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Everything posted by On_Sabbatical

  1. On_Sabbatical

    Ragdolls = In .... Realistic wounds ???

    I want to see arms,legs and balls everywhere ... ofcourse i want dismembrement :D it will add a lot of realism to the game...
  2. Good work boys !!! no betas please for now ,we need to enjoy this :D :D
  3. On_Sabbatical

    "Tab" targeting issues

    if only we had something like mando ... I really want to be gunner in a plane/heli and have some TVs showing when i press 0 ... Then we can talk about AI gunner ...
  4. Excellent,i can't test it since i'm steam user ... but i trust the others for feedback :D This ends for me here concerning beta testing :S
  5. maybe we need that object distance slider ... before it becomes an exploit :D good job though.
  6. Excellent,but in vanilla game there are no aim7 or r27,and as stated above distances are very smal on arma 2.
  7. Are you serious about BVR ?? :D :D Where is the radar on plane's instrument ? and where are long range missiles ? Besides,the biggest map we have is very small for this mode. Let's stay on topic dude . PvPscene's workaround is good,but if BIS could work on a better solution either for arma 2 or arma 3 it would be better.
  8. On_Sabbatical

    F-35B Tips

    The more you're far from target,the more that impact point is somewhere under the circle on the HUD ... now imagine how much you should be close to have impact point inside the circle :D
  9. Warfare is the best mission for tests since it allows you to test all game's aspects.
  10. Small request : make all nightvision scopes toggleable (FN Fal PVS, metis scope too)
  11. On_Sabbatical

    F-35B Tips

    And get shot by RPG :D or by your bomb itself. It's probably the easiest way to do it but it's very risky especially if your opponentsare experienced ! Just know that the farther you are the the more you should have main crosshair above target,like with normal guns.
  12. sceneComplexity=1000000; It's too much !
  13. Do i need arma 2 updated to 1.11 for CO to work properly ?
  14. On_Sabbatical

    ACE for OA 1.12

    There's no doubt that ACE is the best mod out there.
  15. On_Sabbatical

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 87136

    me too,tany tickets made ? I get also some messages that end with "listed twice"
  16. On_Sabbatical

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 87136

    Hey guys, Did you notice that HE rounds on 2A42 gun (present on vodnik Bppu,kamov and BMP2) does not a lot of damage. Also noticed on AA12 with HE. Repro: -In editor place HMMV (m2) and a BMP for example with HE rounds reloaded and also a solider with AA12 and HE rounds. -Then start shooting the gunner with 2A42. -You ll find that it will take you more than a round to kill him. -Try also to have an Inf groupement,try to shoot them with the same gun,you will notice that unless you get direct shots on them they wont die easily.Whic is not expected from this type of rounds ... High explosives ...
  17. On_Sabbatical

    1.60 beta issues [only]

    So,for steam users,instead of waiting for the steam update they can extract the final patch using 7z ?
  18. On_Sabbatical

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 87136

    Please do all tests with very low health for autopilot landings .
  19. On_Sabbatical

    1.60 beta issues [only]

    86233 is the latest 1.59 compatible version.
  20. On_Sabbatical

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 87105

    I tested with planes (su34,av8b) when i get close to the ground i feel something pushing me up ,this is good !
  21. On_Sabbatical

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 87105

    When it comes to testing planes you can trust me for that. Will do some testings this night.
  22. Good idea but: What about some efforts to get us a real targetting system ?(without mods) Enough workarounds !!! This (problem)affects many aspects of the game...including AI's super detection abilities,viewdistance,Object distance,missiles unlimited ranges,unlimited power even after a 5km tarvel... In real life you dont shoot vehicles with AT like cookies ... and most of weapons dont have instant lock. As stated above (Beagle's post),air vehicles can't detect targets easily ...