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About Justin_Smith

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    Private First Class
  1. Hello, I was wanting to know about the upcoming update and how it's going to impact the players and the servers. I'm referring to the patch that is regarding about Network Bandwidth issues and such. If the problem is successfully patch will it help players get a smoother and better frames in multiplayer or will it only improve server bandwidth performances? In some ways it kind of sucks having to upgrade your computer just to be able to play ArmA 3 over 30 FPS. Currently my computer is handling Invade & Annex mission at about 20 - 30 FPS that's when the server isn't full and that's about 10 - 12 players. I know the server does really crappy when there is over 20 - 30+ players and depending on the mission it affects everybody who has a lower-end processor system. I have a GTX 760 and most of the time in multiplayer my GPU Usage goes around 10 - 30% while my CPU is using about 30 - 40% usage for arma3.exe and the frames suddenly go down to 10 - 12 FPS when the server starts to populate and I'm figuring the issue is network related and I was wondering with this upcoming update that will fix the bandwidth issue would even solve that kind of problem? Would be an absolute Godsend if that patch actually gives me 30 - 40 FPS in heavily populated game servers.
  2. Justin_Smith

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    I have this unique idea and I don't think anybody has done such a thing yet and have been suggested. I know right now the game could really use some more vehicles the selection now is a bit scarce and kind of bad for servers that run altis life and only have a few from the selection. Would be great to see more vehicles added into the game and bring in some unique vehicles in that we haven't seen in arma 2 before like Semi Trailers such as Iveco's, Volvo's, Majestic, Scania, and so on and make variants of it and doesn't have to be the real model but something futuristic looking and there has to be trailers where people can hook it up to their Semi and can haul it around and also the trailers should be able to hold cargo and an substantial amount of cargo that is and should hurt the Semi's performance when there is more stuff in the trailer the more weight it'll carry. As for the more vehicles.. there should be even more civilian and military vehicles added and different variations such as Military Dune Buggies, Military JLTV's, Light Armored, and as for Civilians should be more Sports cars, more pick-up trucks, more SUVs, luxury cars, family cars, and all sorts of new vehicles. Would be great to see all that added into the game to bring a richer feel to Altis Life game-mode and to the game in general as well. Maybe bring in some new ideas for game-modes.
  3. Justin_Smith

    AMD CPUs aren't doing well in ArmA 3

    I'm trying all options at the moment, see what does what as I do notice -noCB doesn't really do much with performance increase as I later found out. I do notice that it did slow down the rendering as it said it does. I really do hope that Bohemia comes out with a patch of some sort to give some more FPS. I really do enjoy playing ArmA and all but I just can't play it with the low FPS in multiplayer but I do fine in Single player so I don't mind playing campaign for the time being. Hopefully with my experimentation that I do on multiplayer with a group of friends and see if I can find the source. As for CPU usage my CPU does spike up to 60% at times. But I do notice one thing about GPU usage, it never uses the full GPU Usage in multiplayer and I wonder if that is normal. GPU Usage in mulitplayer is at 30% and in Single player it'll reach up to 80% so I don't know what's causing it use less GPU usage in multiplayer.
  4. Justin_Smith

    AMD CPUs aren't doing well in ArmA 3

    Yea, I don't quite get what's going on mainly, I've been in search of a way to optimize our MP experience. I do notice as well that my GPU in MP is at 30 - 50% and don't know why that is. I'm going to see if I can gather up a-lot of my friends at my community and do some series of tests and see what the results are and post them on here what I've tested and also report what I find to Bohemia, I don't know for sure if it's something to do with the missions or if it's something to do with Bohemia's well known engine. By far what I have done so far as for optimization is I added -noCB to the startup parameter it seems like I got a bit of a performance gain from it you guys might want to try it out to see. Also make sure everything in your nVidia or ATI control panel is set to where they need to be for the game and no power saving mode or anything such as that will kill your performance.
  5. Justin_Smith

    AMD CPUs aren't doing well in ArmA 3

    I'm going to run some tests and see if I can find the problem and if I do I'll report what I find to Bohemia. Been doing a baseline test and my FPS in a plain free-roam based mission I get about 40 - 50 on Altis. Been spawning a bunch of AI Groups on the map that isn't near me I get 40 - 50 but when I am close to the spawned in AI Groups it drops quite a bit to around 20 - 25. I'm starting to think it has something to do with the character models. There might be some bugs with the multi-player code which I've been trying to see if I can track down what's causing the lag. Hopefully soon I'll do a test with a bunch of players in a private server on just an ordinary plain free-roam mission to see where my FPS is and then do another test with a bunch of AI with the same amount of players see what my FPS is at so at-least this way I can sort of tell where the problem is coming from. Hopefully I'll get results and anything that I find I'll report them, and hopefully Bohemia studios can find a way to fix it or at-least squeeze a bit more FPS out for us.
  6. Hello, I was wanting to know why ArmA 3 only lags in multi-player with only AMD CPUs? I got a AMD Athlon II X4 640 3.0Ghz processor which is quite near the recommended AMD Processor that has been listed on the system requirements. Single-player runs about 40 - 60 FPS for me but just in multi-player games even when I'm in my own created session I get terrible frames like 15 - 17 FPS to be exact. It really would be great if there was a patch to at-least give AMD CPU users more frames in Multi-player or at-least a detailed guide from Bohemia why AMD CPUs seem to lag the most in Multiplayer games. That is all that I'm really wishing for to be fixed for ArmA 3, everything else is good. I really would hate to save money that I have trouble getting by to just to upgrade to an Intel set-up, please think about the people such as myself Bohemia and help us out and not let us spend money when we can't simply afford to. Also to the Intel Fans, no need for the future hostility. I'm simply begging for Bohemia's help in improving my overall gaming experience in ArmA 3. I also want to add to this post is that I'm a full time admin on a ArmA 3 server and hopping on the server to keep watch is really tough dealing with 15 - 17 FPS to play with, I would like to see you try to admin a server with 15 - 17 FPS. All I'm really asking for is at-least like another 10 - 15+ FPS from somewhere. Thank you for taking your time reading my post, hopefully it reaches to you Bohemia Interactive. Also my System Specs if you're curious: CPU: AMD Athlon II X4 640 3.0Ghz O/Ced to 3.6Ghz VIDEO: MSI Gaming 2GB GTX 760 RAM: 8GB DDR3 1066 O/Ced to 1333 HDD: Western Digital Blue 250GB O/S: Windows 7 64-Bit 3dMark Score: http://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/7941901 What I've Tested by Far: Made a simple mission in editor where I just place stuff on the map - I put about 10 squads on the map, no FPS drops far from player. - Put a generous amount of vehicles near player, no FPS drops. - Put 10 squads by player, FPS drops by a-lot(So somewhere in that is causing lag, I did try setting texture quality to the lowest no increase in FPS).
  7. Justin_Smith

    Unit Caching support ? help plse

    I've tried it out and make sure you have an exception made for it in your group/dead body cleaner script or otherwise it will cause problems with enemies not spawning back in.
  8. Hey Jacob88, I'm going to send you a message in Private Message. Found a few things for suggestions and bugs.
  9. Hey Guys & Ladies, I recently came across EW Anti-hack which was leaked out on a site that mainly deal with the hacking part of the game. But I made use of it and I'm currently trying to fiddle with it and getting it to detect any sort of hack script injection into any of the server control panel functions and stuff like the vote kick, vote admin, login, vote missions and all those buttons that are in there. I also would like to be able to detect Gear access script injection as well. Anyway straight to the problem, I don't know much about scripting and I've been trying to figure out how this part of the code works. getText (configFile >> "RscDisplayDSinterface" >> I've tried using this but it doesn't work as it should. Probably some idiot thing that I've done but I'm still learning. Can't learn anything without trying different things. getText (configFile >> "RscDisplayDSinterface" >> "CA_B_Vote_kick" >> "onButtonClick") But if you guys need the entire script that I've got I will post it on here, I shouldn't get any trouble from the EW guys since their script is already been leaked. If any of you EW guys come across this thread, you guys are onto something great here and hopefully you guys will come to terms to releasing a newly improved version of your anti-hack to the public but I don't know it's your script that that is your decision only.
  10. Hello, Help me out here please I've been trying to find some good enough detailed instructions on how to config the createvehicle, remoteexec, publicvariableval files well the first question is do they all work the same way as like adding in stuff you want to be banned? Like for instance if I lay my file out like this below is that the correct way? Or should it be something like this This is from my publicvariableval.txt file 1 "" !"WeaponHolder" !"TinCan" 5 "SeaGull" 4 "Rabbit" !"Goat" !"WildBoar" !"Sheep" Or This the right way? 1 "" !"\"WeaponHolder\"" !"\"TinCan\"" 5 "SeaGull" 4 "\"Rabbit\"" !"\"Goat\"" !"\"WildBoar\"" !"\"Sheep\""
  11. Please do something about these hackers they are still getting through and not enough documentation on how to edit the scripts.txt file or add your own stuff in. Hackers are still bypassing the battleye. Well I just saw your update $able for working with the developers and I am really hoping that you guys come up with something effective maybe a bit of a built in game detection system or built into the exe sort of how valve and some of the most effective anti-cheat systems out there. If you can manage to pull something effective and at-least kill most of the script kiddies and anything that can execute a code in a game from an outside source that'll be great. But lets see what you come up with. Maybe figure out a way with the developers to peramanently ban them like install something in the PC and if the player gets banned a few times it'll ban the computer so they can t just keep buying new copies of the game and doing their hacks all over again in a different method. Thats the only weak spot that I saw and if you can manage to do that, that'll be cool also.
  12. I want a vehicle damaging system, Like I want to be able to crush a car with a tank like I want to see the car get nearly flattened by the tank. With this I want to be able to damage the car like if I run into a building at 25 mph it will damage the front end like cripple the hood, bumper, bust out the lights and all that. I also really want the handling of the vehicles to feel more right and actually slide and hear the tires lose traction and I want to hear all the car environment like rocks hitting the car, When you travel behind a player and your in a dust cloud I want to see the car get dusty and dustier. Maybe add in a feature that is optional for people to add in workable car washes in case if they want to make a city life Role play. I really want this game to be able to go Role Play and also keep it to the military simulator as it is but have the role play capabilities and the extra extra realism.
  13. I Really want to see this game almost full blown Role play capabilities but you guys can keep the game as a military simulator but have the option for people that create gamemodes to be able to create something totally opposite with tons of other stuff they can use to create like a real life simulator, demo derby, aircraft simulator and all that. -Definitely Add in Day Z( If not you will miss out on the opportunity for extra profit gain ). -Role Play Capabilities for game-mode creators if they want to take it to a different level instead of full blown shooting or anything military related maybe a simulation life. -Abilities to fix vehicle from tires mounted on the vehicles, refuel vehicle with the fuel canisters on the vehicle.. anything that is car part related that is mounted on vehicle should be able to use for repairing vehicle on the road. -Optional option for gamemode creator to enable buying/selling system for the houses, buildings, and add in door locks and all that can't be a Life simulator without the components of real life also be able to buy food/drinks and supplies needed from stores and ability to trade with other players. -if you go role play make sure you add in every possible thing that players or creators will need such as emergency services are fully operational should be something in game that could be added like if you on the side of the road and your car catches fire and you call emergency services the fire department and ambulance will be on scene within 5 or 10 minutes away also depending how far Fire Stations and Hospitals are. -Definitely fix any sort of lag that will get involved in online play make it easier for mission creators to be able to make their mission lag free when they run almost everything on it such as pedestrians, animals, sell/buy, emergency services, and all those items. -Also make your vehicles feel more realistic in handling as I can see in your video it seems realistic but I want to be able to see the suspension moving up and down, brake rotors glowing red after stopping from high speeds, vehicle sliding after losing control if they are going to fast around corners I want the vehicles to have characteristics as well and not all share the same common feel you know like I want it feel like I was driving in Forza 4 on Xbox 360 or playing Motorm4x on PC for offroad I want to feel and hear everything. Like I want to be able to hear the gravel getting chewed up by the tires as the car rides over them, I want to hear rocks knicking the under belly of the car, also see rocks flying from another vehicle in front of my car hitting my windshield and hood and etc. I want it feel like I was actually driving in real life. -Make sure when you fly into air make sure that is realistic as possible when you turn in the plane to fast you'll be on the verge of passing out, or when bullet goes through the windshield of another plane actually kills the player depending on bullet size. -I want the boats to be sinkable like if somebody shoots the boat from underneath it'll make a hole in the boat and the boat will sink slowly into the water depending on how big the hole is I want the vehicles to have its destruction system. -I want to see buildings fall down realistically depends what sort of damage it took. Like if a tank drives through the building the walls will collapsed sort of similar to what you would see in real life and battlefield 3 and if the tank does enough damage inside to take the building supports out the building will fall and also will fall differently and not fall the same way always like sort of a building rag doll. - Thats all I can think of for now as my wish and stuff I REALLY would love to see in ArmA 3.
  14. A new anti-cheat protection. To be honest battleye sucks when it comes to preventing hackers. Bi studios should invest in making their own anti cheat system as they are the developers of the game and know the game better and therefor can create something more effective. If you have a anti cheat that is built into the game itself it'll be a stronger anti-cheat. Also bi studios should spend the extra time in making a program that Users can use to create missions and the list of functions and variables on the side that the user can look through and as well when the player type that function or variable down it should say after the bracket how it works or how it supposed to be. Plus the battleye creator or owner is to over-powered and to over-confident with his anti-cheat. Also I want to wish for a really good 3d editor although 2d is great but it slows down the creator or a mission down more having to guess where the objects is going to be and how big it is or atleast make sure the 2d editor has accurate sizes of that object or thing so we can line up the fences more accurately without having to guess it. The game should have complete RPG capabilities. I also would love to see the chance of being able to create your own weapon configuration like you can pick any weapon out there that ArmA 3 is going to have and you buy upgrades or attachments for the gun itself and make it better as you progress through Story or Career mode you unlock more attachments and upgrades. In a way I want this to feel like Socom 3 how they had the abilities for the player to unlock new suits that they can use online and being able to customize their weapons with attachments that should surely bring in some more fun into the game and actually have the player work for their equipment and make it IMPOSSIBLE for anybody to unlock it through hacks or by a cheat code! I would love to see all the houses and buildings that you have on ArmA 3 to be enterable and none of them are actually just models that you just see from the outside but I would want to see every building and house to be able to enter or walk through completely without any of the doors being locked or in accessible. I would like for the vehicles to be more realistic like the handling and the driving and feel of the vehicle, like I don't want the vehicle to be going like 10 mph on grass it should be able to move faster than that and when the driver goes onto grass it doesn't quickly slow the car down but slowly slow the car down it also depends on the height of the vehicle and how tall the grass or bushes are in the grass terrain. I mean all this above is a bit to ask for but its something I would want to see.
  15. Justin_Smith

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    Hey Lurchi, I don't know if you still have your v0.06 script copy of the AC-130 but I've been looking around for one. You wouldn't have any clues why the AC-130 Camera would stop working after some time with 0.06? The links are down for most of your older copies of the Ac-130 mod of yours. If you can please update those links it would make me a happy guy. I got hold of the GITS Evo v32 copy of it and I think it has bugs with it or the clan changed it around to their liking. I would grab your newest one but I'm afriad there might be some issues with it but I don't know. I need one that'll work good with ArmA 2 and I know a few things about coding if you let me know what I need to change to make your v0.08 work for ArmA 2 that be cool to :D.