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About tk1138

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  1. tk1138

    Need to download BAF

    yes because historical precedent is simply paranoia... as Mayer Amsched Rothchild said "Permit me to issue and control the money of the nation and I care not who makes its laws. why dont you go read some history and abandon your dogmatic view that govt is there to protect you and keep you safe, and has nothing but your best interest at heart.... ---------- Post added at 03:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:43 PM ---------- hmm soldiers, thats another thing, they admittedly use trauma based mind control on them, what do you think they mean when they say 'break you down and build you back up again' ....thats not just some cutesy phrase...it actually means something.... yet in light of the real facts you idiots will probably just go on to say that this isnt true at all... since world war 1 they realized that they had a hard time getting most men to actually fight and kill anther men (some would just fire above the heads of the enemy, others would steal the enemy wire cable, and cut bits and pieces off as evidence that they went on missions) so after ww1 they figured out ways to increase the willingness to kill, part of this involved trauma based mind control, and training...and now 100years later with video games and so on, they have totally eliminated this 'problem' they had during ww1...but yea no one is manipulating human behavior, thats just in movies right??? you are all just a bunch of retarded americans...grow up learn real history...
  2. tk1138

    Need to download BAF

    again when companies sell your data (in this case your email address) they are selling it to OTHER companies...so IF sprocket DID sell your email address, you would probably not be getting spam from sprocket themselves..... seriously the people here are like borderline retarded... ---------- Post added at 12:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:53 PM ---------- actually FIAT paper money is stored in ATMS....that is the whole point...you think that people go to atms to get digital currency??? lol yea pysical form is real easy to get stolen from...if you are a retard... ok with digital you are completely at the mercy of the electronic world...you lose power( as the northeast had just lost power for a week), whops where is your money now...you dont have the proper money id or a chip on your card, guess you wont be making purchases...some one determines you are a criminal and decides to simply cut you off (as they did to gadaffi with his money stored in digital form) or the bank where your digital currency is kept decides to put terms and fees and fines on you for withdrawing YOUR OWN money (all while the bank makes double digit interest YOUR money it loans to people) you do realize digital currency is just one more measure of control for society...just like in some states using cash on second hand purchases is illegal... give me my money in physical form (silver and gold) because im smart enough to know at the end of the day I am the only one who can be trusted to keep it safe, and hidden... obviously not every one is out to steal from me but i know who is out to steal from me and that is corporations and well the govt namely the IRS....so yea keep thinking that no one wants to steal from you, while you give up 30% of your wealth to some govt corporation who will use violence against you if you do not pay up, exactly like the maffia.... and now banks are trying to steal from us by making all sorts of fees and fines for doing things like trying to withdraw our own money...which the banks loan out (our money) and they make 20%+- interest while they give us maybe 1%....yea but no one wants to s teal from us, that is besides the govt (look at how Chicago is raising fees and fines for arbitrary minor offenses) and banks and other corporations, with their fees
  3. tk1138

    Need to download BAF

    yet one more reason why digital download is bullshit... i dont want my games digital (i want to hold the dvds in my hand) nor do i want anything else important in digital only form, especially my money... ---------- Post added at 02:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:51 PM ---------- maybe to avoid getting their DATA sold to other corporations, maybe to avoid constant spam about 'special' offers trying to sell you things you DONT need...i know i use a special dummy account for registering for ALL THINGS...its certainly not disposable since ive had it for a decade now.
  4. sound libraries, is a possibiliity, as well as if they recorded the same source.... i mean if you and i both separately were to record the same m4, in roughly similar environment, im sure it would sound very similar...at least this is what i think....correct me if im wrong... and yes the video is taken down...
  5. tk1138

    New to this...O my good god! :)

    something about shadows, when they are set to medium or lower, it is run off the cpu, now if you are like many people here chances are your cpu is the bottleneck, meaning, if your video card is not bottlenecking your system you might be better off with higher shadow settings...(high or greater if i understand correctly)
  6. tk1138

    New to this...O my good god! :)

    this is similar to my experience, after a few days i got a handful of mods (including ace)
  7. now my system runs the game decently at around 20-30 fps...the only thing that really drains the cpu is the AI (maybe 4 squads of 10 enemy plus my own squad, is really the limit)...the problem is when my fps is around 20...the Fire rate of the guns are severely limited...especially the faster firing guns...its really noticeable...and the recoil also seems more severe as well since i think that the game is literally going in slow motion, which makes the recoil of the guns slower, thus making it more pronounced...is there any way around this...the game is smooth and runs fine even at 2o fps its just that this shit is in slow motion which is bull shit, and retarded....
  8. tk1138

    Anymore DLCs?

    yea if they have any half finished work (as someone mentioned they had czech stuff) they might as well release it to get some more funding... i would probably get it...
  9. tk1138

    Why is this game not more popular?

    in all seriousness its the typical work day for the govt employee...govt employees are idiots the lot of them....over paid and underworked.....
  10. tk1138

    Difficulty Settings/ai skill

    thank you....now the only one that i am confused about, is this third option that is in the mission editor, labeled as "skill'. how does this work in relation to these other two settings...does it simply override the setting in my conf file, or does it adjust other aspects (unrelated to the other options) of the AI behavior.
  11. Now i know their are two difficulty, settings one for precision and one for skill, these as from what i understand can be changed in the text file, or in the game options, at the bottom with sliders. now my question is, what is the AI skill setting in relation to this other difficulty setting...does one override the other.. right now i have AI skill set to 1, while i have Precision set to 0.45....now suppose that you set the enemy AI skill slider to the max....what happens to these numbers.... not sure if this question belongs in the editor section or not since im more concerned about understanding AI ability and its relationship to other seemingly related settings...
  12. tk1138

    Why is this game not more popular?

    what is this the typical work day for the average american....
  13. tk1138

    my target ran out of room

    ok well i installed my mods by my self with out the assistance of six update....when i do open six update it dosent seem to recognize the mods that i have...what should i do....id rather just use the shortcut target area, is there any fix....or as usually is microsoft a piece of crap software..
  14. so you know the target area where you put your -nosplash and the -mod=@ace.....well i have so many mods that i guess it just ran out of room and i have mods that are not enabled but i want to enable them....please help me i am so confused.. just more retarded oversight from retard bill gates and his retard computer software....
  15. so hold on special forces people are usually older individuals?? how old are the oldest ones??