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About love

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  1. I didn't, actually - and it turns out my filesystem was quite heavily fragmented. I've defragged now, but it didn't have any bearing on the performance of ArmA2 unfortunately. My HDD thanks you anyway, I'm sure it's much happier now! :) Any other suggestions?
  2. Hi guys, I'm having a curious performance problem since I upgraded to CO. Until recently I've been running regular ArmA2 (not sure which version - the default that comes with the 505 box). The game has been running fine with settings on high @ 1280x1024 (native resolution). Today I got OA in the mail and happily installed it, effectively giving me Combined Operations. During the installation of AO, ArmA2 was updated to 1.06, and I got a nice CO icon on the desktop. The thing is, when I now run either CO or regular ArmA2, the game is incredibly slow (about 1-2 fps and everything is in slow motion) and the sound stutters. Reducing the video memory setting from normal to low, makes the sound issues disappear and the fps rise to a normal level, but the game still runs in slow motion. I'm not talking about the fps, which seem ok (I'd guesstimate about 40-60), but every step I take is a giant step, like I'm walking on the moon (I hope that was clear :rolleyes:). Is this a problem familiar to anyone? Any ideas for a solutions? Installing the 1.59 patch doesn't help, by the way. Also, I'd really like to be able to play with better visuals - old ArmA2 looked and played great on high. With everything on low it's more of a meh experience. My specs are: CPU: Intel Core2Quad Q9550 @ 3.6 Ghz GPU: nVidia 8800GT (512MB) - latest non-beta drivers, vsync forced off RAM: 2GB DDR2 - Crucial Ballistix OS : Few days old install of Windows XP SP3 (fully updated) 32 bit Storage: 7200RPM HDD Thanks!