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Everything posted by Migeman

  1. Unbeliveable textures and modelling. The best I have seen in Arma to be honest. It looks so real
  2. I like how Bohemia Interactive notifies community and improves the game by listening to them and their ideas. I think that Bohemia Interactive and Arma series are becoming a big hit in the gaming world trough dayz and the upcoming Arma 3 release. Also I can see that your game is getting lots of support from different sites where people can see your presentation videos wich have been very succesful. I have seen how Bohemia Interactive's games are showing up a lot more in gaming sites like GameTrailers.com. Jay Crowe and Ivan Buchta seem like very nice guys. I really like to look and listen to their presentations wich i pretty much watch every day to get more information about the game. I'm just wondering how Arma 3 is supporting modders and how the desync problem has been fixed. Also more information about importing Arma 2 and arrowhead files would be great. Basically keep up the good work!:cool:
  3. I have some ideas that would increase the detail of Arma 3. I know the following has something "not so important" but I'm going to tell them anyway. I apologize if some of my ideas have already been previously told or are already in the production. -Add the extra bullet that is in the chamber when taking another clip. Example 30round stanag clip + bullet in the chamber = 31 bullets - Ability to fill clips that have incomplete ammo. -Accurate wounds, bulletholes where you have been shot - Blind firing and interaction with a wall when taking cover - Surpression effect - Weapon jamming and weapon malfunction - AI taking cover when healing - New healing animation and medical equipment -Pouches for different kind of ammo like a pouch for grenade laucher grenades and rifle ammo on a separate pouch. AR ammo in it's own pouch. So basically more slots for diffrent ammo types like arma 2 has secondary weapon slots and primary equipment slots. -Ability to carry more weapons, like carried in a backpack or on the back with strings -Interactive hatches like the two hatches that the AAV from Arma 2 has at the back and the one on its roof. -Authentic reload, taking ammo out of pouches. Making the reloading slower and more detailed. - More add-ons and updates+patches that will add more game content and fixes And most importantly solving desync problem and making the multiplayer more enjoyable. I really appreciate you for reading this!:D
  4. Just wow I was really surprised when I saw this at armaholic, couldn't belive that something like this can be made in arma. Just great, I can't wait for the final version. I really love strategy games and arma so this looks like a perfect combination. Congratulations!