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Everything posted by samatra

  1. samatra

    Arma 2 OA Ai

    Maybe this is what you want? http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/disableAI http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/enableAI
  2. samatra

    Structured titleText

    There is no such command, you'll need to create custom title resource, show it and hide it with titleRsc command. Search for "RscTitles", there probably should be some tutorial. Dialogs documentation: http://resources.bisimulations.com/wiki/Dialog_Control
  3. samatra

    removeAction problem

    Is this really one script? If yes then should add and remove actions right away
  4. You don't change location after each wave, right? Set RandomDirections once and then select random value from it each wave. Also notice RandomDirections and RandomDirection are different variable names in my example.
  5. samatra

    Structured titleText

    titleText doesn't support structured text
  6. samatra

    Ammo box with scopes?

    No, only when game starts or player joins this slot with disabled AI and enabled respawn No without an addon
  7. in server.sqf depending on GetStartLocation RandomDirections = ["North of Airport","North East of Airport","North West of Airport","South of Airport","South East of Airport","South West of Airport","West of Airport","East of Airport"]; in AI.sqf RandomDirection = RandomDirections select floor(random(count RandomDirections));
  8. Oh man all these sqs scripts its like a hello from 2001, did you live under a rock for 10 years and switch to ArmA 3 right from Flashpoint? :) On a serious note, its pretty difficult to keep up with sqs, I would suggest you to rewrite your mission with sqf. I don't really know why you need to keep all these east units in separate public variables? Why SetVehicleVarName? Do all your clients really need them? Or only a server does something with them?
  9. Don't understand what's your problem here.
  10. So you placed logic objects named lc1, lc2, ... in the editor? If yes then I think this should do the deal _randomLogic = [lc1, lc2, lc3, lc4, lc5, lc6] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; "mkr1" setMarkerPos (getPos _randomLogic); or _locations = [lc1, lc2, lc3, lc4, lc5, lc6]; _randomLogic = _locations select floor(random(count _locations)); "mkr1" setMarkerPos (getPos _randomLogic); or _randomLogic = missionNamespace getVariable format ["lc%1", ceil(random 6)]; "mkr1" setMarkerPos (getPos _randomLogic); Last one generates lcX string and gets variable with such name from mission namescape (main scripting namespace, all named vehicles placed in editor are there too)
  11. Try to add enableSaving [false, false]; into init.sqf and see if it will help.
  12. in Init.sqf: gearMeUpCode = { //Whatever you want to give to the player player addWeapon "LMG_Mk200_F"; }; true spawn { //Wait until player is loaded waitUntil {player == player}; //Gear up on join call gearMeUpCode; //Gear up when player respawns player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {call gearMeUpCode}]; }; This will work properly for disabledAI=1; missions
  13. Oh it should have been while {_waves_east < 5} do { Loop will end when _waves_east will be 5 (and 5th waves spawned and killed) In your case it can be if (_waves_east == 5) exitWith {};
  14. Generally correct, but you don't need _waves_east == 5 check since while will just stop and you can do whatever you want after it _waves_east = 0; while {_waves_east <= 5} do { //Increase counter _waves_east = _waves_east + 1; hint format["%1",_waves_east]; //Spawn AI depending on _waves_east //Wait until all east units are dead waitUntil {({(side _x) == east} count allUnits) == 0}; //Some sleep sleep 2; };
  15. Its not a best way to gear up soldiers by checking through all units in init.sqf but still: { if(!isNil{_x}) then { //Change gear }; } forEach [soldier1, Soldier2, Soldier3]; Speaking of groups it can be done this way: { if(!isNil{_x}) exitWith { Squad1 = group _x; }; } forEach [soldier1, Soldier2, Soldier3];
  16. samatra

    trees not houses

    Vegetation doesn't have classes, its bit problematic to get them, you'll need to do following search: _objs = []; { if(typeOf(_x) == "") then { _objs set [count _objs, _x]; }; } forEach (nearestObjects [_startpos, [], _radius]); This will put all objects with no class into _objs, this will include rocks, trees and map-placed no class objects.
  17. samatra

    [MP/Team] Sa-Matra's Wasteland

    Did you do anything special that could have teleported you or maybe moved you somewhere out of the sudden? Anyway, unbanned you. Rebalanced in v2
  18. I assume you have event handler in arty_smoke_test.sqf script? _myBattery = _this select 0; _delay = _this select 1; _spread = _this select 2; _loop = _this select 3; // ...... artyargs = _this; _idx = player addEventHandler ["Fired", { _myBattery = artyargs select 0; _delay = artyargs select 1; _spread = artyargs select 2; _loop = artyargs select 3; //........ }];
  19. mytower addEventHandler["handleDamage", { _source = _this select 4; if(_source == "SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo") then { 1; } else { 0; }; } //No ; needed here ]; Hopefully fixed Tonic's code. I wouldn't recommend to search objects by ID now since IDs usually change with game updates during alpha\beta, better find approximate tower coordinate and use ((nearestObjects [[1000,1000,0], ["Land_TTowerBig_1_F"], 100]) select 0) with [1000,1000,0] being approximate tower coordinate and "Land_TTowerBig_1_F" tower class that you need. (http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/nearestObjects) Also you'll need to put that into some logic object's init line (you'll need to remove my // comment first then) or in mission's init.sqf
  20. samatra

    Class base ammo box

    you can do that with: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createVehicleLocal and then fill with whatever you want http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addWeaponCargo http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addMagazineCargo http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addItemCargo
  21. samatra

    Disable Eject

    Reason why you can't eject is probably because of http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/lockCargo
  22. Had same issue, did not find a solution and just made my texture darker instead.
  23. Search for CfgSounds: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Description.ext
  24. You will need CfgSounds (description.ext) and http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/say There seems to be some problems with audible distance of custom sounds in A3 though