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About Confederat_UA

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  • Occupation
    Building a new country

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  1. Confederat_UA

    Half Life Addon Pack

    Hmm... Interesting... 8)
  2. Ooo! I see, my bad :D I'm just used to the officers without helmets....
  3. Yes, our Ukrainian army is friendly to the U.S. Army, but why on screen an American officer and Ukrainian soldiers?? The Ukrainian army is also a good Ukrainian officers! ha ha PS good screenshots pal 8)
  4. Confederat_UA

    CONSPIRACIES: Operation Evac

    Dude! Your story sucks, but the material part is not bad. You must be on drugs? I will tell you a mystery: Ukraine and Russia are different countries! Ha ha ha! Ukrainian and Russian armies have always been a potential enemies! I am Ukrainian and I know what I'm saying! See more NEWS! And do not play more in the "Point of Existence"! Chernobyl is no longer actual! Here's a idea for the Your new campaign: "German or Russian neo-Nazis in 2014 captured the world, and the Mongolian Marines saves the world" THE END! cool, huh? LOL 8))