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Persian MO

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Everything posted by Persian MO

  1. Easy Hostage script by dj otacon ver 1.1 Makes any unit in the game a hostage usage: add _null=[this]execVM "hostage.sqf"; to the unit INIT /* Easy Hostage script by dj otacon ver 1.1 Makes any unit in the game a hostage usage: add _null=[this]execVM "hostage.sqf"; to the unit INIT */ // Set Variables _hostage = _this select 0; _callergroup = _this select 1; _id = 0; // Actions if (isnil "secured_hostage") then { _hostage setCaptive true; sleep 0.001; // Making hostage captive removeAllWeapons _hostage; removeAllAssignedItems _hostage; removeBackpack _hostage; removeVest _hostage; _hostage setUnitPos "middle"; _hostage disableAI "autoTarget"; _hostage setBehaviour "Careless"; _hostage allowFleeing 0; _hostage disableAI "Move"; secured_hostage = false; Follow_Squad=false; ungroup = false; sure = false; _sec = _hostage addaction ["<t color=""#0000FF"">" + ("Secure prisioner") + "</t>","hostage.sqf"]; porte = false; agrupa = false; liberado = false; }; if (secured_hostage && sure ) then { _id = _this select 2; _hostage removeAction _id; _hostage stop true; _hostage setUnitPos "down"; hintsilent "Securing hostage..."; sleep 3; hint "Hostage secured!"; _hostage setUnitPos "down"; _hostage addaction ["<t color=""#0000FF"">" + ("Follow squad") + "</t>","hostage.sqf"]; sure = false; agrupa = true; }; if (Follow_squad && porte) then { hintsilent "Follow the squad"; _hostage stop false; _hostage setUnitPos "UP"; //_hostage switchmove ""; _hostage setCaptive false; _hostage setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _hostage enableAI "Move"; _id = _this select 2; _hostage removeAction _id; _hostage addaction ["<t color=""#0000FF"">" + ("Free hostage") + "</t>","hostage.sqf"]; [_hostage] joinsilent _callergroup; agrupa = false; }; if (ungroup && porte && !agrupa && !liberado) then { _id = _this select 2; //_hostage removeAction _id; _hostage stop false; _hostage setUnitPos "UP"; _hostage setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _hostage enableAI "Move"; _hostage allowFleeing 1; removeallactions _hostage; [_hostage] join grpNull; hint "Released"; ungroup = false; agrupa = false; porte = true; liberado=true; Follow_Squad=false; }; // Flow control if (!secured_hostage && !sure) then { secured_hostage=true; sure=true; }; if (!Follow_squad && !porte && agrupa) then { Follow_squad = true; porte = true; }; if (!ungroup && porte && !agrupa) then { ungroup = true; }; To find a random location inside the houses for hostage, put a marker and name it "centerpos_mrk", name your hostage: Hostage , and init.sqf: _nearesthouses = getMarkerPos "centerpos_mrk" nearObjects ["House",200]; _houseList = []; { for "_i" from 0 to 20 do { if ( [(_x buildingPos _i), [0,0,0]] call BIS_fnc_arrayCompare ) exitWith { if (_i > 0) then { _houseList set [count _houseList, [_x, _i]]; }; }; }; }forEach _nearesthouses; _randomHouse = _houseList select (floor (random (count _houseList))); _housePos = (_randomHouse select 0) buildingPos (floor (random (_randomHouse select 1))); _marker = createMarker ["hostage_mrk", _housePos]; _marker setMarkerType "mil_join"; _marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _marker setMarkerText " Hostage"; _marker setMarkerSize [1,1]; hostage setpos (getmarkerpos "hostage_mrk");
  2. I found this somewhere in forum.If you want to have a safe zone, it's easy. - put 2 marker on map, close to your vehicles, name them: mrk1, mrk2 - in your init.sqf _safe1 = getMarkerPos "mrk1"; "ProtectionZone_Invisible_F" createVehicle _safe1; _safe2 = getMarkerPos "mrk2"; "ProtectionZone_Invisible_F" createVehicle _safe2; thats it. Each marker covering about 25 meter area and you can add more markers.
  3. Persian MO

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    @CUP mod: @CUP v1.0 I missed some classsnames to add, for example rockets for smaw launcher, any way to edit and add missed stuffs? also if someone have a better one, please share here :)
  4. Persian MO

    Dread's Simple Patrol Script

    Cool script.Can you add a new parameter to script for controlling spawned ai behavior,speed while patroling?
  5. Persian MO

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Thanks, it work. _flare = "F_20mm_White" createVehicle[(getpos h1 select 0), (getpos h1 select 1), 1]; _flare setVelocity [0, 0, -10]; _flare attachTo [getpos h1, [0, 0, 0]]; Any way to disable AGM medical module or at least disable unconscious For TDM/DM game style?
  6. Persian MO

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    How to spawn a handflare on the ground and burning via script or trigger?any idea? Is it possible to disable AGM medical modules ?
  7. Persian MO

    Simple Icons

    Thank you so much. So i should call DE_simpleIconsJIP.sqf script just for JIP players?
  8. Persian MO

    Simple Icons

    Looks like This script working with class_names too, something like this: Add icon on a NATO ammo box "Box_NATO_Ammo_F" init.sqf null = ["eachFrame5", "Ammo", ["Box_NATO_Ammo_F"], 1000] execVM "DE_simpleIcons.sqf"; Then add line to case part DE_simpleIcons.sqf case Box_NATO_Ammo_F: {drawIcon3D[MISSION_ROOT + "\icons\targetCiv.jpg", [1,1,1,0.5], _unitPos, _iSize, _iSize, 0, _this select 1];}; Good work, DreadedEntity. Did you test script in MP and dedicated server? working for JIP players too?
  9. Persian MO

    Mini Coop/AAS missionpacks

    Yes, good idea. ops... :) *** Added @Raid_M1A1_Abrams to mods list.
  10. AAS FrontLine missionpack NATO and CSAT forces fighting for sectors.Both sides start with full Army Land/Air/Sea and have to capture and secure sectors before opposite side. Tips: - Players can recruit 3 Ai soldiers at flags - Players have teleport option between their own bases via flags - Bases : Infantry, Armor, Mechanized, Motorized, Airbase, Navy, Support, Artillery, HQ Addons/Mods: - Cba_A3 - NATO_Russian_SF_Weapons - Asdg_jr - Asdg_attachments - Task_force_radio - hlc_ar15 - hlcmods_ak - hlcmods_core - hlcmods_fal - hlcmods_g3 - hlcmods_m14 - hlcmods_m60E4 - rds - rds_tank - hafm_hmmwv - hafm_uaz - hafm_uk - ryd_fee - dar_maxxpro - cha_mi8 - EBU_C130 - FA18_A3 - ivory_f15c - JS_JC_SU35 - BurnesLCAC - kyo_mh47e_a3 - Raid_M1A1_Abrams Download: Include 5 AAS missions AAS@20 FrontLine missionpack ver 0.5 Armaholic mirror: - AAS FrontLine missionpack (@) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coop FrontLine missionpack Large scale battle coop, Objective is capturing and secure the specific area.Your side must defeat enemy forces inside the AO area. Tips: - Players have teleport option between their own bases via flags - Bases : Infantry, Armor, Mechanized, Motorized, Airbase, Navy, Support, Artillery, HQ Addons/Mods: - Cba_A3 - NATO_Russian_SF_Weapons - Asdg_jr - Asdg_attachments - Task_force_radio - hlc_ar15 - hlcmods_ak - hlcmods_core - hlcmods_fal - hlcmods_g3 - hlcmods_m14 - hlcmods_m60E4 - rds - rds_tank - hafm_hmmwv - hafm_uaz - hafm_uk - ryd_fee - dar_maxxpro - cha_mi8 - EBU_C130 - FA18_A3 - ivory_f15c - JS_JC_SU35 - BurnesLCAC - kyo_mh47e_a3 - Raid_M1A1_Abrams Download: Include 10 missions for both sides "CSAT & NATO" Co@20 FrontLine missionpack ver 0.5 Armaholic mirror: - Coop FrontLine missionpack (@)
  11. Error with Burnes Armories - AAV-7A1 v1 alpha when trying in editor Cannot create entity with abstract type Civilian (scope = private?) Warning Message: Invalid crew Civilian in Burnes_aav_des RPT: Your works are awesome.Thanks.
  12. Persian MO

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    Thanks for ACRE. Sound Volume in radio is very low.I try ed to follow change windows sound volume as i read in pre posts, but after end mission, sound volume of ts is to loud. There is a option for changing sound volume for radio, in max we can hear barely , what about to increase default sound volume and if someone like to decrease, use sound volume option for it. Is this just my problem with ACRE or others have too?
  13. Persian MO

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    HLC mods: HLC_0.6_1.lea.rar AGM mod: AGM_1.0_1.lea.rar AGM Hands-flare class-names AGM_HandFlare_White AGM_HandFlare_Red AGM_HandFlare_Green AGM_HandFlare_Yellow
  14. After game updated, Revive guaranty not working sometime.Unconscious man die after finish reviving at 100%.Can someone help me out? **I'm using CBA, TMR mods. // by psycho // AIS INJURY Setup-File Version 02042014 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // v v v v v v v v v v v v --- Major Settings --- v v v v v v v v v v v v tcb_ais_revive_guaranty = true; // set to true for a 100% revive chance. False, and the unit got a 50/50 chance to fall in agony or die immediately. Attention: Take note of the settings for "tcb_ais_realistic_mode"! tcb_ais_realistic_mode = false; // set to true and units will die if they take a headshot or a heavy explosion nearby. Attention: if set to true, the revive chance guaranty are disabled! tcb_ais_medical_education = 1; // Who can revive a concious unit? 0 == everybody 1 == everybody with a firstaid or medikit 2 == only medics (affect both, AI and players!) //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // v v v v v v v v v v v v --- Optional Settings --- v v v v v v v v v v v v tcb_ais_rambofactor = 4; // a higher value means more damage tolerance for the unit before the unit are unconcious ( 1== low, 2 == normal, 3 == higher, 5 == extreme) tcb_ais_random_lifetime_factor = 100; // a higher value means you got more time to heal the unit before bleeding out and die (50 == means round about 1 minute, 100 == means round about 3 minutes, 200 == approximately 8 minutes) // the time depends on the damage the unit takes before they are unconcious. The time is randomized and not exact. tcb_ais_delTime = 0; // Time in seconds until dead bodys are deleted. If zero seconds are select this feature is disabled. (only units witch was handled from AIS Injury System will be deleted!) //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // v v v v v v v v v v v v --- Visual Settings --- v v v v v v v v v v v v tcb_ais_show_injury_marker = 1; // Set value to 1 and a marker show injured units on the map. 0 means this feature is disabled. tcb_ais_show_3d_icons = 1; // Set value to 1 and a 3D-icon show you ingame the position of injured units within a range of 30 metres. 0 means this feature is disabled. tcb_ais_dead_dialog = 0; // Set value to 1 to enable the deadcam and the dead dialog. 0 means this feature is disabled. tcb_ais_bloodParticle = true; // Set to true and extra blood particles are genereated randomly on downed bodys. Set false to disable this feature. tcb_ais_impactEffects = true; // Set to true to enable that hits have a impact to your senses. Set to false to disable this feature.
  15. Persian MO


    nice work. a question: is there any variable or codes to disable R3F_AiComTarget for some squads?
  16. How to remove/disable arma 3 vanilla medkit? There is any way to add XMedSys stuffs to ai's as enemy side, so players can get some medic stuffs from their dead body?
  17. Hey, tanx, work fine now. - The script won't work for JIP players.They don't have revive menu and can't see injured man icon. - its possible to add something to prevent dead players about reassign roles from lobby again?
  18. I want to make some coop missions, with No respawn.Everything work fine with A3 Wounding System."well done". But there is a problem and it's if anyone join in middle of game, he will join as a bird. description.ext onLoadIntroTime=false; onLoadMissionTime=false; disabledAI=1; debriefing=1; respawnTemplates[] = {"Spectator"}; RESPAWN = 1; showGPS=1; joinUnassigned = 0; class Header { gameType = COOP; minPlayers = 1; maxPlayers = 10; }; class RscTitles { #include "ais_injury\dialogs\rscTitlesAIS.hpp" }; class CfgFunctions { #include "ais_injury\cfgFunctionsAIS.hpp" }; init.sqf leaFunction = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "lea\loadout-init.sqf"; call leaFunction;//line generated by LEA. enableSaving [false, false]; JBOY_soundLoop = compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "JBOY_soundLoop.sqf"); call compile preprocessfile "shk_taskmaster.sqf"; // task handle function // TcB AIS Wounding System -------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!isDedicated) then { TCB_AIS_PATH = "ais_injury\"; {[_x] call compile preprocessFile (TCB_AIS_PATH+"init_ais.sqf")} forEach (if (isMultiplayer) then {playableUnits} else {switchableUnits}); // execute for every playable unit //{[_x] call compile preprocessFile (TCB_AIS_PATH+"init_ais.sqf")} forEach (units group player); // only own group - you cant help strange group members //{[_x] call compile preprocessFile (TCB_AIS_PATH+"init_ais.sqf")} forEach [p1,p2,p3,p4,p5]; // only some defined units }; _this = [str ("4 March 2014") , str ("Marina Bay")] spawn BIS_fnc_infoText; if (isserver) then { _nul = [] execVM "missioncontrol.sqf";}; //jip markers markerArray = [ "marker_1","marker_2","marker_3" ]; // replace the mkr for your marker names. onPlayerConnected "{_x setMarkerPos (getMarkerPos _x)} forEach markerArray"; ais_setup.sqf // by psycho // AIS INJURY Setup-File Version 02042014 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // v v v v v v v v v v v v --- Major Settings --- v v v v v v v v v v v v tcb_ais_revive_guaranty = true; // set to true for a 100% revive chance. False, and the unit got a 50/50 chance to fall in agony or die immediately. Attention: Take note of the settings for "tcb_ais_realistic_mode"! tcb_ais_realistic_mode = false; // set to true and units will die if they take a headshot or a heavy explosion nearby. Attention: if set to true, the revive chance guaranty are disabled! tcb_ais_medical_education = 0; // Who can revive a concious unit? 0 == everybody 1 == everybody with a firstaid or medikit 2 == only medics (affect both, AI and players!) //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // v v v v v v v v v v v v --- Optional Settings --- v v v v v v v v v v v v tcb_ais_rambofactor = 4; // a higher value means more damage tolerance for the unit before the unit are unconcious ( 1== low, 2 == normal, 3 == higher, 5 == extreme) tcb_ais_random_lifetime_factor = 100; // a higher value means you got more time to heal the unit before bleeding out and die (50 == means round about 1 minute, 100 == means round about 3 minutes, 200 == approximately 8 minutes) // the time depends on the damage the unit takes before they are unconcious. The time is randomized and not exact. tcb_ais_delTime = 0; // Time in seconds until dead bodys are deleted. If zero seconds are select this feature is disabled. (only units witch was handled from AIS Injury System will be deleted!) //__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // v v v v v v v v v v v v --- Visual Settings --- v v v v v v v v v v v v tcb_ais_show_injury_marker = 1; // Set value to 1 and a marker show injured units on the map. 0 means this feature is disabled. tcb_ais_show_3d_icons = 1; // Set value to 1 and a 3D-icon show you ingame the position of injured units within a range of 30 metres. 0 means this feature is disabled. tcb_ais_dead_dialog = 0; // Set value to 1 to enable the deadcam and the dead dialog. 0 means this feature is disabled. tcb_ais_bloodParticle = true; // Set to true and extra blood particles are genereated randomly on downed bodys. Set false to disable this feature. tcb_ais_impactEffects = true; // Set to true to enable that hits have a impact to your senses. Set to false to disable this feature. I hope somebody help me out here. Some suggestions if you have plan to improve A3 Wounding System mod: - Add medical stuffs like bandage, medkit, morphine ... - Add stretcher "'tcb_ais_revive_guaranty' is good thing, players can use it to transfer wounded troops to somewhere like mobile hospital to get complete heal, we can use this for large scale battles" - Add a Medavic chopper and mobile hospital (control by Ai and Human) "Possible in script version too ?" - When somebody got shot, drop weapon few meter away from him sometimes. - Add stringtable.xml to support multi languages - Add some voices like yelling when somebody got shot or asking for help - Hit effect for vehicles crew like loss conscious
  19. hi. is any way to use Persian language "Farsi" words in game? show texts in task or hint? I did try to use stringtable.xml but no luck. Best regards
  20. trigger condition: Isserver Trigger on act: _house = createVehicle ["house class name", _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"] ;
  21. Here is 2 team speak exe file for Downgrade team speak - TeamSpeak3-Client-win32- "32 bit" - download_teamspeak_client_"64 bit"
  22. This is just a idea i find it in community before.Take a look. Init.sqf enablesaving [false, false]; waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"}; call compile preprocessfile "skip.sqf"; // skip time function Skip.sqf targetTime = -1; gotoTime ={ targetTime = _this select 0; publicVariable "targetTime"; }; monitorTime ={ while {true} do { waitUntil {targetTime != -1}; skiptime (targetTime - daytime); targetTime = -1; }; }; [] spawn { [] call monitorTime;}; - Put a function module in map use this code to skip time in script or trigger. [5] call gotoTime ; "5 hours skip time" and this is about how to show massage to all clients [nil,nil,rTITLETEXT,"5 HOURS LATER", "BLACK FADED"] call RE;
  23. Did u try change player to admin? on act onMapSingleClick "ADMIN setPos _pos; onMapSingleClick """";"; just admin can teleport. Also its better if use addaction intense radio trigger.
  24. http://download.cnet.com/OGV-Converter/3000-2194_4-76097957.html http://openspim.org/How_To_Convert_Movies_To_.ogv_Format http://myvideoconverter.en.softonic.com/ http://download.cnet.com/1772-20_4-0-2.html?query=ogv+converter&platform=Windows%2CMac%2CiOS%2CAndroid%2CWebware%2CMobile&searchtype=downloads