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Everything posted by sarogahtyp

  1. sarogahtyp

    Detach helicopter

    why do u attach the heli and which ship are u talking about? afaik u could just place the heli on ships deck without attaching it.
  2. try to start reading pls. I showed you complete syntax and there is also the wiki while entry. here is that event handler: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#Killed
  3. sarogahtyp

    ArmA 3 RC Branch Server

    maybe i missed something but all I read about is that it is part of contact dlc which gets released on 7/25/19...
  4. sarogahtyp

    ArmA 3 RC Branch Server

    give.more infos... which installation method r u using? and so on... also i guess u mean u want to switch to dev branch an not to RC what i understand as release candidate.
  5. sarogahtyp

    Changing objects color/texture

    or you could just change all available textures of the object like shown here:
  6. sarogahtyp

    Rocket hit prediction

    i already did understand what you mean and i just gave you a good starting point. the script has to be modified and maybe it has to be a heavy modification. the point is that u need a simulation of the bullet and this is done by the script. a simple vector calculation will not give you a precise solution...
  7. sarogahtyp

    EH HandleDamage Help

    you could try to add the eh by a post init function or check for that bis init variable to be true. i forgot its name but it should be mentioned on wikis init order page
  8. i guess a good start would be this: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Particle_Effects
  9. what do we learn from this? one should post original code in forum but not some pseudo stuff... if u would have done it that way then you would have got the solution with the first answer.
  10. show code an show a screenshot of that box pls EDIT: what about nul = [yourParamterList] execVM "mycode.sqf"; ? also if the code is executed multiple times then you should use the Function Library to get it precompiled at mission start. With this u are able to call or spawn (depends on your code) it: [yourParamterList] call yourTag_fnc_yourFunctionName; or nul = [yourParamterList] spawn yourTag_fnc_yourFunctionName; this way you get shorter execution times because code does not need to get compiled each time you run it. (this is the case with execVM)
  11. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createVehicleCrew
  12. sarogahtyp

    Globally executing actions

    what mans does your script not execute or is the action missing for copilot? deliver infos please and don't let us ask everything... aslo what is this or better what should it be?
  13. there is another command for this. something like vehiclePosition but im on mobile edit: its setVehiclePosition
  14. it should spawn on nearest free position
  15. why using isflatempty? createUnit already seeks for a free position if last parameter is FORM or NONE.
  16. some info on ravage mod respawning: https://ravage.fandom.com/wiki/Respawning_players_in_multiplayer Look also at description of respawn template "MenuPosition": https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Respawn#Respawn_Templates I guess you are able to delete a respawn position but maybe it's useful if you post ur description.ext. but please use a spoiler and a code block for this.
  17. sarogahtyp

    Dialog on top

    not the case that I understand anything of working with dialogs but maybe this code written by @Larrow helps you to get what you need:
  18. I guess it prevents to have the script handle as return value for the EH. EDIT but should not be necessary...
  19. all relevant things about your used respawn technique. e.g. code
  20. on all the informations which your first post is missing
  21. @Grumpy Old Man I guess this ... TAG_fnc_loadouts#0; is the same as that ... TAG_fnc_loadouts select 0; I saw similar usage in a post of @Larrow could someone tell me where the #-"operator" is documented? I didn't find anything about it.