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About Nahkuri

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    Private First Class
  1. I guess that on my second run some Russian in the small town survived and my squad leader didn't bother to look for him.
  2. I'm not. Only things I've got installed are ArmA II, Operation Arrowhead and CWR2. My fps is a pretty solid 50-60 as well, I think. Certainly not slow or sluggish. I guess I was unlucky. That was the second time I played the mission. First time I and the rest of the US guys were repeatedly ordered to dismount the M113 and mount it again for... reasons? I don't know. There were some Russian crewmen running around somewhere very far away, so I guess the AI couldn't decide whether to have everyone attack them or move on. Third time's the charm, though. Managed to finish the mission this time.
  3. Is not being able to change the view distance an intended feature? I'm stuck at 900. EDIT: Also, the mission Defender seems broken. In OFP, OFP elite and the first CWR the mission went like this: place mines, blow tanks, get in M113, win mission. In CWR2 the mission goes like this: place mines, blow tanks, get in M113, get tasked to clear a small town to the north, sit in M113 as it goes around in circles as if the driver was under the influence of approximately 2 bottles of whisky, disembark, clear the town, stand around waiting for the apocalypse while the M113 driver keeps turning the engine of the tank on/off again and again for no reason. No idea how to win the mission.
  4. Me neither, but seems they were, or something went wrong somewhere when the name was changed and the game updated. In CWA's first mission Bravo squad's helicopter pilot was assigned to land(=crash) into the forest and the briefing cutscene doesn't appear at all. In Montignac Must Fall your squad leader randomly decides that the other two squads must have died and commands everyone to throw their skirts over their heads and run to the hills, screaming. Even though the other squads are quite alive and attacking the town. EDIT: Alright, here's a video by some gentleman who's experiencing the same thing as I did in the first proper mission. Alpha squad stays put next to the forest and do nothing, so the player has to go into the town alone. The enemy's killed off pretty much completely in just a few minutes, but it takes what seems like half an eternity for the Alpha squad's leader to remember where his nuts went and actually proceed into the town, which I guess is needed for the mission to complete. EDIT#2: The second mission's oddity for me was that there was an enemy squad hiding in the forest next to the village, which my squad leader decided to engage, not wanting to stop fighting them even when the T-80's attack. Don't think that occurred in previous playthroughs in different versions of the game. Maybe that enemy squad's supposed to attack with the T80s but got there before they shouldve? Well, I managed to finish the mission again without being scolded by just legging it and reaching the starting point before too many of my buddies got killed. Every mission I've played after that have worked just as they should :) For some reason the Hind didn't attack the Blackhawk in Montignac Must Fall, but that's not anything that would break the flow of the game. Just didn't get the mission where you're the sole survivor and have to sneak to safety.
  5. Ah, so it's not the campaign file of CWA "converted" to CWR2, as I thought(or guessed, I have no idea how any of that works) ? I'm guessing it's the ArmA 2 AI acting up, then. I don't think I'm experiencing any technical problems with the game itself, it's just the AI and mission scripts that are being a bit goofy.
  6. Are you familiar with how combined operations works with Steam? When I run vanilla OA I understand it starts the game up as Combined Operations, as it starts the game with all installed ArmA II games active. As far as I know, the game is running as it should. Though admittedly I'm anything but an expert on how ArmA II works its files, steam or no steam. The wonkiness I'm experiencing in the mission scripts is quite like it was on CWA the last time I tried it, which was the reason why I found out this fantastic mod in the first place. EDIT: To clarify, I don't think I'm experiencing anything that shouldn't be going on. I'm not getting any errors or the like. If I have borked up my game with the addon copying thing, would that affect mission scripts? Also, when I enter the mission editor in CWR2, am I supposed to have access to vehicles and such from ArmA II and OA?
  7. I bought the "ArmA X" collection from Steam, which results in ArmA II and OA being installed on separate folders automatically. If I'm running anything incorrectly, the fault certainly isn't at my end. Anyhoo, I got the game working now, and it's fantastic, but concerning the campaign... Did I understand correctly that you're using the latest ArmA:CWA campaign as a basis for this mod's SP campaigns? Because if you do... Oh dear. The CWA campaign seems kinda wonky and broken, compared to earlier OFP versions of the same campaign at least. In the first mission on Everon the squad leader doesn't really do anything other than lay on his belly in the forest near the landing zone. I had to go rambo in the town and once it'd been cleared, I needed to speed up the game 4x so that the mission ended in 10 seconds rather than 10 minutes. Second mission worked slightly better until we got into town, before the Russian counterattack. Took some screenshots of what went on after that. here is my squad demonstrating heightened tactical awareness Pretty soon after that the enemy tanks started rolling in, along with some Russian infantry. The scripted radio message that orders us to retreat is played, but my squad leader doesn't seem to pay much attention to it. Instead of telling us to run back to the starting position like in old OFP and the original CWR for ArmA 1, he chooses to stand and fight, assigning targets to our brave soldiers, who proceed to switch to some sort of Conan the Barbarian tactics and run straight at the enemies they were told to deal with. You can see a couple of those brave/insane soldiers making their move in the screenshot below. http://i.imgur.com/GH1alUG.jpg]http://i.imgur.com/GH1alUG.jpg]http://i.imgur.com/GH1alUG.jpg (237 kB) Pretty soon the whole squad is scattered all around the town and to the surprise of absolutely no one, everyone starts dying. No order is issued at any point to retreat to the starting point. I manage to complete the mission only because I knew where I had to go from playing the mission about 666 times on different versions of the game(original OFP, Xbox version, ArmA1 CWR.) I was the sole survivor. Thanks, boss. http://i.imgur.com/meRnrNn.jpg]http://i.imgur.com/meRnrNn.jpg]http://i.imgur.com/meRnrNn.jpg (105 kB)
  8. Having trouble getting this thing working. Installed ArmA 2 and OA on my new computer solely to play this game. Downloaded them via Steam, put @CWR2 in Operation Arrowhead's folder, made a shortcut with the -nosplash -mod=@CWR2 target line and tried running it. Game starts loading, but pretty soon I get an error saying "Addon 'cwr2_Sounds' requires addon 'CA_Dubbing_Counterattack" and after that another error which says "bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/cwr2_Bizon/Burst/: Cannot find base class 'Burst'" Any idea what might be causing it? Cheers in advance. Also, I downloaded the CWR² Cold War Crisis v1.09 campaign. Where do I put the "campaign" folder that's located within the .RAR? EDIT: Nevermind, got it working. A lot of DayZ people were having the same problem. I fixed it by copying the addon folder of ArmA II to OA's folder. Got another question, though. Is the campaign file in the OP the same as ArmA: Cold War Assaults?
  9. That's a weird argument against what he is saying, if it is one. It could get somewhat clunky, but I think the player-position dependant(for example, next to a car) and default use key does a pretty good job nowdays. Though ArmA 2 sometimes drives me mad because it can't decided wether" drag" or "first-aid" is the default action I want to do when standing next to a wounded soldier.
  10. Hmm. I have a problem. I installed the mod folders in the ArmA II folder as instructed in the readme, and installed all the patches. As I've got the ArmA X compilation I got from steam, I started the game by adding "-nosplash -mod=@CWR2" Operation Arrowhead's launch parameters. When I start the game there's no sign of CWR2. Curiously enough, I don't think it's the combined operations either, as only OA campaigns are playable. Tried the ArmA II shortcut approach as well, but I get an error of a wrong version. Any idea what's wrong? Should I have extracted the mod folders to OA's main folder instead?
  11. Nahkuri

    CWR² Demo

    I thought I described clearly enough what I had done, but I suppose that wasn't the case. Anyhoo, I had indeed installed the mod into the wrong place. Your readme file just said "To install the mod, extract the folder(s) in the archive into your ARMA 2 folder." which had me extract the stuff in ArmA 2 folder instead of Operation Arrowhead folder. In any case, the mod works fabulously now that I extracted the files into the operation arrowhead folder. I'm quite loving it, excellent work!
  12. Nahkuri

    CWR² Demo

    I had a feeling it was supposed to go into Operation Arrowhead folder and not the ArmA 2 folder like the readme instructed. Much obliged, good sir!
  13. Nahkuri

    CWR² Demo

    Hello, everyone. OFP/ArmA CWC is my favourite game of the series, and I'm absolutely thrilled about playing the game in ArmA 2's engine. However, I've a problem getting the demo to work. I bought ArmA X via steam and so far have installed only the main game and OA. Do I need to have the rest of the ArmA2 stuff installed for CWR2 to work? I followed the instructions and installed the demo, the patch and the hotfix into ArmA 2 folder and added the parameter to OA's launch options in steam. When I start the game, the only thing I get is CWR2 being listed in the addons list. Otherwise the game is just regular combined operations. Should I have installed everything into OA's folder? I also tried creating a shortcut of ArmA 2's exe and adding the parameter to it, but the game complains about a wrong version. Thank you in advance.
  14. Nahkuri

    CWA 1.99 Bug reports

    Yup. That would be why. EDIT: I just replayed the montignac mission. Instead of following my squad leader after he has decided that Alpha and Bravo are down, I stayed and observed a bit. Alpha and Bravo squads are quite alive when he orders the retreat, and at least Bravo hasn't even reached the town yet.
  15. Nahkuri

    CWA 1.99 Bug reports

    Now it's been a good while since I played OFP, but as far as I recall, things were working out a bit more smooth in that version. Or whatever the previous version was that I played years ago. I don't remember any of this slight wonkiness. Yes, I know. If I hadn't known and didn't guess correctly where I was supposed to run and stuck with my squad instead, I would've probably been stuck in that forest for a good while while my squad leader tried to figure out how he's going to attack numerous T80s with his AT guy dead and no armour support. It's nice that the mission has a script that will, if all goes to hell , have your squad running to the hills, screaming with their skirts over their heads. What is not nice is that this thing now activates before the player has any chance to affect the outcome of the battle, because the AI squads have apparently turned into impatient plonkers and attack a bit before they're supposed to. Or at least it would seem that way since it's never happened to me before, and happened a number of times repeatedly now. Well, at least none of the missions this far have turned out to be unwinnable. Had to go Rambo for a bit in the first mission before my squad leader decided to do something else than lie on his face, though.