN

    [MP][TVT/COOP] Total Conquest for Arma III

    Thanks for keeping on with this tvig.. despite the wife's complaints :p One question - does 006 require Dev version as well or latest 0.54 stable? With regards to your previous comments all I can say is don't make missions to satisfy others... make them cause you love doing it and it brings you some strange sense of satisfaction. I'm not very good at it.. but I make a lot of missions for our group (most never even get playtested) and I've realized that it is the act of creating something that is most rewarding... even if no one but me actually plays it. People will always 'criticize' your work but you must take that as a compliment that they are even taking the time out to post in the thread their thoughts on your creation. I promise to add your mission in our server rotation in the next day or two (once it passes Quality Control :p). The DWS / fake Insurgency / Domi stuff is getting old already...
  5. SavageCDN

    How to spawn ai in buildings

    This works great for single units (Gunter's recommendation is great for groups) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6078
  6. Pretty sure this was a known issue with AI in A2 as well... they just don't like steep slopes very much.
  7. SavageCDN


    There seems to be an issue where players are invincible after a time.. haven't nailed down exactly what is causing it. Resetting mission fixes it (and apparently respawning as well although this is not confirmed) Vehicles at base also tend to spawn too close together and explode.
  8. SavageCDN

    AI Improvement

    Hmmm... will have to test this again as my first trials with .profile settings on dedicated were not successful.... is this something that has changed since the patch released last week?
  9. SavageCDN


    THANK YOU!! Testing now on private server join teamspeak for password and info (see my sig)
  10. SavageCDN

    ArmA3 Classnames - no discussions

    Nice find... sounds kinky :p
  11. Thanks great feature
  12. NP.. did that end up working? I seem to recall having to fiddle a bit.... Also you may already know this but if you do 'live' sessions where you are spawning/changing stuff in on the fly (Dungeon-Master style :cool:) you should check out @MCC sandbox mod
  13. Found something...it's old but might be worth checking out: http://www.tacticalgamer.com/armed-assault-tactics-missions-mod-discussions/113984-attempt-wave-respawn.html
  14. Probably when it's done... no sooner though :o
  15. SavageCDN

    Arma 3 - Insurgency on Stratis

    ^ you probably already know this by now but it was not the mission - today's hotfix should solve that issue Running a slightly modified version of 0.95 on one of our servers today and it seems to be constantly full (Filter for veterans-gaming) Great mission thank you!!
  16. Is your server 2008 R2 or just 2008? Make sure you have DirectX 11 installed on your server (packaged with the game) or search and install for dx11 web installer. Oh and don't download and install .dll files from random websites.
  17. ^ you guys know of a good Canadian host I'd be interested... Currently using Hetzner in Germany and they run excellent machines.
  18. SavageCDN

    Arma 3 Lobby timeout setting

    ^ Was that really needed? The OP is absolutely correct and is obviously a server admin. Having a 9000 second timeout for everyone to hit OK is not good.
  19. You would have to remove all throw-able items from loadouts, crates, AI, etc., not just grenades. The grenadestop.sqf script floating around did nothing either..it seemed to be the action of throwing itself that was causing problems.
  20. Quoted for truth. Although I do like the idea of a module in the editor that is customizable...
  21. wow Tomsz calm down. - it's an alpha read the EULA - your statements concern online MP only... usually not something that is tested in alpha - you can slag battleye but it does a good job - if your answer is punkbuster then I'm afraid you don't understand the question
  22. Hotfix released for stable build... THANKS BIS!!!
  23. 1 - properly configured sig checks DO work - no they will not stop 100% of the hacking.... but it does GREATLY REDUCE the number of incidents 2 - Read the EULA you agreed to when you bought the alpha