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Posts posted by Cripsis

  1. Could someone please help me out with customizing infantry unit loadouts. When starting my mission I want my M107 sniper's ammo to be M107 tracer rounds, and I need to arm some OPFOR RPG gunners with OG-7 rounds.

    I wrote -

    this addMagazine "10Rnd. M107 Tracer";

    in the m107 snipers Init Field but it didn't work. I think I have a vague idea of how the script should be, something like this -

    this addWeapon "CLASSNAME"; this addMagazine "CLASSNAME";

    but I don't know the proper CLASSNAMES. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. The clunkyness of Arma's movement is the reason nobody bothers to make tall enterable buildings.

    I agree that room to room fighting is out of the question for AI with ARMA 2 engine, but the AI will definitely fight from building to building. I know for certain that the AI move to and fight from the upper floors of buildings in Zargabad and Avgani, I dont see any reason why they wouldnt behave the same way in taller buildings.

  3. My personal assessment of BIS' ability with their existing technology? Doable.

    I agree, providing that they don't overdo the amount of highrise buidings. I'm actually quite surprised that there aren't any mods with enterable highrise buildings.

    In my honest opinion, it's possible to consider developing a separate line of games specifically designed for urban warfare

    I'm truly flabbergasted that this hasn't already happened yet. It's not rocket science that FPS games set in urban environments sell big, I mean really BIG. Attention to realism would set BIS's titles apart from the COD/BF3 style mainsteam shooters, I'm absolutely convinced they would make far more profit selling games like that than TOH and Carrier Command.

  4. I think PhysX will also be used to simulate shock waves, like when the grenade blew the four guys over at E3. I wonder if this will also apply to vehicles, for example will large explosions close to vehicles have an effect on the vehicles.

  5. I'd be more than happy with a small city the size of Avgani or Zargabad with a dozen or so high rise office/apartment towers scattered about.

    Say for example the buildings were roughly ten-storeys tall, that would really change the dynamics of the battlefield. Snipers and marksmen would be a constant danger, counter-sniper duels would make for some epic gameplay, and we would always need to be wary of being trapped in the upper-floors of buildings by enemy infantry sneaking up from below.

  6. Am I correct in my assumption that PhysX will only be used for infantry ragdoll simulation and vehicle collisions (for example when vehicles roll-over or crash into trees, rocks, houses, other vehicles, sandbag fortifications, etc.)

    Are there any other features I haven't mentioned that PhysX might be used for?
